Moving the bowling cursor.


Club Cricketer
Mar 24, 2004
Kidderminster, Engla
Online Cricket Games Owned
I want to make bowling more difficult!

I play the pc version on hard mode - mainly test matches. I have found an AI batting set up that suits me - the cpu will block or play sensibly to good balls (line / length) and punish bad balls (wide / overpitched / short).

The problem is that I find it too easy to bowl good deliveries.

Is there any way of speeding up or enlarging the bowling cursor (or possibly making it visible for a shorter time during its movement) so that it is harder to land the ball on the desired spot?
I thing you can make the owling cursor bigger by increasing BowlingCursorsizemax in the config files.
Yep, Gas is right. In the 2bb7ad25c9aa96dc7b6f670d84a4df83.big file you'll see the u_hard.cfg file (for Tests). In there you'll see, about halfway down,
Bowling Cursor Size
TargetSizeMin 0.50
TargetSizeMax 5.99 (or whatever yours reads).
You'll need to adjust these values to get the cursor big enough to make bowling more difficult but not too big so the cpu bowls too many wayward deliveries. The above values makes the cursor huge when bowling (especially with a bowler with a higher average).
You could always have two files though, one you use for bowling, and one for batting (with a smaller cursor, so less cpu wides).
Have a fiddle to find out what suits you best :)
Thanks guys - will give that a go.

So this will also give a bit of variety to the cpu bowling as well? Excellent. I'm starting to get annoyed with their unerring accuracy. It's like facing 5 Glen McGrath clones every match.
It will, but to bowlers with a higher average you'll find they bowl too many wides/wayward deliveries. You'll need to see what suits you best :) .
Are there any other cursor settings we can play with.

I don't like the look of a big circle on the pitch,
Rather have it harder to put in the right spot.

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