

Chairman of Selectors
Mar 13, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Right, if possible id like some clarification.

Online play, will there be some sort of anti cheat software in play such as punkbuster?
Now people may think because cricket is a gentlemans game etc, that people may not cheat, but i bet theres some dirty russian out there who could devise a cheat hack.
Will gameplay mods be possible online? I can see this game being easy to slam sixes, if thats the case, i wont enjoy online play that much, so it would be nice/better if patches can be produced. Maybe the matching system could work that it could check the exe/contents of your directory to ensure your files match before you are picked for a game against each other.
The_gas said:
Right, if possible id like some clarification.

Online play, will there be some sort of anti cheat software in play such as punkbuster?
Now people may think because cricket is a gentlemans game etc, that people may not cheat, but i bet theres some dirty russian out there who could devise a cheat hack.
Will gameplay mods be possible online? I can see this game being easy to slam sixes, if thats the case, i wont enjoy online play that much, so it would be nice/better if patches can be produced. Maybe the matching system could work that it could check the exe/contents of your directory to ensure your files match before you are picked for a game against each other.
1. Chances of a Russian doing anything for a cricket game are pretty slim
2. Matching system might not work with PC's created patches/mods/graphics edits etc.
I think it is too early to talk abou it now. But I think patches should work in online play as well. Hitting sixers and boundries should not be that easy especially against user to user.
m_vaughan said:
1. Chances of a Russian doing anything for a cricket game are pretty slim
2. Matching system might not work with PC's created patches/mods/graphics edits etc.

Well it doesnt have to be russian, that was just an example. Hack cheats are easy to produce, and steps should be taken to stop simple exploits.
I wouldn't worry too much Gas, all online games have cheats, you just have to stick to playing people from PC, because if someone from PC cheats they won't exactly be flavour of the month. If they have friend and ban lists you just add people that give a fair game, and ban the ones who cheat.

My only concern really with online is how they will combat lag, what with cricket being a game where timing is everything, so a bit of lag could be the difference between a wicket and a boundary, so if they don't get it right, it could go massively wrong.

The other thing with the ease, is that me and my mate played each other on county on BLIC, and despite it being ridiculously easy against the computer, we were still able to restrict each other to realistic run rates. Because if you mistime a big hit, and it's far easier to mistime against a human opponent that is actually reacting to the batsman, then you normally have fields to deal with it. All in all, it will certainly not be easy when played against a human opponent who knows a bit about cricket.
The_gas said:
Well it doesnt have to be russian, that was just an example. Hack cheats are easy to produce, and steps should be taken to stop simple exploits.

I'm sure we could whip up a program to check data size and give a time stamp.
When BLIC07 does go online, I think that it may not be so popular. Think about it. A normal BLIC match takes an hour? People won't tolerate an hour and will just leave.

theres some dirty russian out there who could devise a cheat hack.

This is true. But not a Russian. They don't play BLIC. ;)

I hope Codies have thought this through...

(By all means, prove me wrong!)
I think 20-20 will prove the most popular form of cricket online, but as long as the option is there to be able to play a mate in longer forms as well as saving games progress to finish later, then It should be popular enough. With a forum like this, it shouldn't be too difficult to find matches as you can arrange to meet people at certain times for a game to avoid waiting around.
I don't think JohnJ said it was possible to save matches in progress so online tests will be for a select hardcore only (i.e. those without jobs!).
The thing i'm worrying about when going online is that my wireless connection has an awful habit of randomly disconnecting itself for about 4/5 minutes which means it'll be tricky to play anyone online.
barmyarmy said:
I don't think JohnJ said it was possible to save matches in progress so online tests will be for a select hardcore only (i.e. those without jobs!).

Not nescessarily, I think this can be got round through one of two ways.

1. A quick fix of sorts storing the match file on one computer.

2. If gameplay is as fast as BLIC, then a test match may take as short a time as 3 hours. At least a fifty over match will be quick to complete due to the fast pace of the game.

evertonfan said:
The thing i'm worrying about when going online is that my wireless connection has an awful habit of randomly disconnecting itself for about 4/5 minutes which means it'll be tricky to play anyone online.

Hopefully there will be a 5 minute or so hold period where it kinda says: The user 2 has been disconnected and has a 5 minute timer after which the person will forfeit.
20:20 for me only, maybe a 50 over on Sunday at best. About cheats I don't think this game is or would be that much popular online to be hacked. And as I remember Codies are not hosting any servers, we will have to host our own and invite people over unless that has changed now.

manee said:
Hopefully there will be a 5 minute or so hold period where it kinda says: The user 2 has been disconnected and has a 5 minute timer after which the person will forfeit.
Good idea but maybe I am a bit impatient and will leave within 30 seconds :p

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