PlanetCricket Wrestling Federation Presents...Golden Gamble!


School Cricketer
Jul 13, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned

Fireworks go off around the staging area, as the camera pans around the stadium where fans are going wild. Avril Lavigne is on a stage and is singing "Sk8r boi".

Chris Greenall and Dane Tyler come out from backstage. Chris Greenall starts signing some autographs, but Dane Tyler drags him by his hair to the announce table.

CG: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first PCWF Pay-Per-View!

DT: It's sure fantastic to be part of this momentous occasion. Don't know why they accepted you as the announcer for this, though, Chris. I thought it was meant to be an occasion to celebrate talent.

CG:'re so funny...

DT: Go away.

"Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace hits the speakers as Johnny Styles comes out from the back in a smart, untucked, shirt and jeans. He walks down to the ring, microphone in hand.

JS: Now, firstly may I welcome you to Golden Gamble!

The crowd go wild and buzz with excitement as to what might happen throughout the show.

JS: But, I've come down here to tell you all about tonight's cage match between Chesney Daniels and Crabbe and Goyle. As well as creative control, I, being the kind person I am, have decided that 50% of the company's shares (Chez's half) is up for grabs!

He drops the microphone and laughs. The crowd cheer with delight at the possibility of Chez losing his shares.

CG: How can he do that?

DT: Simple, he just did.

"Time to play the game" hits the speakers as Carly Columbus walks out from the back. He takes a drink of water and spits water into the air. He walks down the ramp, focused on the ring. He climbs onto the apron and spits water into the air again before getting into the ring and waiting for his opponents.

Richard Clark: From Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing at 273 lbs...Carly Columbus!

"Sexy boy" plays through the arena as HBK comes out from the back. He walks down to the ramp, stops halfway and does a "muscle man" pose. Big pyros are set off as HBK makes his way to the ring.

Richard Clark: From San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 225lbs...HBK!

"Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne hits the speakers as don pedro comes out to the ring high fiving fans when he gets in the ring, he does a little jig to big cheers.

The bell is rung and Don Pedro is straight in with a clothesline to Carly Columbus. Columbus flies over the top rope and lands heavily outside the ring. HBK tries to push Don Pedro, but his sheer mass means that he doesn't move an inch. Instead, Pedro hooks HBK up and delivers a suplex. He covers him for a 2 count before Columbus dives back into the ring and breaks up the 3. Carly Columbus then pulls off an astonishing enzuigiri on Don Pedro, sending him to the mat. He covers him for another two count before Pedro kicks out. Columbus then signals for a 5-knuckle-shuffle. He bounces off the ropes and wipes his shoulder before plunging to the mat as Don Pedro trips him up.

All three men are back to their feet quickly as Carly and HBK nod to each other. They both charge at Don Pedro. Don looks slightly worried, but flips them both over his head and out of the ring. Carly Columbus bangs his knee on the steel steps and rolls around in agony. Don Pedro climbs out of the ring and throws HBK back in. He climbs back into the ring and locks HBK in the Masked Ball (Chickenwing Crossface). HBK howls in pain, but fails to tap as Don Pedro, clumsily has HBK's hand trapped under his leg. After a minute of this torture, Pedro lets go and decides it's time for some high-flying moves.

He climbs to the top rope when Carly Columbus out of nowhere pushes him. HBK is back to his feet and Don Pedro somehow manages to make his fall into a love jump (Flying Crossbody) on HBK. He flattens HBK and goes for the rollup. Carly Columbus sprints into the ring and baseball slides into the pin attempt. Don Pedro looks furious at Carly Columbus. Columbus seems to decide that HBK is out of it and rolls him out of the ring, where he clatters onto the floor. It's now between Don Pedro and Carly Columbus.

Carly Columbus stupidly tries to lock up with the big man who simply headbutts him. Columbus stumbles around the ring as Pedro DDTs him into the canvas. A gasp comes from the crowd as HBK has somehow managed to get to his feet and to the top rope. He leaps off and Don Pedro catches him perfectly, executing the Matchmaker (Olympic Slam). Don Pedro runs to behind Columbus. Columbus gets to his feet and his eyes light up when he sees HBK laid out in front of him. He tries to leap for the cover, but arms are wrapped under his armpits and the hands connect around his neck- Don Pedro has the Pedro Lock locked in. He shakes Columbus so vigorously that spit flies out of his mouth. Eventually, the referee breaks it up and rings the bell giving Pedro the victory.

Richard Clark: Here is your winner, Don Pedro!

Don Pedro gets his hand raised by the referee and does his little jig to big cheers from the crowd.

CG: Well, that was a very good match, and a great way to start Golden Gamble

DT: Yeah, Don Pedro has really improved in the months I've seen him wrestle in PCWF. Well deserved win.

Winner: Don Pedro

The Hogwarts theme tune hits the speakers as Crabbe and Goyle descend the ramp to the ring, cracking their knuckles.

Before they can say anything, Chez's face appears on the titantron, he is laughing.

CD: Now, Crabbe and Goyle, it's time for my revenge. Over the past few weeks you've beaten me to a pulp, humiliated me, stolen my girlfriends. Now it's time for you to pay!

The camera switches to the parking lot, where a limo is parked.

CD: That limo look familiar to you, Crabbe and Goyle?

Crabbe and Goyle are giggling in the ring.

CD: Well, watch!

Chesney presses a button and the limo explodes. Chesney is laughing, but so are Crabbe and Goyle.

CD: HEY! Whah are ya forlks laffin?

The camera pans out, and it shows another, unscathed limo with "The Magic Alliance" written on it.

VC: Ha, Chez! I knew you'd try a Stone Cold/DX-style stunt like that. So, me and Goyle changed the bomb to your limo before the show.

The camera shows Chez again. Tears are streaming down his face.

CD: Bahstards. Ah'll get ya back wuhn day, Crabbe and Goyle!

DT: What a gimp.

CG: Now for our next match- Jaztheman vs Shravi

"King of Kings" hits the speakers as smokescreen forms around the staging area. Pyros are set off as Shravi comes through the smoke in his lowrider.

Richard Clark: From Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 65kg...Shravi!

"Man I feel like a woman" hits the speakers as Jaztheman comes out and blows kisses to the crowd. He climbs into the ring and continues to blow more kisses.

Richard Clark: From Decalia, Cyprus, weighing in at 75kg...Jaztheman!

The bell rings and Jaztheman walks straight into Shravi's outstretched hand. Shravi chokeslams him, much to the crowd's disapproval. He doesn't bother with the cover and lifts him high into the air before performing his trademark powerbomb. Jaztheman is laid out in the centre of the ring. Shravan climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Jaztheman to get up. He does and Shravi performs a Super RKO. Jaztheman spirals out of the ring and collides with guard rail. Shravi dives out of the ring, landing on Jaztheman.

He drags Jaztheman up and powerbombs him onto the rail. He then grabs Jaztheman's legs and falls backwards, catapulting Jaztheman into the ring. Jaztheman lands flat on his face as Shravi sprints into the ring and times his RKO perfectly. He goes for the cover:


The bell rings and Shravi's hand is raised.

DT: Well that was dull.

CG: It sure was, partner. It seems Jaztheman has lost his passion.

DT: Call me partner again, and I'll kill you.


Chesney Daniels wheels out to the ring and wheels up a ramp and contorts himself oddly, so him and his wheelchair can get through the ropes. A load of crew bring down a piano to the ring and put it in front of Chez. Chez speaks into the microphone attached to the piano.

CD: Johnny Styles and stole my girlfriends. I'm here to get them back and show them I'm a winner. This is for you, Cho and Hermione.

Chez plays a few notes and the crowd realize he's playing Vanessa Carlton's "1000 Miles".

He starts singing too.

"Makin' my way downtown,
Walkin' fast,
Faces pass and I'm hormebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,
Just makin' my way,
Makin' a way through the crowd.

And ah need you,
And ah miss you,
And now ah wonder...

If ah could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
would pass me by?
'Cause you know ah'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

It's always times like these
When ah think of you,
And wonder if you ever think of me.

'Cause everything's so wrong
And ah don't belong.
Livin' in your precious memory.

'Cause ah need you,
And ah miss you,
And now ah wonder...

If ah could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
would pass me by?
'Cause you know ah'd walk a thousand miles
If ah could just see you...

ah, ah, don't wanna let you know
ah, ah, drown in your memory.
ah, ah, don't wanna let this go.
ah, ah, don't.

Makin' my way downtown,
Walkin' fast,
Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,
Just makin' my way,
Makin' a way through the crowd.

And ah still need you,
And ah still miss you,
And now ah wonder...

If ah could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
Would pass.. us by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If ah could just see you...

oh oh

If ah could fall into the sky,
Do you think time would pass me by?
'Cause you know ah'd walk a thousand miles
If ah could just see you.

If ah could just hold you....

Chez finishes with an attempted dramatic whisper of "Cho and Hermione". Some crowd members are physically sick.

Cho and Hermione come down the ramp and Chez opens his arms wide. Hermione kicks him in the groin and Styles, Crabbe and Goyle come out from the back.

Styles: Chez...surely you know these girls aren't into that fake romance crap? They're more into this...

A band comes out of nowhere and starts playing "Walking on Sunshine".

"I used to think maybe Chezzy, now baby I'm sure
and I just cant wait till the day, when I knock your face in
now every time I go past your house, gotta hold myself down
'cos I just cant hold my urge to beat the **** out of you

I'm dating Chez's bird (whoa oh)
I'm dating Chez's bird (whoa oh)
I'm dating Chez's bird (whoa oh)
And don't it feel good
And don't it feel good "​

The crowd goes wild for Styles, Crabbe and Goyle, as they bow. Hermione and Cho have a look of love on their faces. But, then they remember Chez and Hermione slams Chez onto the piano. She then puts him back on his stool.

CD: Ah thank you, Hermione. I knew yah luhved meh...ahhhhhhhh

Cho has slammed the bit on the piano covering the keys down on Chez's fingers. Chez sucks on his fingers like a baby when Hermione throws him inside the piano. Cho starts playing random notes rather forcefully. Chez's howls of pain can be heard from inside the piano. Eventually they stop and, laughing, walk back up the ramp. Hermione and CHo kiss their boyfriends as they walk offstage.

CG: Now for our first title match of the evening!

Trap Star flies from the speakers, alerting the fans, that JJS is here. However, no-one appears at the entrance. Suddenly, a huge rumbling is heard and a tank rolls onto the ramp and parks next to the ring. The hatch flips open and JJS pops out, milking the cheers. He slides down the tank and jumps the ropes. The fireworks explode.

Richard Clark: From Dunedin, New Zealand...JJS!

"Sandstorm" by Darude hits the speakers as Jimmy G comes out from the back. He tries to highfive some fans, but they ignore him, so he swears at them to big boos. He then gets into the ring and slowly pelvic thrusts, to more boos.


The bell is rung and both superstars begin circling each other. JJS dives for Jimmy G and spears his leg. Jimmy G falls on his face and gets back up again, kicking JJS in the stomach. Suddenly...


Tun Mun sprints down the ramp and tries his hand at glory. He dropkicks JJS, so he goes flying out of the ring. He runs at Jimmy G, who lifts him up and F5s him out of the ring. Tun Mun lands through a lone table, and is apparently out of it. Jimmy G climbs up to the turnbuckle, but slips and performs a botched senton...thing...on Tun Mun. He sprints as fast as his little legs will carry him over to JJS's body. He covers him and gets a 2 count before JJS kicks out.

JJS climbs back to his feet and Jimmy G tries dropkicking, but his legs don't reach JJS's face, and he falls feebly to the floor. JJS climbs on top of his tank and is about to perform a swanton bomb, when Jesse Wallace appears behind him and hits him with a right hand. JJS falls down, and is just about clinging onto the tank. However, Jesse Wallace helps him up and FUs him off the top of the tank. JJS's shoulder connects with the ring post, and he falls the 8 feet down in the air to the floor.

Jesse goes for the cover, but Jimmy G sprints around the corner and baseball slides in, kicking JJS in the face and moving his shoulder out of the way. Jesse gets up and says something about Jimmy G being yet another person Jesse hates. And Jimmy G kicks him in the groin. Jesse clutches his groin and slides to the floor. Jimmy G drags JJS back into the ring and covers him. Another two count, and another kick out from JJS.

Jimmy G begins to get frustrated and kicks the rope in anger. He then does the traditional heel thing and tells the ref that he's doing his job wrong and that it was a certain three count. Suddenly...


CG: Oh no...

Crabbe and Goyle sprint towards the ring and to JJS. They lift JJS up and do a mixture of an RKO and a Death Drop on him. JJS is crushed to the canvas. Goyle slides out of the ring and picks up a sledgehammer. He comes back into the ring with his legendary sledgehammer and knocks ten bells out of JJS, shattering ribs, teeth, bones. Eventually, way after JJS is out of it. Jimmy G covers him. Crabbe and Goyle push on Jimmy G to gain the extra pressure.'s over!

Jimmy G raises his Continental Title above his head and slowly pelvic thrusts to big boos.

CG: Well, that was a disgrace...

DT: Are you kidding? It was great entertainment! And it's great to see Crabbe and Goyle help out their old master for old times sake.

Winner and STILL Continental champion: Jimmy G!

"Ace Of Spades" by Motorhead plays around the arena as The Extremist comes out from the back. Fireworks blast off as he walks through them and straight to the ring.

Richard Clark: From Canberra, Australia, weighing in at 257lbs...The Xtremist!

"YMCA" hits the speakers as Pinchinator (with yet another gimmick change) comes out from the back wearing a tutu. He starts feathering members of the crowd with his pink feather duster.

Richard Clark: From Brighton........weighing in at 105 lbs...Pinchinator

The Xtremist jumps outside the ring and picks up one of the many steel chairs littering the outside of the ring. He smacks Pinchinator around the head with it. Pinchinator falls (Sirius style) gracefully to the floor. The Xtremist rips Pinchy's pink tights off and pulls off his stupid tutu. He then suffocates Pinchy with his tutu. Pinchy is way out of it, but the referee is incompetent, so he lets it continue. The Xtremist smacks Pinchinator with some barbed wire on a stick, then drags him up and sidewalk slams him onto the ramp.

Pinchinator seems to have awoken and he hits The Xtremist with his handbag. The Xtremist doesn't laugh or flinch. He turns around and decks Pinchy with a right hand. He then drags him over to a table. They both get up onto it and The Xtremist alabama slams Pinchy through it. He goes for the cover


CG: Well, if only Pinchy actually RPed.

DT: Exactly. This is why Crabbe and Goyle are right.

Winner: The Xtremist

The Hogwarts theme tune hits the speakers as Crabbe and Goyle come out the back on motorbikes. They stop at the top of the ramp and high five before cycling towards the ring. Goyle bunnyhops clean over the ropes and parks his bike in the ring. Referee, Matt Case is forced to remove it.

Richard Clark: From Hogwarts, at a combined weight of 500lbs, the team of the century, the magic alliance...Crabbe and Goyle!

"Karma Chameleon" hits the speakers as Chez comes out from the back in his wheelchair. He scoots down the ramp and sticks his middle finger up at Crabbe and Goyle. Matt Case tries to put it down, but ends up cracking Chesney's finger.

The cage lowers down to some dramatic music and lighting. Chesney Daniels scowls at Crabbe and Goyle, whilst they look at him, licking their lips. The bell rings and the crowd roar with excitement. Chez wheels over to the ropes and tries bouncing off them, but fails. Instead, the back of his head gets a size 13 imprinted on it. Goyle lifts Chez into the air and throws him into the cage. It looks like the cage might fall, but it holds strong and Chez rebounds. Chez lands on the rope and now looks like he's straddling it. Crabbe and Goyle look at each other and nod.

Crabbe starts pushing up and down on the rope, whilst Goyle rebounds off the far ropes and hurricanranas Chez. Crabbe catches Chez in mid air and stiffly piledrives him. On replays, the crowd gasp as Chez's head snaps back when it comes into contact with the canvas. Chez rolls out of his wheelchair and clings on to the bottom rope. Crabbe walks over to Chez and pulls hard on him. Chez comes loose and flies into the caging on the other side. Crabbe picks him up again and pretends to be a gentleman, walking him over to his wheelchair, of which Goyle is standing next to.

The crowd wonder what's going on when Goyle throws a spanner aside, but forget when Chez climbs back into the chair. Crabbe and Goyle go to the other side of the ring and Chez suddenly gets fire in his eyes. Crabbe and Goyle look scared. The crowd also notice that all turnbuckles are exposed without their covering. Chez wheels towards Crabbe and Goyle in the corner, but one of the wheels dislodges and falls off, so Chez begins veering into the oppsite corner. Chez has a look of panic on his face as he collides with the exposed turnbuckle.

Chez now has a massive cut on his forehead, where the sharp metal (that appears to look sharpened...) collided with Chez's head. Chez lies down on the floor, clutching his head, his now useless wheelchair lying beside him. Goyle picks up the wheel that came off and is now smacking Chez with it. Crabbe has climbed to the top of the cage, and the fans think he'll try to escape, but Goyle moves out of the way, wheel still on Chez's body. Crabbe performs a 1610 degree Senton Bomb, landing perfectly on the wheel. Chez gasps for air, and is severely winded.

Now it's Goyle's turn. Goyle climbs to the top of the cage and Crabbe throws him the spanner. Crabbe wraps one of Chez's legs around the bottom rope, and wraps the other one around his leg. Goyle leaps and smacks Chez in the balls with the spanner. Chez writhes around in pain and Goyle grabs his other leg, turning around it and performing a double sharpshooter with Crabbe. Chez taps, but this match isn't over by that. Chez must have tapped 100 times before Crabbe and Goyle release the hold.

Crabbe and Goyle look at each other and nod, and they both mount the cage again. They look like they're going to perform some super duper move, but Chez gets a spark of bravery and leaps for the cage. Chez connects and Crabbe and Goyle fall backwards. Chez cackles wildly, but Crabbe and Goyle land on their feet on the outside. Chez stops cackling and Crabbe and Goyle laugh at him. Crabbe grabs the contract and tip-exs over Chez's name and puts Crabbe's and Goyle's names. Chez lies in the ring crying as the crowd roar in appreciation for Crabbe and Goyle.


CG: Actually, Dane, it seems like pure fluke. Chez's spark of bravery gave him superhuman strength to knock them down.

Crabbe and Goyle aren't finished however and Crabbe climbs back into the ring. Goyle throws some tables and chairs over and puts a ladder on top of the cage. They're both in the ring and they perform a Death Drop on Chez through the table. Crabbe and Goyle then look at each other and ladder and nod. Crabbe scales the cage and ladder with Chez in tow. Crabbe lifts Chez high into the air and throws him down. Chez hurtles towards the canvas at phenomenal speed, but when he's about 5 feet off the ground, Goyle whacks him with the chair. Chez flies into the cage, which, this time, breaks and Chez falls through it, becoming mangled in the cage. Crabbe also falls but lands on his feet next to the announcers desk where Dane pats him on the back and shakes his hand.

Winners and new co-owners of PCWF/Creative Control owners of Chez: Crabbe and Goyle

"Dus Bahane" plays through the arena as Zoraxis Nostradamus walks out from the back. He straightens his tie and hat and climbs into the ring.

Richard Clark: From Dubai, UAE, weighing in at 65kg...Zoraxis Nostradamus

"Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace plays in the arena as Johnny Styles comes out to the stage area. He walks down to the ring, stops, does a backflip and when he lands fireworks are set off from the stage. He continues down to the ring and climbs every turnbuckle in turn posing to the crowd.

Richard Clark: From Southampton, England, weighing in at 198lbs, the co-owner of PCWF...Johnny Styles!

There's a huge tension around the arena, fans just waiting for this main event to kick off. Johnny Styles stretches his arms and looks up at the Undisputed title, 15ft above the ring. Zoraxis Nostradamus tries to liven up the crowd. Finally, Jake Watts rings the bell and the match is underway. The tension is still there as both wrestlers circle round each other. Styles feints and Zoraxis falls for it, diving in, Styles pulls out of the way and Zoraxis is on the floor. Styles immediately has the advantage as he wraps his arms around Zorax's throat.

The crowd cheer Zoraxis on, trying to will him to get him out of the chinlock. Styles cranks up the pressure and Zoraxis starts to go red in the face. Styles immediately ceases the hold and climbs out of the ring. He picks up a ladder outside the ring as Zoraxis hurtles towards him and leaps over the ropes. Zoraxis crossbodies the ladder and both wrestlers are sent flying up the ramp. Styles uses the guard rail to get back to his feet, but is too dizzy to do anything until Zoraxis finds his way to his feet.

They both stare each other down for a moment before Zoraxis charges again. This time Styles is ready and when Zoraxis attempts a spear, his head ends up between Styles's arm and his body. Styles leaps into the air and turns in mid air, falling backwards, performing a Flip-Over DDT off the ramp. Both men crash to the bottom of the staging area, next to the entrance ramp. The crowd are cheering excitedly after that awesome spot. Johnny Styles gets back to his feet and leaps back up to the ramp. Zoraxis is still laid out by the staging area.

Styles sprints towards the ring. He stops and picks up the ladder. He throws it into the ring and climbs in after it. He folds it out and starts to climb. He reaches the top when the crowd give a roar of excitement. Zoraxis slides into the ring and is at the ladder. He goes up 2 rungs at a time and soon they're both at the top. They start throwing punches at each other, and when one Styles punch misses, the ladder shakes violently and topples over, sending Zoraxis and Styles tumbling out of the ring.

Zoraxis's head connects with the guard rail, as Styles lands next to the announce table. The crowd boos as Dane Tyler helps Styles to his feet, and appears to give him some kind of pep talk. Styles puts his palm to his head, then shows it to himself. Convinced there's no blood, Styles walks over to Zoraxis, by the guard rail. The fans pat him on the back as he lifts Zoraxis in the air and plants him with a powerbomb. he drags Zoraxis back to his feet and rolls him back into the ring.

Styles climbs into the ring and is greeted by the sight of Zoraxis back to his feet, looking completely unscathed. Zoraxis delivers a right hand to Styles, who falls and rests on the second rope. The crowd goes wild as Zoraxis bounces off the ropes at the far end and comes round to 619 Johnny Styles. He quickly pulls the ladder to the centre of the ring and begins to ascend. The crowd cheer him on as he stutters his way up the ladder, Styles still laid out on the floor. Zoraxis reaches out and strokes the gold, but misses. He tries again and fails.

The crowd cheer as Crabbe and Goyle come into the ring from somewhere in the crowd. Goyle climbs the ladder much to Zoraxis's surprise. Goyle shoves Zorax's head between his legs and flips over him. They end up in the crowd as they cheer wildly at the awesomeness of the super Canadian Destroyer. Crabbe helps Styles to his feet as referee, Jake Watts looks shocked at what just happened. However, there are no disqualifications in a ladder match, so he has no choice but to let it go on.

Johnny Styles recovers and grins. He climbs up the ladder painfully slowly, absorbing the boos from the crowd. He gets to the top and casually pulls the title off the hook. The bell rings.

Johnny Styles holds the belt above his head as fireworks set off around the staging area. Confetti falls from nowhere and everybody is now cheering their new champion. Styles finally descends the ladder and high fives Crabbe. Goyle, however, is still beating Zoraxis to a pulp. He realizes the match is over and comes to join Styles and Crabbe, high fiving them.

Winner and NEW PCWF Undisputed Champion: Johnny Styles

CG: What a fantastic match, and I'm afraid that's all we have time for in this, the first PPV from PCWF. We'll see you at Retribution! Good night!

Avril Lavigne begins signing "My Happy Ending" as the credits roll.
No shame in losing to me Jaztheman :), maybe you can have a go at me when i have one hand tied behind my back :p. Great PPV Connor, well done, keep up the great work!
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Is it just me, or does anyone who RPs well enough get screwed over by Crabbe and Goyle? I'm thinking it's time we all join up and beat the crap out of them...
Sweet idea. ;)

I'll take it into account, but the whole Crabbe and Goyle thing in the main event was just coincidence and had nothing to do with quality of RPs, it was just a way of the match ending.
woo, i won :cool:

though crabbe and goyle seem to be destrying everyone, and are now co owners? eh?
Bloody joke this is. Shows that in this fed you can just disregard the rules and be one of the top stars.There really is no point in Rping properly here. In fact, many of us might as well leave since the management seem to only want to push 3 people.
Who would be the ones that they are pushing, spin?

The Xtremist STRIKES!!! and The Xtremist DESTROYS!!!
Bloody joke this is. Shows that in this fed you can just disregard the rules and be one of the top stars.There really is no point in Rping properly here. In fact, many of us might as well leave since the management seem to only want to push 3 people.

Just because you didn't win, Chez. Good luck in your other matches.
I'm going to get my Continential Championship from Jimmy and maybe bring down Crabbe and Goyle at the same time..

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