Please watch this video

GOD DAMN IT! That scared the hell out of me! OMG!, ok i cooled down now, take a deep breath. God! and my headphones were at maximum!
Maybe it's because I was giving most of my attention to Kaiser Chiefs, but that wasn't scary in the slightest. And the fact that the tags for the video say the words 'pranks' and 'screamers' led me to believe immediately that it was another one of those terrible jokes that just don't scare me at all.

You can't prank a prankster; I remember posting one of these in the Superthread ages ago. Simon and Stevie wet themselves. ;)
As evertonfan said, it wasn't really that scary. The guy didn't look very scary and it wasn't all that loud either. And it was dragged so long that you could see it coming.
Maybe it's because I was giving most of my attention to Kaiser Chiefs, but that wasn't scary in the slightest. And the fact that the tags for the video say the words 'pranks' and 'screamers' led me to believe immediately that it was another one of those terrible jokes that just don't scare me at all.

You can't prank a prankster; I remember posting one of these in the Superthread ages ago. Simon and Stevie wet themselves. ;)

I distinctly remember that!
Maybe it's because I was giving most of my attention to Kaiser Chiefs, but that wasn't scary in the slightest. And the fact that the tags for the video say the words 'pranks' and 'screamers' led me to believe immediately that it was another one of those terrible jokes that just don't scare me at all.

You can't prank a prankster; I remember posting one of these in the Superthread ages ago. Simon and Stevie wet themselves. ;)

Yer when I saw the word pranks and sxreamers I got the hint too. I have seen many of things like that. It scared my bro though

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