Post your questions about the game here!

Except I have done everything in my power to show track record and on time or early delivery to you guys. I can do no more.

This is my money here, my company, it's all on the line, it's our game. We have a plan and we will implement it.

As I have mentioned earlier I don't doubt you or your intentions but I fear the cricket gaming hex a lot more... like the curse of Billy Goat & Cubs or the time when you get your hopes up when kiwis are doing well. You just know something's not right and things are gonna go south.

I wish you all the best Ross as you are up against cricket video gaming gods :p But I will believe it when I get the game in my hands.
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first time i am asking a question in BA 14 sorry if it was asked before
a)will there be 3d personal view for batsman & bowler?
b)will be able to place the wicket keeper according to our needs?
c)will we be troubled by some in game purchases as in games like fruit ninja, Jetpack Jollyride?
Ross first time i'm posting in bigants thread i'm really spellbounded with the features you have shared with us here and CA is really awsome i created my own character and waiting for ur game release so as my friends as i use to explain them about the features in ur game and they also got very excited.Now i'm not understanding one thing regarding your approach,if ur game is fully finished product y dnt u release it now,i mean before ashes game as people are desperate to play cricket game now as we dnt have any at the moment.I'm sure ur game will blow away ashes or anyother cricket game at this moment ross.If i were you i would defnitely utilise this backlash time against ashes game...

an interesting thing to notice here...
every time ashes fails to deliver people take their frustration out on Ross and that includes me. what makes u think after ashes gets delayed unceremoniously people wouldn't take their anger out on the BA game by staying staying away from it?
Except I have done everything in my power to show track record and on time or early delivery to you guys. I can do no more.

This is my money here, my company, it's all on the line, it's our game. We have a plan and we will implement it.

Well said Mr Ross, just a lot of us see now is the right time. Still like you said, it's up to you. Hint soon,hint soon.;)
@Big Ant Studios: Pls answer this question.....Will we be able to use the crease for bowling closer or away from the stumps?
an interesting thing to notice here...
every time ashes fails to deliver people take their frustration out on Ross and that includes me. what makes u think after ashes gets delayed unceremoniously people wouldn't take their anger out on the BA game by staying staying away from it?
No offence on ross just given my opinion that he can utilise it to his advantage as it has potential to be a great cricket game ever(thats my personal opinion though).
people wn't stay away from any cricket game as there are no other cricket games at the moment i dint mean that way.
an interesting thing to notice here...
every time ashes fails to deliver people take their frustration out on Ross and that includes me. what makes u think after ashes gets delayed unceremoniously people wouldn't take their anger out on the BA game by staying staying away from it?

Yes you are right they will but not for long, people forget very fast these days. Break a few eggs at the start but rule the market after.:cheers
p.s Bigant cricket 14 on channel 9 in aus and sky sports in the uk when the ashes is on, with ashes 2013 no where to be seen. Win.:clap
I'm giving Jamie a chance to reply to me privately before I start branding him a liar in public.

This is no time for a reasoned approach, sir... no time at all... Quit dilly-dallying and crank out the PlanetCricket spankin' bat and go to work!


But seriously, we've been duped. I've got plenty of time for Jamie, I'm sure he'd be awesome to have a beer with, but the ONE guy who's been pretty straightforward about this whole topic for weeks now has been Ross. He LITERALLY put his ass on the line... and when he's the only guy tellin' you the game aint lookin' good to make it by the end of the month... the only guy wearing the purple user name who basically called this thing a month ago... he's got the scouts 'trust' badge at the moment... It's a real shame... but there was absolutely no reason whatsoever to mislead us, given how open and honest everyone has been here giving feedback, suggestions and as a community, I think fairly good fun to deal with? Ross? Mikey? Bueller?

We kinda deserve a bit better...

Yes it's just a missed release date, but there's a bigger issue at play in my mind... I think that's the sharp end of the knife here...
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So Ross, how many people can play the game together offline on consoles?

How many can play together online?

Can we play 2 local players vs 2 multiplayer?

Is there a spectator mode?

I think you said there is online tournament. Do we have stats for those tournaments? I am guessing the tournament can go on for a week and it will be able to track everything?

You can answer the ones you want to or not answer any if its too early.
I plan on hot-glue gunning a controller to my cat, so there had better be more than 2-player local options because he's been asking for a 20/20 beating for months now....
Ross, a quick question...

Can you re-assign the controller during the game or after completing an innings? I enjoy batting lot more than bowling and generally prefer to bat both innings :yes
So Ross, how many people can play the game together offline on consoles?

How many can play together online?

Can we play 2 local players vs 2 multiplayer?

I think Ross already mentioned that you would get the controller select screen even for online games. So two people on the same console should be able to get online against 2 or more!!

What I would like to know is, is there player balancing, as in if there are two human players in my team, do we have a filter to find only those matches in which 2 human players are playing?
Since the runner is AI controlled, it makes me think it will just be 1 vs 1.

Earlier games had 2 vs 2 and players used to bat together. What used to annoy me is when my partners used to get out quickly and use up all the good players leaving me to bat with lower orders by the time i would get out.
Ross,can we please have a no umpire,total abuse mode?Like a mode with no rules and lots of rowdyism.Just for fun.

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