Remove powerplays, says Mike Atherton

What Atherton was getting at is making ODIs more like regular cricket, take away the restrictions and just let the game play out freely.
The problem I have with removing all fielding restrictions is that its going to become predictable again. Where the game should speed up and generate runs toward the end of an innings a team will simply go on the super defensive for the last 10 overs and you wont see any boundaries as there are 9 guys on the boundary. That would be TERRIBLE to watch as a spectator.

"Batting team needs 40 runs from 25 balls, right put EVERYONE on the boundaries and watch them make the score in 1's and 2's"

I sure as hell wouldnt pay to watch will remove all forms of innovation from the batting and simply enforce them to push the ball around and not look to improvise as the only logical way of getting boundaries would be to hit the ball for six and that would only result in more batsmen getting out than actually making the target. I know Chappel meantioned that it could encourage different tactics form captains and allow them more possibilities...but come on: We all know it will only work for so long until teams have found the "perfect formula" and then everyone will sponge upon eachother's brilliant ideas. And lets face it....when push comes to shove some captains dont care about the spirit of the game and dont care how boring it would be to watch an entire team fielding on the boundary - in the end everyone just plays to win.

And furthermore (this is not directed at the above post), the idea of allowing one bowler to bowl more than 10 overs will be a catastrophe! Imagine playing on a really green wicket with the ball moving around a bit and you have Umar Gul swinging and seaming the ball around like a banana with the batting team on 100-6. Gul finally finishes his 10 overs and the batting team has a chance to maybe make the best of a crap situation by scoring from the other bowlers....oh no wait Gul has ANOTHER 5 overs and the team just gets bowled out for like 120. That recommendation about giving your best bowler more over will just make teams get bowled out within 35 overs and thats not what we want.

I know Im just ranting and not giving many alternatives, but until I figure out what will be best for the ODI format I will have to comment on what's been mentioned. At least no-one has brought up the whole super-sub situation again haha that was a shambles!
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