Scout for Cricket Captain 2020 (Release)


Associate Captain
Jul 13, 2009
Zurich, Switzerland
Profile Flag
This is the release thread for the Cricket Captain 2020 Scout. This is fully integrated with the Cricket Captain 2020 Editor (just double-click any player in the Scout). For the main Editor release thread, please visit this link.

Please use this thread to download the latest version of the Scout and to report any issues.

As with the Editor, full credit goes to Fe98 for writing the original C# code more than a decade ago.



Quick Tips:
  1. Run Cricket Captain 2020.08 and load an Easy difficulty career mode game, or a Tournament game.
  2. Run the Scout.
  3. Click "Load" in the Scout.
  4. Click "Options" to change the displayed columns and to filter results.
  5. Click any column title to sort players by that value.
  6. Double-click any player to launch Editor for that player.

2020.07-0106/07/2020First public release.
2020.08-0108/07/2020Update for patch 20.08.
2020.08-0212/07/2020Integrated editor update 2020.08-02.
2020.09-0120/07/2020Update for patch 20.09. Integrated editor 2020.09-01.
2020.09-0222/07/2020Fixed issues with demo 20.091.
2020.10-0106/08/2020Update for patch 20.10. Added several missing nationalities.
2020.10-0210/08/2020Integrated editor 2020.10-02.
2020.11-0120/08/2020Update for patch 20.11.
2020.14-0114/03/2021Update for patch 20.14. Integrated editor 2020.14-01.


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As with the editor, player ability and potential are not currently visible in the Scout. This limitation was requested by the game's developers.
I'm just using the Demo version at the moment and Scout doesn't work. It doesn't detect my version automatically so I manually change to "Demo" in the Options. I then get an exception error and the application closes.

Editor works fine.
I'm just using the Demo version at the moment and Scout doesn't work. It doesn't detect my version automatically so I manually change to "Demo" in the Options. I then get an exception error and the application closes.

Editor works fine.

I don't think the scout supports CC20 demo, not yet atleast. It didn’t work for me anyway
(not that I really care, having scout would be good but editor is enough for me at this point,just waiting for android release now )
@the_hodge and @RM19 It's probably safe to assume that nothing will work with the demo after each game patch. I guess in this case the editor is working by luck.

I'll look into it.

I knew this could be a problem. That's why I had already disabled the auto update in steam. So I don’t know if the demo has been updated. Scout actually never worked for me. I didn’t mention this before because editor was doing enough for me and I thought you didn’t make the scout compatible for the demo
@the_hodge and @RM19 The issue with the new demo should now be fixed. Please try 2020.09-02.

The version auto-detection was actually still working correctly, it's just that it's only executed after the "Load" button is clicked in the Scout (I will tidy this up when I get some time). In other words, everything should work automatically even if the wrong version is selected when you launch the application.

The crash was caused by something totally unrelated that got changed in the demo.
I'm just using the Demo version at the moment and Scout doesn't work. It doesn't detect my version automatically so I manually change to "Demo" in the Options. I then get an exception error and the application closes.

Editor works fine.
hi can you send me the link for the editor as these dont work
Well, I'm actually frustrated playing this game now without an editor! Really sad to see a minority dictate the majority's choice. Thanks @weetabixharry for at least letting us have the option till it lasted.
I have been in contact with the game's developers and it should be possible to re-upload the editor very soon. I just don't have any time right now. But I'm hoping to find some time this weekend.

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