Should Shoaib Akhtar Stay in the Team?

I think Pakistan can do well without him. They have done well in two matches without him and can do well without him.. I think that his attitude is causing problems within the dressing room!
I think He should not be back.Pakistan doing well in two matches againts australia doesnt mean that pakistan will have a good bowling attack throw out the season.Shoiab has always have taken wickets againts india.He has been good In the suc_continent pitches and I doubt that he will be back.
he is a very good bowler and a very good show off and has a very bad attitude. AS good a bowler he is, and as friendly a guy he is to children (illustrated when he came onto the field at lunch on day 1 SCG Test 2004/05 and played with some 6/7/8/9/10 years olds who were on the field as Milo-Have-a go cricketers, his cricket attitude is bad and pakistan can do well without him.
shoab was an extremely good bowler when he could act as a tearaway with akram and waqar keeping the bowling tight back in their better years. however now that he has been given greater responsibility it appears it has gone to his head. they would be better off leaving it to rana, he bowled a better when the showoff express was derailed
sachin said:
though at times shoiab is pretty pathetic, he is paks best keep him in the team.

don even say that pak needs shoaib, pak can beat india by their lowest ranked players. Just like what happened in the series in march - april. Rana naverd ull hasan can kill india by himself.
bobmotty said:
only if he shortens his run up. He looks so tired.

wtf..? mate, till this day, i cannot understand the why shoaibs run up is such a big deal, who cares? thats the way he bowls, if gets tired quickly - he gets tired quickly. his spells are generally very good as he is relatively fresh when he begins due to bowling short spells. how can you say that he should only be brought back if he shortens his run up? thats like saying, only select a particular batsmen in a side if he chooses to use a particular brand of bat.

shoaib aktar is one of pakistans best players at the moment. he has more experience than many of the youngsters who are doing a good job, but experience is always an "up" for a team. yes, pakistan can play attacking, challenging cricket without him, pakistan cricket is not shoaib alone, but the same can be said with any international player.

dropping him in my opinon was a mistake, pakistan cricket will indeed suffer if shoaib doesnt play as often as i anyway feel he should. what if he decides to just walk out on cricket because of all the bull **** that is thrown at him constantly for his actions on and of the cricket pitch? not only will pakistan be losing one of their more experienced players, but they will be losing the fastest bowler in the world. does that not mean anything? i mean, he is only the fastest bowler past and present. zoraxdoom, justify yourself mate, why do you feel as he shouldnt come back? personal hatred for the bloke or because of his cricketing abilities... quite frankly i can only see your reason to be personal because he is a fine cricketer.

yes, he is a show off, but ive said it before - when you can bowl a ball as fast as this man can - you can damn well afford to be one.

this post isnt about my likeing of shoaib akthar either, i just feel as though hes a great player and id hate to think that he wouldnt make a comeback, especially for some of the reasons posted here, particularly yours bobmotty.
nah get rid of him. the most important muscle in the human body is the heart. Shoab Aktar shows non of his. leave it to rana, sami and kaneria. that will give him a swift kick up the ass he sorely needs
Pakistan will never have a lack of fast bowlers. What remains to be seen is if they can find a long-term solution to their constantly injured pace unit.
dayne said:
zoraxdoom, justify yourself mate, why do you feel as he shouldnt come back? personal hatred for the bloke or because of his cricketing abilities... quite frankly i can only see your reason to be personal because he is a fine cricketer.
I would have, but I was too tired...
Mainly because If he is there, the remaining young seamers feel that Shoaib will get the breakthroughs and wouldn't bowl to their full potential. They believe that a superstar like him would win matches for the team. What if he fails? With him out of the team the young bowlers now feel the responsibility of bowling well and making the breakthroughs. Pakistan does not depend on him anymore, which makes them play more like a team.

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