Team Thread Sons of Pitches

We're busy training hard alongside the legends, Sachin and Wasim, instead of blabbering with you people. :p. We are looking to dominate upon you and are eagerly prepared to shut your mouth. There is a massive difference between talking and actually doing something, in this case performing.... I'd say you watch what you're saying boy.... you should be prepared to take a beating from us. Banter doesn't bring results, do they? :D
I just gave you guys 5 minutes of fame, got you in the news. You should thank us. :p
We've been only talking in your words but yet the only team to win a game so far, I'll wait for the so called domination.
This team as clueless as a headless chicken, and lethargic too. Everything is "To be updated". Seems like "Why bother" is their motto.
Gentleman... Please get your clichés right... A bird in the bush is worth five wise men in the city... ?[DOUBLEPOST=1519112305][/DOUBLEPOST]
They just being lethargic, depending too much upon the legends Sachin and Akram.
These legends are cheered on but clapped out at the end of the day...
This team is the new John Cena.. you can't see them anywhere.

In all seriousness - where are they?
What they smother themselves in baby oil and star in
Really bad clichéd American feel good films.... ?
Well considering you cannot bat, bowl, field or comprehend a simple message, learning how to make a GIF is probably beyond you..?
Someone hasn't had his frosties... ! This kind of stuff puts fire and venom into each match... Maybe the 'sons of pitches' will sell some tickets'
Everyone, watch and learn

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Wait till you face me, hahahaha! [HASHTAG]#Mogambokhushhua[/HASHTAG]

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