[Stadium War] Join In


ICC Chairman
Jan 12, 2004
Profile Flag
Stadium War is a fantasy forums game created by myself, Lee Payne. Please note that this is the first ever time it will have been played and that there may be some issues to start with.


How do you play Stadium War?

In Stadium War, you are the owner of a cricket ground. You must improve your facilities to keep up to date, hire services and compete with other stadiums to land a match in the test and one day international calendar.

When you start up, you will have a budget of ?1,000,000. If you lose it all and do not get out of the red within one week then you will go bankrupt and your stadium will be taken over by the fictional cricket stadiums regulators, the International Regulators of Cricket Grounds, or IRCG. You must use your ?1,000,000 to do what is mentioned earlier: improve your facilities, hire services and compete. If you are chosen to host an international match, you can expect massive income and you can be well on your way to becoming the top of all the stadium managers.

Sounds great! How do I join in?

To join in with Stadium War, all you have to do is post in this thread with the following information in it:

Your Name:
Stadium Name:
Stadium Location:

The Your Name field can be filled in with, obviously, your name, the Stadium Name field can be filled in with almost anything, but don't forget that each stadium has to be passed through by the IRCG so if the name is inappropriate or ridiculous, you might not be allowed to have a stadium. The Stadium Location field must be filled in with the country that you want your country to be in: this will affect weather conditions and which international team you could be hosting.


If you have any questions about Stadium War, just post them in this thread and I will answer them as soon as I can. Have fun!

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Your Name: Manraj Bahra
Stadium Name: The OCCG
Stadium Location: England
Your Name: Avroneel Biswas
Stadium Name: Battlefield
Stadium Location:Australia
Thanks for joining in. The IRCG have approved The OCCG and Battlefield.
The NZCG has become the third approved member of the IRCG.
It doesnt mention how its played at all so please go into more detail about it.
duded64 said:
It doesnt mention how its played at all so please go into more detail about it.

There is no software involved with Stadium War. The events are based on decisions made by the IRCG, which at the moment includes only myself although once the game gets going more people will be added. I think this is one of the good things about Stadium War: there are no restrictions like you would have with software. This helps keep the interest of players.


All stadium managers can now select services to employ for use at their stadium by posting in this thread. At the moment you can only choose cleaners and food and drink suppliers, but there will be new services added in time.
Thanks very much. The TSCG is now an IRCG approved stadium.
Your Name: Chez Spin
Stadium Name: The One and Only Dome (OOD)
Stadium Location: England
The One and Only Dome has been approved by the IRCG.


The media thread will be the place to find out all the latest news from the IRCG. Check it out by clicking here. I have also added stadium capacities to the first post: at the start, they are governed by which country the stadium is in, so Australia would be much more likely to fill up a stadium than New Zealand. Here are those default capacities:

Australia: 50000
England: 25000
New Zealand: 10000

You will be able to add or subtract from this figure when you are able to improve your facilities soon. What do you want: 25000 more seats or a restaurant?
I would muich rather neither.
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Well if you want to fatten up your spectators then you can do that by posting in the thread I'll make: it might be tomorrow when I do this.

That could mean when I release the first set of fixtures. At the moment they will be at venues "to be concluded". You will then have a week to maintain your stadium and at the end of the week the venues will be announced.

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