
The Official OCB Online Test schedule for this month is as follows:


Pakistan v India (3 match series - in progress 1-1, 1 to play)
Australia v New Zealand (3 match series - in progress 0-0, 3 to play)
England v West Indies (3 match series - in progress 0-0, 2 to play)
Sri Lanka v South Africa (3 match series - awaiting participants)
Bangladesh v Zimbabwe (3 match series - awaiting participants)

If you would like to make yourself available for one of the open test series (the last two) then please print here the team here you wish to represent. Players can either play against a human opponent (preferred) or by themselves.

If a match recieves no participants then I shall autoplay them (most likely Bangladesh v Zimbabwe :D ). If you wish to participate in a future series starting in July then the full test calendar is attached below and you should advertise yourself here if you wish to play in one of those. Participants for each series will be decided a month in advance only.

However, if you wish to represent a team for a duration of test series then please say how many you would like to play, you can represent one team for the whole season if you like, subject to you still being on the forums in the next 8 months of course :)
The rules have been attached below

If there is anyone who would like to contest in either of the following series then please make yourself avaialble in the normal manner, i.e:

ID: (member name i.e Rangeela)
team: (who you would like to represent)
e-mail: (your e-mail address)

the matches stil awaiting participants in this months fixtures are as follows:

Sri Lanka v South Africa
Bangladesh v Zimbabwe

Closing date for applicants will be Friday 6th June.

The Test Championship table will be drawn up after each series and teams will be awarded points for winning tests as follows:-

1) test match win = 6 points
2) test match drawn = 2 points each
3) test series win = 6 points
4) test series drawn = 3 points each
Do you think there should be any points in draw the match? May be its more fun to play to win. And not awarding points will push people to go for kill rather then being subdue.
And another suggestion is no of matches, do you think it should be changed from three to four. It will allow the series to be drawn and you can still award points for drawing the series. And actually that happens a lot.
sachida, the only reason I didn't make it a four match series is i thought players would not get through 4 tests in a month. Otherwise it becomes a rush to get the games thru, and thats not what i'm trying to achieve. As for the points, well, I have thought about it again and adjusted accordingly, draws are now worth 2 points each and a win is 6, should encourage people more perhaps, thanks.
And also sonic your rule files dont include any info on field editor that they should use.
The official website for OCB Test Matches is under construction and will be available soon

it does now, thanks. sorry about that sachida, the championship is of course very much in its infancy, i think everything is now covered on the rules.

Good work Rangeela, I have e-mailed you the rules and fixtures.
I think sonic you should keep 6 points to win and 2 points to draw.
Reason I say is this hypothetical situation.
For three games if one is won and two are drawn. Point telly will read 10 points and 4 points. That is deficit of one game win point and can only be compensated by winning the series atleast 2-1 next time.
And even that will bring you equal not higher then good performer of the first series. That should push one to perform well all along not just once.
Originally posted by sachida@Jun 4 2003, 07:04 PM
I think sonic you should keep 6 points to win and 2 points to draw.
Reason I say is this hypothetical situation.
For three games if one is won and two are drawn. Point telly will read 10 points and 4 points. That is deficit of one game win point and can only be compensated by winning the series atleast 2-1 next time.
And even that will bring you equal not higher then good performer of the first series. That should push one to perform well all along not just once.
thats exactly what I have done, though I have left 3 points each for a drawn series as that is more fair obviously
Sonic if you give three points to draw in the given example tally would be 10 points and 6 points. One more win next time and the person will go ahead of the one who performed one earlier.
I hope you get my point. If you keep 2 points for draw he wont push ahead but just gets equal with one more win in next series.
sachida, i have put 2 points for a drawn test, there's only 3 points awarded in the event of a drawn series....i understand to give 2 points in an individual match to keep up the competition, but I have to give a share of the points in the event of a drawn series as both teams would have worked for it, if u get me.

test match win: 6 points
test match draw: 2 points
test series win: 6 points
test series draw: 3 points
Can I play in the July against Zimbabwe as Pakistan?
certainly auwais, hopefully someone will represent zimbabwe for you, if there are no takers than I shall take part and give you a game maybe :band:

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