Thats Enough !!! - .........for the love of god.......


Club Cricketer
Jul 13, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
Commentary makers please !!!
Dont use my files whenever you are making new patches and if you are so bent on doing it, atleast mention in the readme file that it was made by me. The new commentary by PJ Martin ( i am solely talking about the india commentary update, i did not download the others ) has many of my files and one of Anuj.This cannot go on.Ste, please check whether when people send in new updates whether it is actually theirs.Of course you can check whether what i am saying is true or not, just check the files sent by me previously.I have checked them thoroughly and it is only after that i am posting here.

index of the India commentary by PJ Martin:
Agarkar - Me
Laxman - Me
Dahiya - Me
Ramesh - Me
Shewag - Me (doubtful)
Zaheer Khan - Anuj

So Ste, please do something about it. :angry:

(Edited by sachinismygod at 6:00 am on Sep. 1, 2001)
the commentary quality is very poor:angry::shocked:
why people always make the same commentary again and again its just stupid......there are commentaries already available for most of the players.....ok he should also give the name of the guy whose's commentary he has given.....i m fed up of these////
How pathetic do you 2 sound?

At the end of the day - it is possible that he did exactly the same as you did, to make the commentary and so it's going to sound the same isn't it?!!!
I cant check every piece of commentary as it would take too long, but I will do some random checks on commentary in the future. However most people use text to speach reconigition programs and if 2 people use the same program it will sound the same. Has anyone tried recording real commentators on TV or radio using a TV card or a microphone or something?

Maybe people could not send it commentary that has allready been made unless it is of better quality.
I can recognize the files made by me as i dont use a tts engine, i create commentary by editing existing files.
Do u understand marc?Would you be very happy when some guy sends the files made by you as an update made by them.I certainly wont be.
To be honest I wouldn't care, because if it enhances a patch then I'd be happy to have helped. OK, some recognition may have been nice, but at the end of the day, what good would the recognition have really been?
At the end of the day go mind ur own business.If you create something and someone else takes credit for it, you end up as a fool.And why should others use my files?Why cant they create files of their own?Will not the ppl who download the updates feel irritated when they find that the files in the "new" update is something that was created by someone else long back and something they already have.Think about it with ur small brain.
Right, so for daring to have an alternative view to you, I've now got a small brain and have to mind my own business. I'm sorry, but I happen to think that it is everyone's business if you post it on this message board, and so I will not shut up. Ever heard of the saying about Imitation being the best form of Flattery?

Wouldn't people be more upset to download an update, which incidentally will be more changes than just your commentary being added, and then find that the commentary they have is not as good as some of the other commentary which they have?

Putting it simply, if you don't like people using your commentary, why make it available for download, or should it now be that anyone now has to personally thank you for using your commentary?

This isn't a personal attack on you, I've always stated that I don't have the slightest clue on how to do things like commentary and kits, and am grateful for those that can, but your reaction is lamentable - we're meant to be a community to make the game better together, and if you make the best commentary whilst someone else is better at editting strokes, and someone else is better at making kits, why can't we combine all 3 together and make the game as good as we can?
I am perfectly ok with people using my files and also with people including them in their patches or updates or whatever.With the updates, a text file is also supplied.I just wanted that include the names of the real creators in their updates.When i made a stroke patch, I wrote in the text file included in it that the info on the srtokes were provided by Ben & Shailesh.It is only right that everybody does the same.I just cant understand what ur getting at :confused:
and I have addressed this post to the commentary makers only,and as you have not made any commentary
it is none of your business.
Was that aimed at me?

You do know you're contradicting yourself don't you. All I was trying to do was make you realise it isn't a bad thing that people are using your stuff, but you decided to fly off the handle.
Im very happy that people are using my work, I only asked the people who make the commentary patches to include the names of the real creators.You were telling me that the other guy must have ended up doing the same thing i did to make the files which is IMPOSSIBLE.So lets pls end this here.

(Edited by sachinismygod at 11:36 am on Sep. 6, 2001)

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