Which country would you like to visit and why?

Here are the places I would most like to visit:

Edinburgh, Scotland - I have never been to either of the countries that border England. I would love to go to Scotland and Edinburgh would be the place to stay.

I've been there many many times, It's a real NICE place & it's kinda? expensive to live there aswell, but you can visit cheap from Glasgow, 1 pound in the Train.
I've been there many many times, It's a real NICE place & it's kinda? expensive to live there aswell, but you can visit cheap from Glasgow, 1 pound in the Train.

I feel it would be a little more than a quid for me to get from Thorpe to Edinburgh on the train!
Yellowstone National Park. It surely doesn't get better than this.


Also want to go to England. I want to see the countryside there. The old houses, manors, castles. Also like the English accent!;) And yeah to the Himalayas too! Especially if I could ride upon a Bullet from Goa right up to the those great mountains!!:cheers Also, the North pole, Antarctica.
Even though I was born there and i've been there multiple times, my homeland India is where I want to be right now. It is just soo cold here, I don't know how I landed up in a frickin' ice box here in midwest USA. The temps are frigid, -30 Fahrenheit wind chills for gods sake.

The air is dry and snow is piled up 6 inches on the ground ATM. You can't drive without a big, gas chugging Mini Van or SUV. Lips bleed and you get cuts on your hand from walking from your car to the school door/grocery store.

Water bottles in the garage freeze, you have to wear 2 sweaters in the house with the heat cranked up to like 80, and sleep with two very thick sheets and you are still cold. I'm not built for this weather, i'm from freakin' CHENNAI for gods sake! I'm used to 80s, 90s, 100s, Humidity high, and life without 5 layers of clothing on you.

I'm sick of getting up at unearthly times to watch cricket, sick of being tired all the time because of that + the cold+ the rubbish environment all around me. I'm tired of final exams and school, tired about stressing about over my future all the time, the atmosphere that's created here.
I'm sick of living in a small town of 50,000 people. Where there are only 4 Indian kids who all think they're white, who basically avoid anything got to do with their culture, a culture that I absolutely love. They laugh at cricket, speak in HEAVY american accents, are completely whitewashed. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the US and all, i'm just missing my country and my people. I miss my grandparents, they're getting old and lonely and I feel so guilty leaving them alone in their old age.

Sorry for the moapy post, I just needed to get that off my chest.

Cricketman added 5 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

I woudnt mind going to America, because it would be an experience. The place is a hole and I would rather sandpaper by balls than live there, but it would be interesting to experience the extremities of American culture. Also American chicks digs Aussies.

HAHA, despite the crap that I described above, America is awesome. Its given my everything i've needed for the last 10 years and I love it. The weather sucks and my city sucks. Its a fantastic country. Extremities of American Culture? since when do we have culture :p. We just steal the best things from everyone else, double the size of our cheeseburgers, and drive on the right(;)) side of the road.
Still got to see india. seen like 0.00014 of it. well, just to give an idea.
Join the club Rohit.

The countries I wanna visit are (in no rank order) are:
New Zealand

But if someone gave me a free plane ticket to any country of my choice, I would still go to India. Nothing like home.
Egypt for the pyramids (Hoping to go this year)
Mexico for the same
Australia for Uluru
India for lots of things actually, but not before I've done the others.
Vietnam. Top Gear's Special made it look awesome a beautiful countryside.
HAHA, despite the crap that I described above, America is awesome. Its given my everything i've needed for the last 10 years and I love it. The weather sucks and my city sucks. Its a fantastic country. Extremities of American Culture? since when do we have culture :p. We just steal the best things from everyone else, double the size of our cheeseburgers, and drive on the right(;)) side of the road.

I think America is great, the weather there is fantastic to, from one extreme to the other. Being from California, the temp never really hit "cool," never mind what you're experiencing. New York, as i've said many times, is magical at Christmas, they go all out to make it special. I absolutely hate the Hollywood area, in all fairness I was never a fan of California full stop, I much prefer England, but would love to move back over to be with my ever growing family over there.

You know where i'd love to go? Chicago, never been, would love to. Also, Vegas, but I think for my sake, i'll wait till i'm 21.

Another place i'd love to go is Brazil. I don't know why, it just appeals to me.
Piece of advice: Don't visit Dubai. Not unless you are a millionaire. There is absolutely nothing to do here, and the heat would literally melt you. You would end up spending all your time Indoors. I live here, and the only things we do for fun are go to Cinemas, go for Bowling/Billiards, play games at Internet Cafes, or just waste time at each others house playing PS2. It is either too hot to do anything else, or too expensive to visit places like the Autodrome. Currently the weather is excellent, so you can go walking about and play cricket and such, but in the Summer Holidays, don't come. Just don't...

I'd like to go to Singapore. Any place where Food=Culture is where I want to be...
Because there is a bloody big Loch, with a bunch of stupid Americans there, while everyone slowly gets hypothermia? Suit yourself ;)

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