Why Does Life Suck So Much ??

Is it worth the aggrevation to find yourself a job when there's nothing worth working for? It's a crazy situation but all I need are cigarettes and alcohol.

No one's my boss in my life. If I fail my exams, I fail my exams. You just get on with your life and enjoy it. What's the point in being a pessimist on life? Just get yourseld fecked up as often as possible and you'll be fine. The meaning of life is not to be the most amazing student with the best results ever, it's not to get married and have kids, it's not to have a job that pays gazillions, it's about havin a pure party time of an existance and enjoying every single millisecond.
very stupid idea of enjoying every second of your life, very.

Just care about yourself, as if others don't exist.
My life is actually sucking at the moment. My girlfriend left me and I've felt **** ever since.
I know how you feel man...Mine left me aswell..And people keep playing with my head.
My life is actually sucking at the moment. My girlfriend left me and I've felt **** ever since.

well don't get sad_culli, it's only a girl, :p.. lol

but really, i know it'll take time to get over with, just think she wasn't the one for you, instead of thinking the opposite, unless it was your fault.
Well what I do when that happens Stuart is get an absolute truckload of mates for a mammoth game of footy and don't hold back on the slide tackles. Your mates will forgive you for breaking both their legs for a two footed lunge on them because yoru heartbroken.

But if football's not your bag, then hang around as many of your lady mates as possible because it's amazing how jealous your ex will get of you when your just talking to other females. It really ticks them off.
Well what I do when that happens Stuart is get an absolute truckload of mates for a mammoth game of footy and don't hold back on the slide tackles. Your mates will forgive you for breaking both their legs for a two footed lunge on them because yoru heartbroken.

I've been doing that for years, a girl's not gonna change that.
Hell no, it's just that, I don't like the idea of enjoying EVERY SECOND, ok there are times where you don't give a crap and enjoy yourself, but not all the time as someone said.
No matter what situation life throws you in, there's always some tiny shred that you can enjoy about it. It's like when I broke my arm a few years ago when playing football, the first thing I said was, "That's bagged me a couple of weeks off school then".
Life is about the ups and downs. Its not about having the time of your life, its about how you deal with those and what experience you gain from them.
I've been doing that for years, a girl's not gonna change that.

Stu, mate. When I found my ex had been cheating on me, it cut me up pretty deep. The way I got back at her was by acting like it wasn't at all important. Got myself a new gf and am really happy with her now. To use the old cliche, "There are plenty more fish in the sea" Go out with some mates and have a good time. Things will look better in a couple of days.
Not as easy as it seems, When you properly like a girl and she leaves you then you feel as if there is a very big whole inside you and that all you can think about is her. Anything you hear seems to be go back to the situation your in.

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