FTP: Youth pull

Good pull, I think

Winners or losers >> Laurence Mathers >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 19,017 rating | $560 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents Natural Leader
Nationality Australia
Form average
Fatigue energetic
Experience dreadful
Captaincy expert
Skills Summary
Batsman dreadful
Bowler poor
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting dreadful Endurance poor
Bowling ordinary Technique poor
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary
Fielding ordinary
Jack Clarke >> Details
Player Info

16 years old | 20,689 rating | $773 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium
Talents Prodigy
Nationality Australia Australia
Form reasonable
Fatigue energetic
Experience dreadful
Captaincy reasonable
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler poor
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting ordinary Endurance dreadful
Bowling ordinary Technique poor
Keeping dreadful Power poor
Fielding average

Best pull this season just a shame about the endurance.
Saurashtra Lions >> Gautam Sukanya >> Details
Player Info

17 years old | 26,018 rating | $1,120 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Old Ball Bowler
Nationality India India
Form reasonable
Fatigue energetic
Experience poor
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler ordinary
Keeper poor
Allrounder ordinary
Batting average Endurance ordinary
Bowling average Technique ordinary

Keeping poor Power ordinary
Fielding average

Good pull but age and season ending may waste his skills...
Winners or losers >> Malcolm Mortimer >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 22,672 rating | $860 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast

Talents Seam Specialist 
Nationality  Australia 
Form reasonable 
Fatigue energetic 
Experience poor 
Captaincy reasonable 
Skills Summary
Batsman poor 
Bowler ordinary 
Keeper dreadful 
Allrounder ordinary 
Batting poor Endurance ordinary 
Bowling average Technique ordinary 
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary 
Fielding ordinary

Good pull but wasteful because end of season.
And from my affiliate team...

Saurashtra Heat >> Citaka Dabhi >> Details
Player Info

16 years old | 17,283 rating | $509 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Gifted (Batting)
Nationality India India
Form average
Fatigue energetic
Experience dreadful
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman dreadful
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder dreadful
Batting poor Endurance ordinary
Bowling poor Technique poor
Keeping poor Power dreadful
Fielding dreadful
Meh, I only have five proper batsmen in my squad this season, and still pulling ????.
Meh, I only have five proper batsmen in my squad this season, and still pulling ????

lol, same as me. Dreadful/dreadful batstman today. I really need a youth batsman for the new season, especially being in Div 2 :/
And another from my affiliate team...

Amreli Heat >> Simit Rajat >> Details
Player Info

16 years old | 15,730 rating | $721 wage

Left hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin
Talents Gifted (Bowling)
Nationality India India
Form reasonable
Fatigue energetic
Experience dreadful
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler dreadful
Keeper atrocious
Allrounder dreadful
Batting average Endurance ordinary
Bowling dreadful Technique dreadful
Keeping atrocious Power dreadful
Fielding poor

Going for bowling/bowling tech... training...
that's my unique way of training players... just see how better he can be...
Velxcer CC >> Sebastiaan van der Laan >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 21,120 rating | $764 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast
Talents Gifted (Technique)
Nationality Netherlands
Form reasonable
Fatigue energetic
Experience poor
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler poor
Keeper poor
Allrounder poor
Batting ordinary Endurance dreadful
Bowling ordinary Technique ordinary
Keeping average Power ordinary
Fielding dreadful

Asked for a batsman. Got a keeper. Undecided whether to train him as a batsman or a bowler. :p

How much do you reckon I would get for him in TM.

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