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You might have tried to create a Fantasy game. Try clicking on the Fantasy cricket forum and from there go to the individual games.
Also you cannot create a team mid-way during a series as the game has already begun and that would be an unfair advantage for you.
Hi Sahil,

Thanks for your cooperation.

Yes, Initially I have tried to click on the link in the sentence "Fantasy Cricket Discuss the latest competitions going on in the Fantasy Cricket game."

As per your suggestion I have tried to click on the Fantasy cricket forum and then the individual games and again the same message appeared on my screen as:

vBulletin Message

royal86, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Is it because I am new to this forum or is there in any other way to start with this? I want to start with this game so can anyone help me for this.

Please guide me on the same.

Thanks in advance.

Sumeet :)
You mean vcash?
Top 3 means the top 3 by points in fantasy cricket career?
For a particular series, if you have registered a team and your team points end up in top 3 then you get the vcash.
I'll give an example:

The top 3 would get:
vcash respectively.

1 AkshayS 1429
2 tarun87 1413
3 khalek 1390
4 Mark 1385
5 SciD 1308
6 Chewie 1294
7 Akash00 1289
8 Abhas 1284
9 satishmania 1281
10 nuffa 1273
11 WestIndian 1272
12 Haarithan 1257
13 shanewarne 1254
14 Aditya 1242
15 p.o.l 1231
16 aussie1st 1193
17 TumTum 1193
18 ZexyZahid 1187
19 -D-S-B- 1186
20 Wanderers 1171
21 razahood 1117
22 pavanbharadwaj 1093
23 Aussiebushrange 1084
24 akshaychauhan 1023
25 Binnu 997
26 deathrevenge9 950
27 Varun 873
28 icyman 762
1. Can I ask why domestic matches are not used for vbookie events?

2. Other than match results, why aren't other bets on vbookie events? (like most runs & most wickets for series etc)
(wrong thread :p)

I'll answer the questions anyway

Domestic matches would be used for vBookie if someone posted the odds and starting times in the requests thread. Same with the special types of bets.
1. If there's interest, e.g. a request it'll surely be made.

2. Events like this have been created in the past and I guarantee some will be made in the future, again if it's requested it'll most likely be made.

3. Get the thread right next time :)

4. Beaten to it :(

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