Newbie Mafia 2: Tennis (End Game) Mafia's win (User & Haarithan)

@Varun and Mani - Sure but please don't disclose anything to anyone else. Also, it's just you two, no one else is getting to see the roles. :p

@Themer - Check your pm carefully, all the roles are already there.
Great! Every one has posted that they have received their role. We will start with night 0 (the write up that is) no roles will be used on this night. As it's a short game, I don't want to be unfair to any member. :p
Party before the start of Wimbledon 2012​

This wasn't like any other party, it wasn't. Players were not allowed to carry their cellphones along with them and neither they were allowed to come with any family member. This all seemed weird to the players but who wants to miss the party, the players thought. The party was held far away from London, at some unknown place. The players reached at the party and thought that they are here for some fun but the answer was no. Tennis officials were not present at the party and the players were not being allowed to go to this party but it was arranged by someone who is popular in this game i.e. Tennis so the officials couldn't really stop the players from going. All the main players went for the party. After snacks, it was time for dinner. The players were enjoying the party at it's best and why not? The party was organized exceptionally well but there was something bad taking place.

At 9.00 PM a former legend arrived at the party, Pete Sampras. Everyone was happy to see him appear for the party.

Anyways, it was getting late now. It was 11.00 PM and there were a few matches tomorrow. Most of the players had already left but there were a few still left. One of the player went to the gate and tried to open it but as soon as he tried to do it, the lights went off. It was a big castle, no one knew what was going on. They waited and waited, tried to find the player that was organizing the party but he had suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, everyone was tensed and looking for a way to get out. No one had their cellphones along with them so they couldn't contact anyone and this place where they came for the party, was far from London and maybe even out of England. No one had seen this place before, where is it located, everyone started asking each other but no one had a clue.

At 1.00 PM nothing had changed. The doors were locked, lights off and the player organizing the party lost. It was a big castle and there were just some players left in the party, everyone decided that they will wait for the morning and see if they can do something to get out of the castle. Everyone decided to find a place to sleep and went on to search the rooms, in dark. There were beds in every room and the rooms were very big, as expected in a castle. Everyone slept and woke up in the morning. Everyone got a place to sleep on the first floor itself and no one went to the second floor, on night that is. As it was morning, everyone tried to look through the windows to see where they are but no help. The whole castle was covered by trees and hardly any thing could be seen out of the castle. They all went to the second floor to find something helpful but what they found was the dead body of :

Pete Sampras, former legend, dead

Earlier that night : At around 10.00 PM, Pete Sampras along with the person organizing the party, went on to the second floor because the person organizing the party wanted him to see his trophies but that didn't happen and what happened was, Sampras was found dead. Obviously this castle isn't big enough to find the killer/killers. That's what players believe. Can they do it and find a way to get out of the castle is the question. Good luck!

It is Day 1 now, it takes 5 votes to hammer someone

Good luck to everyone! :)
Great Write-up.:clap
What I can gather is, there is one person who had organized this party and has locked everyone else in this castle. But, would that mean only one mafia? I don't think that's possible. Maybe that's the GF reference then.

Also, again Day 1 when we have nothing to work upon...
Yes, the write up basically refers to the mafia godfather.

Obviously this castle isn't big enough to find the killer/killers.

But the above line is referred to the whole mafia team and not just the mafia godfather.

Again, don't go too deep into the write ups. It will be done just to build up a good story line or do you guys want clues in night write ups? Don't think it's gonna be too difficult. :)
Clues certainly help. But, it's all up to you and depends on how you plan to mod the game. The full roles being revealed on death is very good though.
No they don't, the bus driver Hedger was very smarty. :spy

I'd most likely provide the clues then in the night write up. :)
I'm always in favor of having clues in the write-ups. After all, your skill and expertise in the game lies in what you deduce from those write-ups. No clues, less chances of a sensible lynch, let alone a lynch.


* Btw, 'your' refers to the players of the game. :p
That didn't stop the 'noobs' who played your mafia :rolleyes

Yeah, it didn't. But, if you go through the posts, it was just matter rather than something solid. More so, it was some personal grudge, if I can say that. But, yeah, I hope we get something going on during day 1. Will just wait to see what others post.

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