No Requests Fatal Shot GFX (A.K.A. sFx GFX) Graeme Smith Sig



Credit to Monzi for the render.
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Nice One,man i like the textures you have used,i know that you have followed tutorial,Well i really like the text,and Thanks for the credits.
Nice one.
I like the color-combination here.
@masood-It would be better if you stop quoting everything and comment without it.
It's your best sig imo. The colours used are just beautiful and compliment the render very well. It looks flawless to me.

I just don't like so many tiny text lines below the the main text. One or two would have solved the purpose imo.

Many people raised questions why did I take you in the panel although you were new to the site. I guess they've got their answer now.
The good thing is that you get the things in an order. That's the best part of your compositions. Most people mess up at organizing and do mistakes and make their works look bad.

Like the Beckham signature for example, You followed a tutorial for that? If yes, It's the best outcome of that, and I'm willing to assume. Most people somehow, someway go crazy at a level of progression of their works either feeling good about it or impatient, but you made the outcome look professional. I admit, it takes a great sense of knowing what fits best where, and you're truly making a merry by placing things almost exactly where they should be.

Nice going mate, keep up the good work. You have previous encounters/experiences doing graphics? If yes or not, you're going good at it anyway! :p
Yeah, I've been doing Graphics for about a good year now. The problem with most people is that, they go free styling. You have to follow tuts, so you can learn new things. Most people just go with what they think looks good, and really have no plan what so ever. Making good Graphics takes time and effort. You can't just make a great piece in about five mins. People here rush their graphics too much.
I understand your point. Especially the second one. I feel sort of a remorse because if i'd have been the compositor/maker of the work, I'd make so many changes to bring a proper sense of look into it.

Keep it up, I may not have followed or practiced it too much, But tutorials, sure is a good thing to have a habit of looking at and to seek new things from. More importantly the good techniques. Once you learn them, some time when you're at the midst of a work, one of the techniques strike the mind and it will have a beautiful effect when used properly and saves you so much time instead of a complicated procedure to accomplish an effect which don't go with the desired look.

Well, :p Creativity over time. It's all in it. It doesn't always need to take time to get a masterpiece. :p You start over doing some serious unique stuff and 5 minutes later you realize you just did a masterpiece. :p

But detail and simplicity, when put in the right place, can achieve you anything.

Haha, good talk, I've not expressed this much these days.

Looking forward to your graphics. :)

The problem with most people is that, they go free styling.

There is no harm in free-styling TBH. I've hardly followed 4-5 tutorials. You learn most of the techniques while free-styling. It's like an adventure where you see which tool/filter/brush produces which result. Just that you need to have a good sense of art. If you have it, free-styling is the best option to improve your artworks.
I'm not against free styling, but only when you actually have a plan to follow. I don't just go in guns blazing and accepting whateer the result may be. I picture the sig in my head, and try to replicate that.

Following tuts early on will teach you the basics, and if you continue following them, you will learn the advanced techniques. Once you have learned those techniques, feel free to do whatever the hell you want, but if you go in with only the basics, and no plan you will most likely end up with a pretty shitty sig.

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