Newbie classic mafia - Endgame Mafia (Blitzberg, Simon win)

Night 1

Six went to sleep but only five woke up the next morning. Horror struck the town when they realised that the missing man was the local police officer. Now finding the villains would be even harder.

Swacker is dead. He was the Cop, Town Aligned.

It is now day 2. With 5 alive it takes 3 to lynch.
So my guess of Swacker being the mafia was wrong.And in the end both who were suspicious of each other being a mafia are no more.
Blitzy on day one lynched no one shows that he might be town aligned and the same is cleared about yash from his attitude. My lynch vote on day one was a random one but today it won't be.
FOS: Simon, Ahmad94
Lynch: Simon
Oh damn! We lost two townies, more importantly a cop. :( Now we have two scums and three of ourselves(including a doctor). If we lynch one of ourselves, we lose.

FOS: Ahmad94 & Simon.

Both have been much mute eversince this has started. Can't blame Simon as he's just joined the game, but Ahmad hasn't produced anything worthwile. I suspect sos as well, but I think the scum is playing a silent game and will just put his hand to lynch.
FOS: Ahmad94 and Simon
Hopefully this will make them post here often.
Just a quick note on what LyLo means. LyLo or "lynch or lose" describes the game situation where the town must lynch correctly (i.e. get a mafia) or lose the game. As per the first post there are 2 mafia alive out of the 5 players remaining.
A lot of people suspect me, eh :eek:

FOS: Yashdude101 and SOS
Lynch: Blitzberg

I feel he knows what he is doing.
Guess I am a bit late for this, if not would like to get a chance, only if my mentor is Manly, nah just kidding any mentor would do.
Have to go with my mates.;)
Good bye Ahmad.:wave


I am changing my lynch vote.
Lynch: Ahmad94
because I agree to what Blitzy said.
Follow the code,:)
Vote Count

Simon - 1 (sos)
Ahmad94 - 2 (Blitaberg, yashdude)

To lynch someone else you must unlynch first.
With 5 alive it takes 3 to lynch.

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