Problem: Player Momentum and Reactions

I don't think that much can be done in this iteration, cause what you are saying will require a total overhaul of fielding system and mechanism, its not a simple tweak like straight drive or field-settings.

Also this is not unexpected for a game to have NPC's reacting realistically you should either have a very sophisticated and developed over years nav system like fifa or game on rails system.

BA is while they have done their best i doubt they are upto fifa level as well as they have opted an sandbox approach instead of on rails approach which is why these reactions occur.

the fielding system isn't perfect but i can live with that, its some times fun, sometimes frustrating but its OK on the whole.

The main tweak i want regarding fielding is field settings according to match, i was playing the 45 th over we were 305 or something i think , and see this vid
if it were not this field setup this moment wouldn't have happened.

To me fixing field settings will solve half the prob and the shot physics tweaked a bit esp with drives, would make it suitable and would avoid most of the anomalies.

Fielding mechanism improvement with momentum etc is certainly something they should look around in next iteration though.
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Yeah really convincing human movement in a really complex and varied range of activities is a bit of an ask on a budget.

I think there has to be something tweakable in player anticipation or something like that, though. You see some amazing catches close in at pro level but I don't think taking catches off the face of the bat in the middle of the strip is really on even you're positioned right on the edge.

Granted, the game posts super close fielders much too often - they really do just pop up whenever you summon them with forward defensives - but there are still times when you should quite rightly find yourself with men around the bat and in those cases I'd prefer they didn't have quirky powers.
there's something just "off" about the whole fielding, from the catches they make, balls they stop, positions they take, ground they cover etc. the whole thing is just wrong.

The most annoying thing for me is when the fielders walk as slow as they possibly can sometimes to pick up the ball. Granted, it doesn't really impact the game as it usually just happens with singles.
The most annoying thing for me is when the fielders walk as slow as they possibly can sometimes to pick up the ball. Granted, it doesn't really impact the game as it usually just happens with singles.

but fielders do get casual in cricket when a single is inevitable.
that is upto us how real we want to play this game, you can score a 40 balls 100 in test and a 200 balls hundred as well.
Great, let's put all the fielding into slow motion mode and we'll just run however many we think is fair.
Great, let's put all the fielding into slow motion mode and we'll just run however many we think is fair.

The issue isn't once they are up to speed, it's the immediate reaction and how they move in the instant after the ball is hit.
That's a reply to balkeet, concerning his statement that glitches in ai fielding are ok because we can just choose not to take the extra runs.
I don't think that much can be done in this iteration, cause what you are saying will require a total overhaul of fielding system and mechanism, its not a simple tweak like straight drive or field settings.

Yep I agree.
While a few of these things annoy me slightly, being a cricket nerd, I think we have to take a chill pill in regards to most of this stuff. It would be nice to get these things tidied up for this version but id rather BA put their energies into tweaking AI and more important issues for the remainder of their support for this version.

I'm not really expecting or for that matter even wanting BA to do a whole lot more with this version. We can't expect this to be perfect game straight out of the gate, I have mentioned nba live before when talking about this. It was once a massive sports franchise, one of the most popular in the world, after a few years out of the game has returned with a very poor first up effort.
Ross has explained that they could've just concentrated on the basics of the game and released a more stripped down version with less bugs and more polish but they decided to spoil us with all these bells and whistles.
I think we just have to live with the few foibles that are still Present and wait for the next iteration when it comes to this minor stuff.
Something I noticed with most catches... the fielders (especially the keeper) will walk/run into a position that they HAVE to dive to get to the ball, and then they'll take a one handed catch when they had more than enough time to get into position to just take the catch like a human being.

Keepers tend to dive for any edge, and they'll take it just before it hits the ground... I've never seen a keeper take a straight forward standing catch.
Keepers tend to dive for any edge, and they'll take it just before it hits the ground... I've never seen a keeper take a straight forward standing catch.
I haven't noticed that myself, I've seen quite a few simple catches for the keeper - here's a couple I have videos of.

First wicket here;

and this one;

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I haven't noticed that myself, I've seen quite a few simple catches for the keeper - here's a couple I have videos of.

Lol... never seen a keeper take a catch like that off my bowling... I'll try get videos of what I get.

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