360 Shot control

I get your point :-)

With that, it never seemed too difficult to whip my bowling through midwicket on a Saturday....
There's one shot that I can't seem to get right...thats the back foot leg glance off a ball on leg stump which will run down to fine leg. Every time I've tried a shot (LS = back, RS = left/down at 45 deg) I get a glance to square leg only...or LBW if I miss! :)

What am I doing wrong?
There's one shot that I can't seem to get right...thats the back foot leg glance off a ball on leg stump which will run down to fine leg. Every time I've tried a shot (LS = back, RS = left/down at 45 deg) I get a glance to square leg only...or LBW if I miss! :)

What am I doing wrong?

time it later. i have played that shot successfully quote often - agree it will go squarer more often than fine, but you can get it fine.
so its timing then? I love the DB14 controls and it makes sense that it could work....I guess maybe I just haven't timed it late enough. Will try it out more in the nets. Just on the nets though...I wish there was an ability to select the type of ball like IRL eg. yorkers, outswingers, inswingers, etc so you could practice a specific shot. At the moment its luck of the draw what kind of balls you get (and where), which is good for player bowling but not a machine which is fixed. Anyway..maybe something for the next iteration.
I've never tried the nets. I just choose a random team and play casual games and try different batting strokes and timings in game. I read somewhere that net practice is rather false anyway because the batsmans confidence level is set to max. Giving a false sense of skill or good timing. Could anyone confirm or deny this?
so its timing then? I love the DB14 controls and it makes sense that it could work....I guess maybe I just haven't timed it late enough. Will try it out more in the nets. Just on the nets though...I wish there was an ability to select the type of ball like IRL eg. yorkers, outswingers, inswingers, etc so you could practice a specific shot. At the moment its luck of the draw what kind of balls you get (and where), which is good for player bowling but not a machine which is fixed. Anyway..maybe something for the next iteration.

i think so. i'd try it casual (or a match you care about) rather than the nets - nobody will ever convince me timing in nets and matches are the same, i'm certain they're a bit different.

i don't think DBC has genuine 360 shot control in the sense of a shot you can play anywhere off any ball, but it does (to me) appear to have an ability to play a shot earlier or later and that will adjust where the ball goes. anyhoo i play it as if it does and it works for me
i think so. i'd try it casual (or a match you care about) rather than the nets - nobody will ever convince me timing in nets and matches are the same, i'm certain they're a bit different.

i don't think DBC has genuine 360 shot control in the sense of a shot you can play anywhere off any ball, but it does (to me) appear to have an ability to play a shot earlier or later and that will adjust where the ball goes. anyhoo i play it as if it does and it works for me

yeah thanks for that. I tried it on match practice and managed to get three balls on leg stump, 1 I missed altogether, 1 I did a leg glace to just wide of sq leg (so it kinda works due to timing so you're correct) and the third was a valid LBW. damn.
oh good must give it a try then. Unfortunately most of my shots are front foot leg glances or back foot cuts so I don't tend to try new shots out.
The difficulty level also affects your shots. If you play at a lower level the CPU will automatically choose front or back foot, and adjust for perfect timing, so the wagon wheel for a novice will show most strokes overlapping while for veteran you'll get a wider spread of shots and angles.

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