Who is Zombie Iain and why do you want him to come back?
I know I'm late to this party but it's entirely because @Dutch has been asking me to do this via PM for a month...
Judas!!!!![DOUBLEPOST=1506885957][/DOUBLEPOST]If you were to take lorrydriver Keith from Ipswich on a date where would you go?

More seriously; from where does your love of retro cricket come from?
Are you going to post some questions on others AMA just a little common curtesy.
Here goes, more to follow.

Bat bowl or both.

Highest score

best wicket haul

Favourite house hold chore.

Ever been hit by the ball in the face.

Bowling action.

Pay on a first date or go dutch.

Limited overs or Test match or both

How many girls have you kissed

Favourite colour.

Describe your perfect Girl friend

Have you ever gone commando.

Early riser of sleep in.

Y fronts or boxers.

Favourite other sports.

Do you take a teddy bear to bed with you.

Have you ever wore a onesie.

How many girlfriends have you had.

How many times do you shower a week.

Bad habits.

Long sleeves or short.

Do you prefer women with brown or blonde hair.

Do you like women in bikinis or onepeice swimsuit.

Do like women in skirts or trousers

Do you like women in tights or barelegged.

Do you sing when cooking.

Do you swear when driving.

Are you accident prone.

What are your nicknames.

How many units of alcohol can you drink.

Favourite drink.

Do you like women to show flesh or cover up.

What do you do for a living.

What car do you drive.

Flowers or chocolates.

Ikea or traditional furniture.

How long do you take on the lavatory.

Favourite food.

Do you sleep naked or with PJ's.

Do you know what Netflix and chill means.

Wet shave or electric.

Night owl or early to bed.

Who is the most annoying on PC.

Who is the most unpredictable on PC.

Who has the most tantrums.

Who is the best looking.

What books on your shelf are begging to be read.

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive.

When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you sneak in quietly and find a safe spot to roost.

What is the strangest thing you believed as a child.

What’s the ultimate role play for you.

What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up.

What was the most recent compliment you’ve received and savoured.

What do you think about more than anything else.

What celebrity do you think would be the best in bed.

What’s something that amazes you.

What position do you sleep in.

Hickies: major yes or no way

Where is the strangest place you’ve ever had sex.

What’s your all-time favourite town or city.

If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be.

If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be.

If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to.

What do you consider unforgivable.

Are you going to ask sweet (little) Caroline more questions

What's the best thing about being married (I doubt this).
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What are your political beliefs and why?
Who is Zombie Iain and why do you want him to come back?

Zombie was an old feller who took some heat way back when the DBC14 academy nets came out, owing to complaining about not being able to hit the ball without using the foot movement stick.

he had a minor point, in that the outcome (the ball went through the player or bat) wasn't realistic but refused to concede the major point that someone who was banging on about playing no hud, legend with a poor batsman but didn't want to move his feet was kind of a dick.

he left PC shortly after, although briefly came back under the name cuirassier. i'd like him to come back because he did make some occasional good points, and once said he liked my youtube videos. as they generally only get about 5 views each i can do with all the audience i can get.
Judas!!!!![DOUBLEPOST=1506885957][/DOUBLEPOST]If you were to take lorrydriver Keith from Ipswich on a date where would you go?

More seriously; from where does your love of retro cricket come from?

Little Chef on the A49 just past the Shepton Mallet bypass before you get to the roundabout for the B3619 to Shellow Bowells. The food is no good but there's a nice canal towpath where we may be able to slaughter a jogger. Keith knows how to dispose of a body.

It's more a disillusionment with what modern cricket has become. To see once great sides like the WI reduced to nowt, SA stripped of players by Kolpak and T20 commitments, the big 3 carve up, the sad state of Zimbabwe...

I would like some sense to be made of a global season with less cricket of all types, protect genuine fast bowlers, better balance between batsmen and bowlers etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1506891013][/DOUBLEPOST]
Are you going to post some questions on others AMA just a little common curtesy.
I'll be 100% honest I really started this thread to troll @Dutch. but of course yes as it's courtesy. btw I did actually post 2 questions to @Aislabie just before I started this thread.
Here goes, more to follow.

That's a lot of questions! May I ask you (and others) not to post so many in one go for reasons of time and if others are like me they probably won't read all the answers anyway.

Bat bowl or both. - Technically both and neither. I am bloody awful at cricket.

Highest score - 54* my one and only 50. made batting at number 3, I came in in the 2nd over of the innings and batted through the rest of the 40 overs for one of the most turgid, boring innings ever seen. True story - I blocked the last 3 balls just to make sure I went off with red ink.

best wicket haul - no idea. i have never really put in a memorable bowling performance. I recall a 3 or 4 wicket haul in junior school but that probably doesn't count.

Favourite house hold chore. - my wife and I have a nice split: she hates cooking and can't do it where I love it so I do all the cooking and she does the laundry, and we share everything else. I do all our cooking. I even cooked our wedding cake (a white chocolate sponge, because traditional wedding cakes are disgusting.)

Ever been hit by the ball in the face. - not a cricket ball in the face no, though in the head twice, including once by a first grade-level aussie bowler. (he was insanely good, smashed us for 70-odd then ripped out our top order for nowt. I saw him out the attack, he never got me out but nor did i score a single run off his bowling!) Neither time hurt.

Bowling action. I have an orthodox leg spinning action, yet every ball turns like a googly. no idea why.

Pay on a first date or go dutch. married for nearly 10 years so hardly remember. i think i paid on our first date (and been paying ever since, badum tish).

Limited overs or Test match or both test...

How many girls have you kissed not enough... though most of the girls i have kissed would tell you it was at least 1 too many.

Favourite colour. blue

Describe your perfect Girl friend one my wife doesn't know about of course! kidding - I have always had a thing for quiet, intelligent, girl next door types.

Have you ever gone commando. used to regularly. no idea why now.

Early riser of sleep in. i am father to a toddler. I get up when she does. always too early.

Y fronts or boxers. boxers.

Favourite other sports. rugby union.

Do you take a teddy bear to bed with you. no, but i still have my childhood teddy. my daughter has him now - he's the 2nd oldest member oft he household.

Have you ever wore a onesie. no.

How many girlfriends have you had. wife is actually the only long term relationship i've had. a couple of others that were couple of weeks or months. several not so serious.

How many times do you shower a week. usually once a day. at the weekends i try and workout while my daughter sleeps in the afternoon so then twice.

Bad habits. posting on internet forums, gluttony, and being the laziest man alive.

Long sleeves or short. I don't get the premise of this question?

Do you prefer women with brown or blonde hair. i have fancied more brunettes in my life, but hair colour doesn't matter to me.

Do you like women in bikinis or onepeice swimsuit. honestly no preference to this or the other womens clothes questions. depends on the item, the lady, and the occasion.

Do like women in skirts or trousers

Do you like women in tights or barelegged.

Do you sing when cooking. yes.

Do you swear when driving. yes.

Are you accident prone. yes.

What are your nicknames. usually at school i was called by my surname by people i despised, and my friends called me Dave.

How many units of alcohol can you drink. not much now.

Favourite drink. i love real ale or stout if i am having a "session". my favourite wines are barolo or valpolicella if red, and (chilean) chenin blanc or (nz) sauvignon blanc if white. My favourite cocktails are the whiskey sour or long island iced tea (or mojito if it's hot). in winter especially around christmas i love to drink irish coffee.

Do you like women to show flesh or cover up. sexist as it sounds depends on the girl.

What do you do for a living. generally, as little as possible. formally i am Head of Product for a Reinsurance Software company. Specifically i am in charge of product innovation strategy and pre-sales. It's boring as sin.

What car do you drive. a crappy 12 year old seat leon.

Flowers or chocolates. if buying for my wife it'd be flowers she loves them.

Ikea or traditional furniture. traditional oak

How long do you take on the lavatory. dunno i'm having aa dump, i don't use a stopwatch.

Favourite food. curry (hara jhool), ribeye steak with sauce bearnaise, chicken wings.

Do you sleep naked or with PJ's. t-shirt and boxers.

Do you know what Netflix and chill means. yes, and i do it frequently. i recently watched GLOW which I originally started due to my Alison Brie obsession (big shock when she whipped them out in episode one!) but was actually just a great show and i'm looking forward to season 2. More recently i've been watching old Louis Theroux.

Wet shave or electric. Wet

Night owl or early to bed. I never stay up too late yet I'm always tired so I guess not early enough.

Who is the most annoying on PC. no individual annoys me particularly. there are particular habits lots of posters share that i don't enjoy.

Who is the most unpredictable on PC. i've honestly not tried to predict any of them so i couldn't say.

Who has the most tantrums. no idea. i generally post only in dbc thread and a few others.

Who is the best looking. I haven't seen everyone.

What books on your shelf are begging to be read. Most of the books on my bookshelf i have read. I think in my Kindle I downloaded 3 men in a boat and 3 men on a bummel but not read them yet.

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive. apologies for being rude but i've reached the age where if i can't sleep at night i probably just need a wee.

When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you sneak in quietly and find a safe spot to roost. either look for someone i know or sneak in quiet. i'm not particularly sociable.

What is the strangest thing you believed as a child. I was raised catholic so probably that - all religion is absolute bollocks.

What’s the ultimate role play for you. is this like a sex thing? i've been married 9 years and have a toddler. role play is pretending we're not too tired to do it.

What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up. chocolate

What was the most recent compliment you’ve received and savoured. i've lost a lot of weight recently, i met a former colleague for coffee the other week and he commented on it. that was nice.

What do you think about more than anything else. sex.

What celebrity do you think would be the best in bed. an 20-year old christy turlington. even if she wasn't i'm sure i'd still enjoy myself.

What’s something that amazes you. the human brain, and that such complexity arises from natural selection.

What position do you sleep in. on my back, or left side.

Hickies: major yes or no way not really my thing.

Where is the strangest place you’ve ever had sex. not sure this counts as it wasn't full sex and wasn't "completed" but i once had a girl venture south on the side of the dancefloor in a nightclub. i was like 18 or 19 at the time and drunk so obviously thought it was awesome at the time but looking back i just think eww.

What’s your all-time favourite town or city. either barcelona or boston.

If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be. i am so lazy it's unreal. if i had an ounce of work ethic i'd be much more successful.

If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be. i don't really have one.

If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to. never wanted too.

What do you consider unforgivable. crimes against children, being a socialist.

Are you going to ask sweet (little) Caroline more questions i will think of some.

What's the best thing about being married (I doubt this). love and companionship.
What are your political beliefs and why?

I consider myself a classical liberal (in the 19th century utilitarian sense); which in England in 2017 = dangerously right wing libertarian.

(Actually for anyone who cares about the distinction, I am certainly not a libertarian in the Objectivist sense, since I accept the necessity of some public goods. I also believe in game theory, so accepting that the Nash equilibrium in a public Goods game is zero, am OK with limited taxation. A true libertarian Objectivist would not accept this. I sometimes struggle to see the difference between a Libertartian Objectivist and an Anarchist - I think the difference is the Objectivist at least wants some people to be rich.)

I believe giving the government power is a dangerous thing, because they will always abuse it. The government has a responsibility to protect borders, ensure law and order, enforce contracts and property rights, and provide a safety net which protects people from destitution. Other than that they should do as little as possible

Generally, I believe that adults should be free to do as they wish providing they do no harm to others. So in terms of sexuality etc. I am all for equality. That said, I am technically not "for" gay marriage, since I believe that the state shouldn't be involved in marriage: there should be a separation between civil and religious institutions including marriage. The civil institution can be fully equal. The religious institution is a matter for freedom of conscience of the individual congregations. I say that as an atheist. If you choose to believe in a sky fairy, and that sky fairy tells you what to do with your pee pee and you find it inconvenient, well tough titty. Have a civil ceremony and all power and success to you, but don't bring the power of the state to bear on others' beliefs. (I'm not particularly "liberal" on drugs, because I believe they do cause harm in terms of health burden, and economic burden in reduced productivity. I don't mention crime because that wouldn't apply if legalised.)

Economically, I am sympathetic to the Austrian School and specifically am a great believer in supply side economics. John Maynard Keynes and his ludicrous demand fallacy, which of course encourages governments to hoover up more money and power to "manage" demand, had one of the worst and most dangerous ideas of the 20th century. He does not have deaths on his legacy like Mao and Stalin and Hitler, but generations and billions of misery, poverty and debt.

Why I believe in it is because I value above all things the dignity and freedom of the individual.
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I consider myself a classical liberal (in the 19th century utilitarian sense); which in England in 2017 = dangerously right wing libertarian.

(Actually for anyone who cares about the distinction, I am certainly not a libertarian in the Objectivist sense, since I accept the necessity of some public goods. I also believe in game theory, so accepting that the Nash equilibrium in a public Goods game is zero, am OK with limited taxation. A true libertarian Objectivist would not accept this. I sometimes struggle to see the difference between a Libertartian Objectivist and an Anarchist - I think the difference is the Objectivist at least wants some people to be rich.)

I believe giving the government power is a dangerous thing, because they will always abuse it. The government has a responsibility to protect borders, ensure law and order, enforce contracts and property rights, and provide a safety net which protects people from destitution. Other than that they should do as little as possible

Generally, I believe that adults should be free to do as they wish providing they do no harm to others. So in terms of sexuality etc. I am all for equality. That said, I am technically not "for" gay marriage, since I believe that the state shouldn't be involved in marriage: there should be a separation between civil and religious institutions including marriage. The civil institution can be fully equal. The religious institution is a matter for freedom of conscience of the individual congregations. I say that as an atheist. If you choose to believe in a sky fairy, and that sky fairy tells you what to do with your pee pee and you find it inconvenient, well tough titty. Have a civil ceremony and all power and success to you, but don't bring the power of the state to bear on others' beliefs. (I'm not particularly "liberal" on drugs, because I believe they do cause harm in terms of health burden, and economic burden in reduced productivity. I don't mention crime because that wouldn't apply if legalised.)

Economically, I am sympathetic to the Austrian School and specifically am a great believer in supply side economics. John Maynard Keynes and his ludicrous demand fallacy, which of course encourages governments to hoover up more money and power to "manage" demand, had one of the worst and most dangerous ideas of the 20th century. He does not have deaths on his legacy like Mao and Stalin and Hitler, but generations and millions of misery, poverty and debt.

Why I believe in it is because I value above all things the dignity and freedom of the individual.
Refreshing to see a post about politics like this :)

Thoughts on Brexit?
Wow that's interesting.

So what do you think about religion like Islam, Christianity Hinduism etc?

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