Story A new dawn for South Africa

1st Test

Tea day 1 Johannesburg

SA 159/3

Smith 59

de Villiers 47

Kallis 21*

Gibbs 16*

Great fight back by the Austalians see the match evenly balanced. Smith as usual got a start and failed to capitilize on it. De Villiers was the first man to go. He didn?t know what to do with the turn of Shane Warne and played down the wrong line for the straighter one. He was gone for 47 LBW Warne

Smith knew he had to stay there until Rudolph got his eye in but instead he played a short one from Bracken straight to McGrath at backward square leg

Dan Cullen then made his debut and placed pressure from ball 1. Rudolph feeling the pressure chipped one straight to the safe hands of Michael Clarke.

Then the expierence of Kallis and Gibbs were in the middle. Playing some very lovely strokes Kallis attacked. He is looking good and needs to build a partnership.

Gibbs was silent till now and just grapping the singles. If he can just keep his cool he can make a big score.

So the match is looking very evenly balanced and the next session will be vital for both sides. Australia want wickets and South Africa want to keep their wickets and score runs. Here are the scorecard and bowling figures

So what will happen next? Stay tuned and find out in the next and last session of play on day 1

Interview at lunch with Steve Waugh

Robin Jackman caught up with former Austalian captain and new South African coach Steve Waugh during tea.

RJ: Hi Steve how are you?

SW: Hey. Im fine thanks.

RJ: How do you feel at the moment?

SW: The match is pretty evenly balanced and a lot can still happen.

RJ: How?s the job going at the moment?

SW: It?s going very well at the moment and I like it.

RJ: Do you miss being out there batting in the middle?

SW: A little bit but Im just happy theres not so much pressure on me.

RJ: Have you seen Thandi Tshabalala bowl?

SW: Yes I saw him yesterday in the nets and he got quite some turn.

RJ: That?s good. Good luck for the rest of the match.

RP: Thanks mate.

We?ll get back to the commentators right after this break.


The Star
good opening stand from the south africans however australia will be happy with 3 wickets
1st Test

End of day 1 Johannesburg

SA 290/4

Smith 59

Boucher 56*

Gibbs 78*

What a first day of cricket here at Johannesburg. South Africa dominated session 1 and Australia dominated session 2. And in the end day 1 belonged to South Africa. Some surprising factor is that Australia didn?t bowl Shane Warne in this last session which is very funny as the pitch was turning mad. Cullen bowled a lot and Bracken. The pitch has nothing in it for the seamers and the spinners will have to get the wickets

Kallis looked good but lost concentration and went early as Australia looked on top. Great ball by Bracken saw him LBW

Boucher and Gibbs dominated the rest of the session as they accelerated.

Boucher smashed some quality strokes and even hit the first six. He took on the spinners a lot. He started raising the run rate and Gibbs followed him

Gibbs looked solid throughout the session and tomorrow will be a big task for him as he usually goes out early in the day. If he can stay there for the first session he can make a big total

So the scorecard and bowling figures stand like this

Can South Africa win this test or will Australia bounce back? Join us tomorrow here at Johannesburg for more action. Goodbye and goodnight from us here at Sky Sports NZ.

End of day 1 interview with Graeme Smith


Nasser Hussain had a chat with South African captain Graeme Smith at the end of day 1.

NH: Hi Graeme how are you?

GS: Fine thanks.

NH: How are this standing for your side at the moment?

GS: Well the match is still tight but if we can see out tomorrow morning we could get a good score.

NH: Hows the new coach for you?

GS: Steve?s a great guy and really is teaching me and the boys alot.

NH: Are you happy with your performance today?

GS: No not really I would have liked to get my hundred today.

NH: How?s the pitch looking?

GS: There is nothing in the pitch really but hopefully Thandi can get some turn and help us.

NH: Well thanks Graeme and good luck for tomorrow.

GS: Thanks you.

So a lot more action installed here like a computer game installed on your hard drive and you can catch it all tomorrow on day 2.


The Star
So what do you guys think of my story so far? Any suggestions?
Good Start. hopefully Boucher can build o this innings. Interesting South African story
Boucher and Gibbs reach 100

A great start to day 2 for South Africa as 1 hour after the start of play both batsmen reached their centuries.South Africa currently stand on 364/4 with Cullen and McGrath bowling. Still no Shane Warne yet.

Gibbs started quick as usual and if he can see out this first session he will look good for a big total

Mark Boucher also started quick and raised the run rate. When he got into the 90's he slowed down to make sure he gets that all important hundred.
He was on 99 and took a suicidle single to mid on but the fielder tried the direct hit and missed. He could have trown it to McGrath and Boucher would still have been out. None the less Boucher is still there.
South Africa on top!

1st Test
Lunch day 2 Johannesburg

SA 408/5
Boucher 112
Gibbs 122*
Pollock 16*

Bracken 2/42

Session number 1 on day 2 was really exiting. Boucher and Gibbs scored at a tremendous pace and South Africa are now scoring 100+ runs a session. The Australians looked frustrated at not getting any wickets. Boucher and Gibbs reached their centuries and Boucher continued his assault.1 More session to South Africa

In the end Boucher played one too many and was very unlucky. He drived a ball outside off stump from McGrath and got an inside edge which went onto his stumps.

Gibbs started slowly and slowly raised his pace. After getting the hundred he looked confident and solid. How long can he still last?

Pollock joined Gibbs after Boucher went and continued the assault. Smashing some good boundaries before the lunch break came. If he can stay there with Gibbs South Africa are on track for a huge total.

Scorecard and bowling figures

So some questions have yet to be answered like where is Shane Warne and why is Brett Lee not playing? Find out next in the next session of play here at Johannesburg.

Lunch break interview with Dennis Lillee


2 of Yesteryears greats had a chat with each other. Geoffrey Boycott had achat withDennis Lilleeat lunch.

GB: Hey Dennis how are you?

DL: Hi I?m great.

GB: So how do things look for Australia in this match?

DL: Not good because Ricky Ponting is making the wrong decisions and doesn?t know who to bowl. He is not the captain I thought he was.

GB: What do you mean by wrong decisions?

DL: He keeps on bowling Katich and not Warne. Katich is not a bowler so why are you not bowling your star bowler Warne?

GB: So any chance Australia can fight back?

DL: Yes most certainly but then Ponting has to bowl Bracken, McGrath and Warne.

GB: Would you have liked a bowl today?

DL: Yes atleast I would have gotten a wicket hopefully.

GB: Lol! Thanks Dennis and enjoy your day.

DL: Thanks.

GB: So you heard it Dennis Lillee not very happy. Stay tuned because right after this break its back to the commentators.

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