Yeah the crowd audio triggers are out of sync...midway through a rally and nothing after a point....
Nah I am out of the closet!!
(was a lame joke: no offence meant!)
Anyway I am getting a lot of mid rally applause going on.......not wanting to just pick up on the negatives but thought I would feed that back![DOUBLEPOST=1529095991][/DOUBLEPOST]Being able to exit now at any point is great!!!
Yep something wrong with applause. Not sure what the heck that is. I have a feeling something we tried to get in late to "fix" another audio issue has caused it.[DOUBLEPOST=1529098179][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm a little confused by this. is it that the higher the sensitivity, the more accurate the marker is?
It's the speed the aiming marker moves. The higher it is the quicker it will move.
No,tested that last night and was getting correct one. Can you give me tournament and stadiums being used?
I played the Auckland event and it selected Indian wells. If it helps Indian wells was the last stadium I edited before I played and I did have a stadium for Auckland.
Ok, there must be a bug introduced. It definitely should be taking city. Is the Auckland one a venue or one stadium?[DOUBLEPOST=1529105005][/DOUBLEPOST]The only other question. Is the Auckland one the right surface? I assume it is, but just in case.
Ok, there must be a bug introduced. It definitely should be taking city. Is the Auckland one a venue or one stadium?[DOUBLEPOST=1529105005][/DOUBLEPOST]The only other question. Is the Auckland one the right surface? I assume it is, but just in case.
Just a stadium but the right surface.
Look at you... working so hard on a Friday night here so must be Saturday morning there. No rest for the wicked.

I can confirm this (Mike also gets no rest :) ), the team and I are extraordinarily committed to this franchise - whatever it takes!

We will address the sound bug on Monday and probably put out an immediate fix.
A trivial, but slightly annoying issue (cause I'm a trivial and slightly annoying guy). Is there a reason why the mouse cursor on the Steam version is not turned off when the game starts? It just means I have to push it off screen every time. Yeh, yeh, poor me. Cue the violins. :) It's the case in AC too.
Only Monday???? What kind of operation you running over there??? I am too delicate a flower for this.

On a serious note, thanks Ross :thumbs
actually I'm working on something right now - I "might" be able to get something out for PC later today. I'll probably put that on a branch for people to take a look at.
Just a stadium but the right surface.
Ok we will check this out. We've changed some of the search fields for venues ready for the next update that will automatically bring venues into career from the community. Maybe go into the stadium and edit it slightly to resave it. It might update the new fields.
Ok for those on pc I have a new build on a branch

Password. Betatestingbuild

Would be great if a pc user is able to confirm claps are correct.

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