Ashes Cricket delayed officially

True that and maybe DRS is brought back. There is a serious lack of features except for 'great commentary and live pitch with accurate weather'.

...all of which is subjective. No commentary can be deemed 'great'. I like a particular commentator, you may hate him like hell. 'Live Pitch', common even past games had a pitch that deteriorated with time, how exactly do we, as customers, without having had any insight into the game, know that this feature is any good than the ones in previous games. And for the 'weather', get on any weather site and you'd have a long long history of climatic conditions of the places where the '28 stadiums' (or 20 or whatever) are situated. They seriously needed to add much more things into the game, and they are doing exactly that. Sad they realized about it a lot later. May be they'd have got the game out as it is right now and made cash out of the Ashes licence, had BA Cricket 14 not been there. But now they do realize about their competition and you see the result of it, still 'adding features' and 'rebuilding the game engine'.
Agree with biggs. 2 months is too short of a time to change anything significantly or remove/add features. Remember they havent even submitted the game. And that is a 2 months long process also. God knows when this is coming out.
God knows when this is coming out.

Before the Australian Ashes I guess. That's their only hope now. Who sells an Ashes game right after the series is over?
But then, its 505 and their strategies, they could set a new benchmark by doing it that way.
Their rights are for the Investec Ashes Series in the UK. It's all over their artwork... They have to get the game out for that series... it's part of their licensing agreements.
And it sold very well I seem too remember ..
If it is released during ashes and England are doing
Well , it will sell loads :rolleyes
Selling it during the series might actually be a better move. Obviously not the fifth test, but the realise coinciding with the second test for example might be productive.
If it is released during ashes and England are doing
Well , it will sell loads

But on the flip side, when the Aussies are getting destroyed then THEY will LOSE interest! :thumbs
I think the ashes will be settled by the start of the 4th test. So best to release it by then.
Would also be interesting so see how many people who said they had canceled their pre-orders end up getting it.
So has this officially been delayed? Mine hasn't dispatched from Amazon, but has been ordered and I've been told that it's coming out on the same day!
Codemasters last time? Ashes Cricket 2009 released on the 7th August 2009, the day the fourth test started.

The Ashes ends Aug25. So if they can't get the game out by then (which could be possible as per the submission timeline Ross gave us) then probably they'd wait for the Australian Ashes. So even though the 'Investec Ashes Series' licence gets wasted (or not as you could still replay it if it turns out to be a cracker), you at least have a hyped series named 'Ashes' between two teams that you've licenced for the game. And, the title 'Ashes Cricket 13/14' could still be valid.
All of this is speculation though. If they can get the game out before this Ashes ends, well it couldn't get better for them. But from what Ross has said about the submissions, given that the game isn't submitted yet (probably), and Sam from IVG noticing too many bugs in the build they showed at E3, its hard to believe that they'd meet the said July release.
Well many of us were under the impression that the pc version no matter how buggy will be on time at a very low price of $20. But I Guess not.
reason to not buy...

So as many of you have read the E3 impressions despite them not being hands on give a good enough estimate of what has been going on. The bottom line is they have been lying about everything.

-there is no new engine
-there probably aren't no new animations (you can tell buy the screens imo)
-everything else is probably a lie too

if the above wasn't true we simply would have seen more of the game, this is the reason to NOT buy the game

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