Childish Things Forums Hacked?

Shame they have to hide behind computer screens because in the real world they would get a real beating........
Well I'm having quite a long convo with him now and he seems like a decent guy actually. He just believes in something too much.
As you can imagine it is a pain in the arse. No one link him to here, though. Don't want a double strike! Though it wouldn't exactly be hard to find it, it's mentioned and linked in the forums. I've contacted the relevant people. With the server problem and patch saga, this about the last thing we need. The forums will be back. Can't say when. Though leaving his hotmail address is interesting.

Any questions about the game, feel free to use here. I'm here, I can answer questions. Can always contact Chris, etc.

As for you guys talking to him. Well, I'd never in a million years talk to a hacker via an e-mail account. I wouldn't advise to speak to him tbh. Has he actually cited any reason for doing it?
Well I've finished my conversation with him now and it was very long. Don't worry about being linked to here Nigel, nothing I said was about Planetcricket. We talked about Islam for a bit of it and he says that all he was doing was promoting Islam and was trying to get people to see the true Islam. After all the bad press about Islam, you can see why he might feel this way. He seems to be too involved with the religion, which I didn't think was possible. He didn't see what he did as hacking as he said, and he promised me, that he did not edit, remove or delete any files. All he has done is that he has edited the index, which shouldn't be hard at all to edit back. He even said that if they want help to get it back to normal, or have any problems, then to ask me to ask him to help them.

Just shows what a little respect can get you in return; a full explanation.
He's given a full explanation but I couldn't care less. People doing this type of thing deserve no respect and its people like him that give his cause a bad name.
Please stay well clear Hackers are very very clever. He could say anything and be anyone
Yeh, some of the nicest guys in the world (at full face) are locked up in prisons for things like multiple murders etc. So yeah, naive isn't something you want to show a hacker. So approach at your own risk, if you want my two pence, and i've probably been on forums a lot longer than most of you guys (well except the golden oldies like Colin and Kev :p) and i can tell you hackers are only hackers because they're clever!
I visited the site as well - is it likely to have left any virus or something on my PC?
I might have been a hacker at one point in my life... not to say that this was me or anything :p

I'm not sure exactly what hacking the ICC Forum has to do with Islam, I mean if it was an Anti-Islam website or something I can see what he means, but this is just weird.

Did he just google random stuff for a suitable forum to hack, or does he actually play / own ICC or watch Cricket

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