Cricket 24 - General Discussion

You mean bad people?
With continuous increase of headache, tantrums, anxiety, all of the humankind is doomed to be bald.. add global warming to that!
BA is blessed with such a futuristic visionary at the helm, they have made all upcoming, spawnned cricketers, bald since AC17. C22 has women bald cricketer....such a vision... keep em coming guys.... let's play a futuristic game
Yea that’s the issue. Piracy is still the king. Cricket 19 at Rs 1000/- was a good deal back in the day though people still preferred pirating!

I’m not gonna get into a long winded discussion about piracy because that’s against the forum rules but the bolded part is simply not true in the current day due to the lack of people creating opportunities for it and game protection software (which is why I’m bemused with the online check that the game still requires on starting). Most pirated copies are ones that become available only a long time after release of the game and by that point your potential buyers either have bought the game or moved on to other things.

What people mistake for is pirates becoming buyers in the absence of pirated copies. That is almost never happening and those people will never buy the game. They’ll either try the pirated version when it eventually releases or not bother.
With continuous increase of headache, tantrums, anxiety, all of the humankind is doomed to be bald.. add global warming to that!
BA is blessed with such a futuristic visionary at the helm, they have made all upcoming, spawnned cricketers, bald since AC17. C22 has women bald cricketer....such a vision... keep em coming guys.... let's play a futuristic game
They also predicted that every second upcoming fast bowler will have have bumrah's action.

I’m not gonna get into a long winded discussion about piracy because that’s against the forum rules but the bolded part is simply not true in the current day due to the lack of people creating opportunities for it and game protection software (which is why I’m bemused with the online check that the game still requires on starting). Most pirated copies are ones that become available only a long time after release of the game and by that point your potential buyers either have bought the game or moved on to other things.

What people mistake for is pirates becoming buyers in the absence of pirated copies. That is almost never happening and those people will never buy the game. They’ll either try the pirated version when it eventually releases or not bother.
Not all companies enforce Denuvo and other locks on their games. I also don't wanna go against the forum rule but I can safely say that the number of people who "get" games easily outnumber the ones who actually "buy" them. Nowadays the numbers might have diminished with certain launchers giving away a lot of free games and stuff although it's still there.

Yes, I agree with you on the last sentence completely. Will stop it here though. Don't wanna derail this thread.

BTW any news of potential teasers or new info? other than that phony Twitter handle?
You can't call Ross's Twitter that.
I know it's /s but in case it's not, I was talkin about the other one who is milking Cricket 24 news in multiple ways to get views on tweets :sweat:
I'm not knocking BA or anything I fully respect them for even giving us a game as no one else will but just reading back a few pages, to all the people who think this won't be an upgraded version of C22 you're smoking some seriously strong hopeium
Upgraded? Even that's a hopium bong
Seeing all the wishlists in all the comments , realized how hopeful we become when a new iteration is about to come. We expect or want so many changes which will never be fulfilled and that will eventually somehow disappointment us. I hope the basics are fine tuned and certain issues which are their since C19 should be addressed. Keeping my expectations low this time as I don’t see a huge change happening seeing the time devs must have got after c22. I would be glad and the happiest if proven wrong.
Gameplay - Fielding, All shots accessible, better batting mechanics( no weird backfoot superhuman shots or edges), Crowd sound per region and AI. If all of these basics are perfected and finetuned(this itself is too much seeing how much work needs to be done here) , then all the other features are plus.
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