Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

Playing Spin:

WOW and Just WOW I am speechless really brilliantly done. I was so confused playing spinners but as as I tried and played now I can execute every shot on spinner but but but but but still spinner is able to get an outside edge or bamboozle me with a slower one or difference in length, also I can decide and play shots only on merit of the ball pre-meditated attempt get you no where.

The game crashes out everytime i am playing on the pc and the tv (second monitor) gets turned on in the middle.
ross! while playing a late cut the batsman's hand stucks for a while after touching the's a bug may be..i think you know that


ross!!! suppose i have made two uniforms for my team..called home and when i am going to play a match..will i get a chance to select any of those or it'll select the first one automatically??
Help Please.

Tried everything from antivirus to clean disk to clean windows install to safe mode and everything.

Cant run the game.

1st comes the black screen then the grey screen then this message.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: cricket-academy-beta.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 5270d3a3
Hang Signature: 21e8
Hang Type: 0
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: 21e8ef2c9a3ad49cf54d5dd644da7656
Additional Hang Signature 2: 4c69
Additional Hang Signature 3: 4c69a161353d371e1c45952afebb0d54
Additional Hang Signature 4: 21e8
Additional Hang Signature 5: 21e8ef2c9a3ad49cf54d5dd644da7656
Additional Hang Signature 6: 4c69
Additional Hang Signature 7: 4c69a161353d371e1c45952afebb0d54

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please help me.
One bug is the late cute shot. While playing in the third quadrant(fine leg) the game plays at third man.
Another one is the issue with the model's eye. One of the eye seem to have a extra something(black dot sorts) under the eyeball.
One bug is the late cute shot. While playing in the third quadrant(fine leg) the game plays at third man.
Another one is the issue with the model's eye. One of the eye seem to have a extra something(black dot sorts) under the eyeball.

Yup, you can't flick or glance a ball to fine leg as the batsman ends up playing a late cut shot and misses the ball altogether.
Yup, you can't flick or glance a ball to fine leg as the batsman ends up playing a late cut shot and misses the ball altogether.

I've rarely connected, but i have certainly triggered the animation for a leg glance - in response to the correct input - lots of times.

Could someone who had issues with downloading and doesn't care about bandwidth fees please try the following link and let me know how it goes?

Been kicking the CDN provider as we're obviously not happy with the hosting, especially as it reasonably expensive (I pay by the gig), so I am looking to change.

Could someone who had issues with downloading and doesn't care about bandwidth fees please try the following link and let me know how it goes?

Been kicking the CDN provider as we're obviously not happy with the hosting, especially as it reasonably expensive (I pay by the gig), so I am looking to change.

On my ipad now not the computer but i did have issues until using a download manager so i can try in the morning. Got unlimited internet so bandwidth is no issue for me... Afraid i can't try now it would mean getting out of bed.

Could someone who had issues with downloading and doesn't care about bandwidth fees please try the following link and let me know how it goes?

Been kicking the CDN provider as we're obviously not happy with the hosting, especially as it reasonably expensive (I pay by the gig), so I am looking to change.
I had no issues with the download before and I'm just downloading again now to see how it goes. It's nearly half way through and it's mostly been between 1MB/s and 2MB/s with occasional drops to around 700KB/s.


Finished, it stayed that way throughout :).
I've rarely connected, but i have certainly triggered the animation for a leg glance - in response to the correct input - lots of times.

But that glance hits the ball to square leg or squarish fine leg. I guess we will get to know for sure when we get the game.
ross!!! suppose i have made two uniforms for my team..called home and when i am going to play a match..will i get a chance to select any of those or it'll select the first one automatically??
You can set the defaults for match types for those uniforms. You will be able to select them beginning matches as well.
While you're here HBK...can you manually select the CPU XI in a quick match? Or is it still a matter of the CPU selecting an XI based on match conditions/type/player attributes/sticking with default lineup for that match type?
While you're here HBK...does timing early or late while batting effects the batsman negatively? what if the timing is exactly what i intended to hit the ball finer/squarer(?)?

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