Cricket Coach 2011 Development

Whatever the previous failures were, I will be buying this game for sure :)
Yes you can play with many historic teams against each other. As for the game engine: it has improved greatly since the previous version which could throw up some strange results to be fair. There ares till some bugs to be ironed out. The 3D replay would be excellent for Cricket Coach as well but it has so many other features that are streets ahead of "other" games.
As for the game engine: it has improved greatly since the previous version which could throw up some strange results to be fair. There ares till some bugs to be ironed out.

Main reason I've stayed clear of this game every year is due to the pretty awful results that you get.


If its got a more realistic game engine then there's a chance I'll get it but I'm alot more inclined to stick with ICC.
I've never experienced anything like that, and i'm in 2021 with England in CC09 at the moment.
Main reason I've stayed clear of this game every year is due to the pretty awful results that you get.

If its got a more realistic game engine then there's a chance I'll get it but I'm alot more inclined to stick with ICC.

I will agree with you whole-heartedly there and to be honest there are still some bugs that need ironing out at the moment in the beta phase, which still has three weeks to run and is very intensively sorting the chaff from the corn as it were, but do you know what, coaching the great West Indian team of the 80's on their tour to England in the 80's has been fantastic and well worth any money for that joy alone!
The historical teams sounds like a cool idea but I have a couple of questions. Will you have the option of playing classic series/tours or will it just be the option of creating series' with different classic teams? Will you be able to do a proper career with these classic teams? (I think that's asking for a bit too much)
Although a welcome feature I don't think I'd ever use historical teams. They've been on ICC over the years and I literally have never played any of the historical series.

For me a bug free game with an accurate game engine is bare minimum something which CC from two years ago wasn't really close to that for my liking.

If Oli gets the above right along with the features it has it could be a pretty awesome game but I'm unsure as to whether he's going to manage it.
The historical teams sounds like a cool idea but I have a couple of questions. Will you have the option of playing classic series/tours or will it just be the option of creating series' with different classic teams? Will you be able to do a proper career with these classic teams? (I think that's asking for a bit too much)

At the moment you can only set up a tour of a particular length in a particular country. Although it would be fantastic if you could take a historic team through various seasons and tours and competitions. I don't know whether that is one of the ideas Oli is working on. He says that not all functions have been "initiated" yet. I will ask to see if it is a future possibility.

The editing capabilities of this thing however are huge. every bit of info can be edited. If you for example want to create a new league or rearrange the current English domestic cups or anything it is possible.
Thanks for the reply :)

What I've always loved about CC is the editor. I'll be using that and the historical teams to make some classic series. Should be a great game.
Thanks for the reply :)

What I've always loved about CC is the editor. I'll be using that and the historical teams to make some classic series. Should be a great game.

Yeah I have been lucky enough to take this game through its paces. The depth of detail is beautiful and the statistics are second to none. Yes there are areas to improve upon but overall I think it is a great step forward and well worth the money.
The editor in CC11 has many more options than any previous versions. Before there was no way of creating teams, leagues, competitions etc.

However, once CC11 has been released, where will Oli go from here, what else can he add to a game that already has an editor that is capable of endless possibilities. He can't simply turn around and say "hey, CC12 will have the domestic structure of x nation", because people will just create it using the editor in CC11.
You obviously don't have a career in a games programming or making if you can't see anything he can add to it.

There are lots he can make; add 3D graphics to the game, improve the game engine, improve how the stats work and training players just to name a few.
The editor in CC11 has many more options than any previous versions. Before there was no way of creating teams, leagues, competitions etc.

However, once CC11 has been released, where will Oli go from here, what else can he add to a game that already has an editor that is capable of endless possibilities. He can't simply turn around and say "hey, CC12 will have the domestic structure of x nation", because people will just create it using the editor in CC11.

Look at Football Manager; so many game ideas and mechanics that could be transferred into a cricket game.
You obviously don't have a career in a games programming or making if you can't see anything he can add to it.

There are lots he can make; add 3D graphics to the game, improve the game engine, improve how the stats work and training players just to name a few.

Obviously not Ollie, i'm still at school. I agree that 3d graphics would be a step forward in the future, however, Oli hasn't got a massive budget like Codies or EA, and so the graphics would never be top notch.
Oli hasn't got a massive budget like Codies or EA, and so the graphics would never be top notch.

Although we're never going to see a cricket management game with the best graphics available ICC has shown that is more than possible for it to be done to a decent standard in a cricket game.

Other areas he could develop would be player interactions, player personalities or ground development. Loads of areas that could be added but it'll take along time obviously.

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