DBC14 PC Version 1.14

Well i just cannot get my head around that.Dirty, stinking,cheating, pirating thieving bassas.I thought big and fixed online so if they played they would get rain and problems weith there controllers?
3 wickets for 33 runs after picking up a couple of tail enders.

Really now, what did you do to rookie difficulty batsmen in this patch?
No one is playing pirate versions of 1.14 or 1.14.1 offline or online. No one.

I guess you've seen numbers of sales go up since drm? Once more update/tweaks/features are added i guess even more will buy, atm i guess they're just staying on older versions once word got out.. Hope all is going well on sales front anyway :)
i joined recently for tournament but there r some pirates but we will nvr played with thrm but ahish victory i knw
i joined recently for tournament but there r some pirates but we will nvr played with thrm but ahish victory i knw
It's not piracy to use all the letters in the alphabet - please write words out in full when posting, you're not sending a text message.
This is curious - I wonder then why he admitted to be using a pirated copy.

Edit : @kushari also mentioned that the guy happens to have a role of some authority on the pirated DBC Facebook group. I wonder if we have a double agent in our midst?
iam just a member and i joined recently for tournament
iam just a member and i joined recently for tournament
Eh! But mate a few day's (I think),before we had our spat,you sent me a steam pm with a facebook DBC14 link,and you asked if I'm interested in joining a DBC14 tournament that you are a part of the team that is organising it,,also if you knew they were pirated DBC14 then why did'nt you pm in planet cricket to big ant studio's or planet Cricket staff :/ ?
A1 run outs not happening,i played morethan 50 matchs ,not a single runout for A1,in v1.14. and 1.14.1,any one getting run outs for A1?
Hey All trying to play the demo on steam and it seems to be not recognising my controller any tips? im using a DualShock 4
why in this game has very few wide or no ball (specially no ball)? And also can i able to add musics of cricket 07 in this game?

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