Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I am pretty sure ross did say it was ready. He even said but for the ashes debacle the game would be in our hands by now. (he said that initially some time ago, and repeated it recently). He also never contradicted his self-appointed attack dogs who slaughtered anyone who suggested maybe it wasn't ready.

Now i personally read the "deliver the best game possible" bit not necessarily as an admission that the game isnn't ready but more an allusion to the fact that they could use the extra time to add more fixes etc. obviously he couldn't say it those words exactly, since that's pretty much what Fegan said.

I am certain he said it was ready back in June and was just waiting for the Ashes team to make their move.

I am not disappointed at the game being delayed, but I firmly believe Ross knew the game would not make a 2013 release quite some time ago and so to lessen the blow waited to tell us till he had a major update to the cricket academy to lessen the blow.

All those protecting Ross as the guy who can do no wrong need a reality check. Why do you think he was so snappy and evasive of so many genuine questions during the past few months?? It certainly was not an extended 'period'
All those protecting Ross as the guy who can do no wrong need a reality check.

LOL !! this is really hilarious (probably not for Ross)

BigAnt have not done any wrong to anyone as far as DBC is concerned !!
All you ungratefull gimps needs to realize without Ross and Bigant making this game we wont have any cricket game at all.:yes
<snip> since that's pretty much what Fegan said.

I have to stay away from regular language because of what he said, "early" anything is about a bad a thing as you can say on here.
FWIW We wanted the game to be released on Boxing Day, logistically we could not make that happen.

Do not read into this any prediction of the new date.
Lol, take a phrase completely out of context.

I didn't take it out of context. Your attitude did (I am saying this without being rude & in the friendliest manner possible).

Accountable to all the buyers of the game, if they are lying about the game being finished then they could be lying about many aspects of the game in the same way 505 did.

They are not accountable, legally or morally. The only people who have some degree of right are the ones who made pre-orders. & even they could only hold BA accountable if they ran off with their money without releasing the game.

For the rest, they can wait till an independent review & the decide whether to buy or not. No one is forcing anyone to buy this game.
That's what happened with Ashes'13.

You just read my post and quoted it, whoops.

I read it cause I knew you would come back on my comments. Now it would be better for both of us to let it go. I am out anyways. Time for my beauty sleep.
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The game at the playsession was releasable, it certainly demonstrated a game that is better than any Cricket game that has come before.

It was there for public play for six hours - point to the guy that says it was unplayable and not releasable. Facts are not to get in the way of troll "stories".

The ball going through the middle of the bat was a good feature. Hopefully that is an addition like bobbleheads.

Merry Christmas all.
2013 start with 2 cricket games end up with no cricket game :(

Welcome to the world of cricket gaming fans. In a year with two back-to-back ashes series along with a major global odi tourney (Champions Trophy) we don't have a game :lol

As I have said multiple times we are a cursed lot :(
FWIW We wanted the game to be released on Boxing Day, logistically we could not make that happen.

Do not read into this any prediction of the new date.

What an incredibly odd time to aim for. That was the best months of planning could come up with? Missing the Christmas buyers, coinciding with when most people will have next gen consoles which are not backwards compatible. Not able to be delivered in the post because of the holiday and letting down everyone who preorder by making it an awkward day to collect/not able to get it delivered.

Top marketing plans!
FWIW We wanted the game to be released on Boxing Day, logistically we could not make that happen.

But were you able to get UK and other global retailers on board regarding buying DBC14, whenever that may be?
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