Your Cricket fast bowling injury help


School Cricketer
Jun 21, 2010
Online Cricket Games Owned
as some of you may have seen, my previous post was about whether or not i should become a spin or seam bowler.

well, i've converted to seam and now iv entered the world of bowling injuries with a bit of an odd one.

when i make my front foot contact and drive my weight through my hips, my big toe of my right foot (i'm a left arm seamer) rams into the tip of my shoe. i feel discomfort after prolonged periods of bowling and my toenail has gone black/purple. whilst trimming the nail a pungent brown liquid oosed from under my toe nail.

i am waiting for the nail to come out naturally now. i have tried padding my feet with socks, a variety of tapes to shield my toe and none of them have worked

what can i do to prevent future injury to my big toe.

many thanks for any help
There are two possible solutions. First is to get a custom made pair of shoes. This is expensive method. Second and most widely used method is to cut out a space for your Big toe in the right shoe. That would relief you of any discomfort you feel during the delivery stride as the force would now be applied to the base of Big toe.


Start with a small cut and work your way till you feel comfortable.
Second and most widely used method is to cut out a space for your Big toe in the right shoe. That would relief you of any discomfort you feel during the delivery stride as the force would now be applied to the base of Big toe.


Start with a small cut and work your way till you feel comfortable.

Yes. That is what I do aswell it helps and keeps the foot injury free. However make sure your parent are happy with it. I got a roar when I did it to my ?60 cricket shoes. In the long term it is much better
And keeping the foot-nails short might help too;)
You've big feet I imagine. What's your shoe size? I pretty much agree with Gaurav, have a custom made shoes pair. Trim it down to your foot size and having extra space in front of your toe. You also got tall fingers on yer foot? That's the thing with sports shoes, you can have the front of the shoe big and thick.

lol. :P
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