Gameplay Videos

The second innings is now live!

You can tell I've spent too much time playing in career mode as an offspinner - struggling at the start to get my line going and struggling even more to get the leg spinning action right. Still worked out fine though (although that stumping really should have been a wide).
Since I am not able to find many videos showing 'edges' here, Here are a couple of videos that I took yest (Quality is crap though. Was playing on a laptop that only played the game smoothly without lag on lowest resolution. Would love if someone posts some good quality 'edges compilation' kinda video):


In Matt's innings against me there was an edge that went just in front of backward point, I think, which was the first time I'd seen a leading edge from an attempted shot down the leg side, so that was nice.
Its overs like this were you can work your opponent and get one past him after getting smacked for two straight 6's that make online worthwhile.

Outcomes and gameplay come first, function over form. When the gameplay is better balanced we'll look more closely at the animation etc..

Watching you repeat this multiple times on these boards gives me a happy.

I won't say where it gives me a happy, this is a family show.

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