Goodbye and Hello!

Madman has just completed our normalisation of attitudes programme and ready for release back into society ;)

Hard times in that Camp, but yeah, out the other side you come and your a new man ;) Colin keeps everyone on the right lines!
Jeez what has this thread dwindled to when you're all supposed to be relentlessly praising me. Get back on topic, i.e; praising me.

especially Nightprowler, who i know is a very good mod, and will keep a tight check on the forums and have a decent laugh with us.

Or at you. Yeah that works too. ;)
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It's back on topic now. All has been sorted :)
I think you will be a good globie, congratulations on becoming green :p.

has he turned his washing machine down to 30? :p

Sorry :(
Yeah and put solar panels and wind turbines on his house as well as recycling and using a push bike :).

All well and good, but I bet he has someone carry his briefcase behind him in a big black polluting car like David Cameron does, so isn't quite all the way green yet. ;)
Wherever a door slams shut, a window opens elsewhere. That's a proverb that's very much into the context here. Sure a talented mod like Kev has stepped down but what's to say someone like a Manee, a Sureshot or a Puddleduck couldn't fill the void?

Thank you for the compliment.

Congrats to the new moderators.
What happened to Kev now? Has he retired? Has he got artheritus and can no longer type?

Did he get sacked?! :happy Only messing pal!

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