Imran offers to tidy up Pakistan cricket mess

yes but at the minute he has not as much knowledge about the best way to coach as most international coaches do,ad seeing as i wasn't asking a question i won't find an answer :p
Leicester Fox said:
he has a good knowledge of the game but he's never coached before so how can you say that?

Here was ur question :p
This is a good move for many reasons.

For one, if Pakistan hate you, they HATE you, but they love Imran Khan.

Secondly, he has the respect of many players. If you see all the documentaries about Waqar and Wasim (and even some batsman), they say:

"I was doing bad, but then Imran gave me help and I was alright"...

Hopefully it can pull Pakistani cricket out of the hole it is in.
I too feel Imran would be the right guy! He needs to be the coach. He is an all rounder and will help the team in batting and bowling. More importantly, he will instill aggressive spirit in the team, and will help them fight!

I think Imran Khan would make a good coach!
Leicester Fox said:
my point is he doesn't have a knowledge of coaching anyway
OMG knowledge of coaching . just shut up bout it... you get exp when you coach and thats what he is gonna do not that he needs it anyway... do you even know who we are talking about here
No i've ever heard of Imran Khan :rolleyes: the point i'm trying to make is that he has no experience of coaching so that doesn't mean he's going to be an instant sucess or did you refuse to read my previous posts where i've stated this millions of times and insead you just want to read that one post which was answering WC's point. Oh and don't tell me to shut up when this is a place to discuss things
@Leicester Fox

So u want him to coach Banglaesh, Canada, or some other country first so that he could coach Pakistan.

He is one of the all-time greats, and i dont think there is anybody who can do a better job than him.
You didnt get my point or other people's point... experience he doesnt need exp he is an all time great and i think that would do it so he can teach the lads better than any othe out there....

BTW the article also states that uncomfirmed reports are saying that PCB has offered John Wright the coach job? whats that we dont want him... we need some local person for god sake.. players dont even get english so whats the bloody point
If it's so easy for a great player to be a coach then why aren't all the great players coaching now, if you look at all the best coaches around the world they aren't great players,i'm not saying he will be bad at the job but theres no evidence that he will save Pakistan.
He isnt just a great player .. he is a great leader too, great cricket and genral mind and great personality... and not every great player has that.. look at inzi for example a great cricketer but nothing else...
Actually i heard Inzy is going to be the teams dietician :p Khan certainly has the attributes to be a great coach but with the amount of pressure invoved with the Pakistan job can he handle it on his first attempt? Woolmer,RIP, was a brilliant coach and look what happened to him,obviously this is an extreme example but if his death was stress related as it seems then that shows just how hard this job must be.
Leicester Fox said:
If it's so easy for a great player to be a coach then why aren't all the great players coaching now, if you look at all the best coaches around the world they aren't great players,i'm not saying he will be bad at the job but theres no evidence that he will save Pakistan.

the reason we think that Imran is gona be a good coach is because he has loads of experince and during his time as pakistan captain he was like a coach to alot of the Pakistan greats, he thought both Waqar adn Wasim how to bowl and im not talking about swing but where to bowl and at what time to bowl certain bowl. Mushy was also starting than and so was Inzi and there is no doubt that he had some influence on both. he might not be a great coach but he has the international experience and he was arguably one of the best captains ever.
+ As I mentioned earlier, he has the support of Pakistan, which is half of the job.

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