Story Ireland Reborn- Sign-ups welcome

Ya thats so sweet of you.Good Idea as in drinks break We won't allow to drink Pepsi but Orange Juice...Well done..:p
mmmmmm...oranges...*does homer simpson drool*...too bad i'm allergic :(
Tell thee what, next match can we have chocolate? I love chocolate, chocolate's awesome...YAY CHOCOLATE!!!
...Rant over :p

btw, despite what my rant may imply, i'm NOT the size of Dwayne Leverock (why the hell do I keep mentioning him :s) i'm about 6'2'' and weigh about 9 stone 3 I can afford to chow on chocolate... endeth this pointless post...can't wait for the match report Burnsy

No problem.We have two drinks.
Orange juice and Chocolate milk Sake.
Enjoy guys.Cheers.
WOOP! I'm sorted then :D
I'll be holding you responsible if the milk is sour, Vaiby :p

Edit: how's the match coming along Burnsy? I hate to keep pestering but i'm really hooked on this thread now.
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No He must Me busy.
Though He told to start it from monday and Its now thursday here.
Anyway Stay tuned..:p
Been alittle busy recently revising for test this and next week. I'll try and do it as soon as possible. I have just batted a game but the result was shockingly bad and low scoring so I will do it again because I played alot of silly shots. Will be done befote next week Guaranteed.
Been alittle busy recently revising for test this and next week. I'll try and do it as soon as possible. I have just batted a game but the result was shockingly bad and low scoring so I will do it again because I played alot of silly shots. Will be done befote next week Guaranteed.

Remember if I get out for a score lower than 50 you MUST restart it and play it again.

I'm not joking :mad:

Lmao Why so Serious? You got less than 10 and the highest score was 14. will start anotherone tommorow if I can. I've only got my mock English Literature Exam on Friday so not alot of revision is needed seen as the book it's all written in I'm taking into the exam :P. So should be ready for posting on Friday. If not sometime over the weekend.
Lol For Tom.:p
Anyway try it again..make sure Tom won't get Duck these
Ok Burnsy, education comes first mate. You doing GCSE Eng Lit, or A level??
I've taken it at AS and the course is soooo depressing, so many tragedies it's unbelievable. The course has it's perks though...for example, i'm the only guy in a class of 19-20...loving every second of it!! :D

Btw, what game you playing this on? I don't think it's been mentioned yet.

Good luck for your mocks!
Cricket 07 as it's the only game I've got on the PC. GCSE. should be a walk through to be honest. Only mocks anyway so plenty of time for improvement if the results are crap. another year until it does matter.
Plenty of time for
Anyway Take care that Story won't get die..:p
lol, all my mates at school were really paranoid about their mocks...tards lol. I really screwed up on my ICT mock though, glad they didn't matter :p

In a totally unrelated point...who knows where I can find the latests squads for Cricksim?

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