New (Proper) Gameplay Video - Cricket Australia TV

Looks awful. Why didn't Codies realise that the animations of the BLIC 2005 and 2007 were crap and needed remaking? :(
Urr, when was YouTube ever banned in India? :confused:

Kshitiz_Indian added 9 Minutes and 52 Seconds later...

please some one upload on any other site.Here youtube is banned in this country,

coolz_hari added 3 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

I tried using proxies but no use.:(
The one thing I noticed positive about this video was the feeling of immenseness in the game. That's one of the things I've always had gripes with in EA games - but the stadiums look immense and I guess they've got the player / stadium size ratio pretty much bang on! [Unlike EA games where Players are actually 10 times the size of a crowd person.]
looks good

Looks like they're replaced some animations, and kept others. I imagine they're slowly replacing them all over the course of this game and any future ones. Definitely looks like a step in the right direction!

There's a clearer, non-youtube version here (paste into windows media player):

kshitiz I m not staying in india

coolz_hari added 1 Minutes and 58 Seconds later...

Looks like they're replaced some animations, and kept others. I imagine they're slowly replacing them all over the course of this game and any future ones. Definitely looks like a step in the right direction!

There's a clearer, non-youtube version here (paste into windows media player):


Thanks a lot mate.hope it works
Did you see the recreation of the Gatting ball? It ruined the beauty of it, him heaving across the line.
One thing i did notice was how the camera panned out when the ball was struck towards the boudary. Very TV like.
Couple of things I noticed:

- skied shots leading to catches (in old BLIC, boundary catches were always rocketed at the fielder)
- pulling a ball outside off stump - never seen a cricket game have that before. It's always been that you can only pull outside leg, and cut outside off
- possibly 'ground strokes' going in the air - especially that cover drive which gets hit at the camera about 10 times during the video.
Crappy animations. Everything else looks good.
Lovely jerky animations.

And WTF with the crappy music.
Lovely jerky animations.

And WTF with the crappy music.

It's not crappy. It's been the opening theme music for Channel 9's cricket for over 30 years. It's legendary.

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around 2:38 - 2:39 a player goes in for a dive, it looks horrendous. The bat is parellel to his hands and not in front of him - either it was a shocking dive or there are going to be loads of un needed run outs !!!
Looked very BLC 07 like i said with the first vid and received loads of stick. Well im disappointed and have got the feeling no demo will be released so we cant decide not to buy it on that. It looks average at best. Praying it is old and been made better since they were made. Very doubtful however

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