Story Pakistan Vs India (Asia Quake Appeal)


International Coach
Sep 21, 2003
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PCB and the BCCI have decided Pakistan will play India in 3 ODI's for a relief effort for the disaster quake in the sub continent. All donations will go the rescue effort to help the victims in this tragedy.

These 3 ODI's will be played in Australia, becuase it is not safe for the teams to play in Pakistan or India becuase of more predicted Earthquakes.

Fixtures TBC

1st ODI - Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG)

2nd ODI - W.A.C.A (Western Australian Cricket Ground) Perth

3rd ODI - Bellerive Oval Hobart

More details & information coming soon...
I dont understand why nature has become so destructive today. First psunami, then katrina, then rita and now another quake. This is really bad.

The match is most welcome to help the sufferer. I hope it was in India or Pakistan then there would have been more crowd and thus more money to help.
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i will provide a big update first thing tomorrow morning... i need some sleep now.. i have college in the morning lol..
Great idea stuff...

let us have a moment of silence to mourn the deaths of all those who have unfortunatly passed away in this great tragedy.
*moment passes by*
ummm because if you see...nature is becoming so harsh because we are making it that way and plus this goes in my beliefs that everything which nature does is for a reason and like when their is to much bad things in its place god will do something bout it...if you look at it pakistan and india are well corrput at points... and thiers many bad things happenin in afganistan so yeah katrina hit usa because of how bush is causing a Corrpution in usa.... these are my beliefs
indiancricketer said:
thanks did anyone get any news about the indopak and what channels...i have also heard the England paki tour might be cancelled is it true?
Its probably too early to say right now, good idea though this mate, would be brilliant if it happened in real life too.
england tour is not cancelled... its on cricinfo

AFP - As the Pakistani & Indian players depart from Islamabad and Dehli Intl airports for their fundrasing matches for the Asian Quake which will be held in Australia. Regarding where these 2 teams play the expectation levels will be "sky high" especially for the players who have so far played with each other in the Afro-Asian series but this time it is different 1 team will come back to their countrys as winners. A India vs Pakistan match what ever the situations people will forget about it and focus on these Asian giants clash. Cricket in Pakistan & India is followed very closely and therefore can be a healer for the people who have been affected in the tragedy. This is what the captains of Pakistan and India had to say:

Saurav Ganguly - The nation is certainly shocked about what has happened in the recent days but what we and the pakistan team are doing is a great thing becuase nothing can top a Pak-Indo match and best part to it that all the money raised will be going for the recovery effort such as Food,Medicine,Water,clothing. But it will be a different feeling becuase we havent played pakistan since their tour of us in March 2005, so therefore pressure will be on us but not the kind of pressure we usually get when playing pakistan this pressure is different becuase we know that regarding the win or loss of the ODI's the nation will know this is our way of contributing to the appeal.

Inzamam Ul-Haq - I would like to say first of all that i give my deepest condolences to the victims of the quake and hope they rest in peace inshallah (God Willing). I am happy for what the PCB and BCCI have organised becuase this is a way we can make alot of money and which can be given to the victims. Our team feels happy for taking part in this becuase each and everyone of us has been affected by this and we will try our hardest to get the smile back on the pakistani people faces. We have our strongest squad to date with Shoaib,Sami,Rana,Razzaq,Afridi who can all be match winners on any given day. It will be a great contest to be in and may the best team win.

As the players leave for Australia alot of people will be thinking Sachin Vs Shoaib, Afridi Vs Pathan, Ganguly Vs Samii this is just some of the big names who will take part and will be a excellent series.

The 1st ODI will be played today so stay tuned..


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1ST ODI - Live from the SCG!

Tony Greig - Hello everyone and welcome to the 1st One Day International between the 2 Asian Giants India and Pakistan. Its a hot day at the SCG and the pitch looks a belter its hard and the team who wins the toss should bat first. Well let's get over the to the toss David Gower is with the 2 captains.

DG - I'm here with the 2 captains and might i add that the ground is jam packed and the noise here is certainly undescribable. well lets start with the toss. Saurav you will call...

SG - Heads!

Match Referee - Heads is the call......... and it is Tails!

DG - Inzi you won the toss what will you do?

Inzi - I think we will bat first becuase this track looks well prepared and if our batsmen can utilise the 1st the 15 overs then i'm sure we can get a big total.

DG - Any Changes in your team?

Inzi - Yes Asim Kamal will be opening the innings with Salman Butt.

DG - Thanks alot inzi and good luck. Saurav you lost the toss would you have batted first if you had won?

SG - Oh Yes!, it looks a good track for batting and we will have to work hard to get wickets but we will use the bounce and pace which this track has to offer...

DG - Thanks alot Saurav. Well there you have it folks Pakistan have won the toss and elected to bat first!


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Play Starts!!!!

Well over to our commentators Tony Greig & Ramiz Raja...


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