Patch Online!!

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You can not just copy those DLL's on to another machine. Even ignoring the fact it would be a breech of copyright there are 2 versions of ICC 2006 available and the update is different for both versions.

99.9% of problems involved with updating are because the files have been modified. To save on space the files are just the differences. If any files (even if not needed to be updated) are different the update will fail as it assumes it is the wrong version. So if you changed backgrounds, added commentary, etc. this is the problem.

To restore the original files you have to

1) Uninstall the game.
2) Delete *ALL* files and directories in the ICC 2006 folder apart from the Saves folder which has your saved games in it. This step is crucial and is normally the one missed out. UNINSTALLING ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH.
3) Re-install the game in to exactly the same folder so it will puck up your saved games.
4) Download the update again by selecting Internet Game.

Note if you have the Softwrap version you will have to enter your reference number again after updating. This is normal and can not be prevented. Note the update also works fine if you are still in the middle of your trial period.

I will state the following as a matter of fact but I am not implying that anyone posting here is doing this - 'The update will not work if you are using a No CD patch or a warez version'

Note if the problem you are having is that the download gets stuck at x% then whilst the above method would work (and is needed if any files are changed) you can try deleteing the sr607-609.cpf or em608-610.cpf in your ICC 2006 directory. You should only have 1 of them. When downloading the update do not switch to another application.

supa said:
do you think the download on the childishthings website will have been patched with the update?
Not a chance, they want it internal only unfortunately
has anyone downloaded this patch with dialup internet is their a time limit for how long you can download the patch because i keep geting stuck in the 30s and the patch stops downloading
Madman said:
I am also getting the "Patching Failed" problem now.
It worked online this morning for me but the next time I ran the game It tried to patch and failed :(

did you edit any of your game files
i keep getting stuck on x%... its a different one everytime. sometimes 50%, sometimes 30% once i got suck on 3%... and then it freezes!

i can't get started on the 2008 season with Australia, so im REALLY hoping one of you fantastic people with ANY idea about pathcing games and making them work preoperly can help me and pretty much everyone else enjoy this game!

ok i just had an idea...
what about, if i post my save game file on here that keeps on crashing, and the someone who can get it to work opens it up in theres, saves it in 2008 and then sends it back, then i stick it in my save game folder. anyone think that would work? im quite willing to give it a shot, if anyone is interested in helping me out PM me or just post in here!
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