RPIC/BLIC 07 Screens!!!

I for one dont care about the graphics....I play alotta games and BLIC was the first game i ever bought and was utterely dissapointed in it......just have good gameplay.....thats all im asking for....
yes i agree gameplay is the most important part and i dont know why people r getting so excited looking at the pics and they r not from in game.
madmick96 said:
i just hope it works with a 9200SE
god so do i, i got this beaut of a card and im praying it does however i can just play it on my 360 :D:D:D:D
usy said:
are they from Mars then? :rolleyes:
the are pics frm the intro vdo,why else do u think their is such a hue difference between the 4th pic and the other pics.
0601731 said:
the are pics frm the intro vdo,why else do u think their is such a hue difference between the 4th pic and the other pics.

Oh maybe the fact that well the ps2 has less graphical power than a PC or Xbox 360.. or didnt u know that... hmm thats strange if you didnt know that i mean at least u should know the difference between PS2 and Xbox 360.

Intro vdo? oh so u work at codies now ... WAIT WAIT WAIT ppl we got a Official Codemasters Employee here cmon ppl give him a bloody award or sumthn since he is so involved in the development of the game and knows everything about Brian Lara Cricket 2007. What realli confuses me is that if u work at Codemasters why do i always see u baggin it out on this forum i mean your suppose to be selling this game to us arent you ... i think codies need to hire better ppl than this guy i mean cmon what the hell does "0601731" mean as a user name.
then why dont all the ps2 pics look the same?
kmk1284 said:
things you can make out from the screens
1) the 360/pc screens are not CG
because if you look closely the models the polygons are clearly visible and haven't been smoothened out (unless its a bad quality cg)

2) the animations have also not been done yet or codies are being extremely lazy and reusing the same ones, the bastmen, fielder and catcher look to have the same animations.

3) the motion blur is not ingame its done by the codies
check the the next gen screen of a bowler with 29 jersey bowling to a WI batsman every one except the striker is blurred why?? unless there's a bullet time mode(slow mo) where you can slow evrything around you to get the blur effect ;)

4) the crowd look as if they are straight from a NINTENDO64 game absolutely flat, also the stadiums need heaps of work along with the crowd

the ps2 version look like a standard ps2 game tho'

p.s why is there a white sidescreen in a ODI game


read this and youll kno 06017321(quiet a creative name)

also if they are CG as you are bragging about why in hell did codies use the same stance for batters fielders non strikers etc.................?...........because they are ingame
sjdigitall said:
Oh maybe the fact that well the ps2 has less graphical power than a PC or Xbox 360.. or didnt u know that... hmm thats strange if you didnt know that i mean at least u should know the difference between PS2 and Xbox 360.

Intro vdo? oh so u work at codies now ... WAIT WAIT WAIT ppl we got a Official Codemasters Employee here cmon ppl give him a bloody award or sumthn since he is so involved in the development of the game and knows everything about Brian Lara Cricket 2007. What realli confuses me is that if u work at Codemasters why do i always see u baggin it out on this forum i mean your suppose to be selling this game to us arent you ... i think codies need to hire better ppl than this guy i mean cmon what the hell does "0601731" mean as a user name.
wtf???dude i said what i felt and u r the one who acting as if u work for the codies,so just shut up and stop being a bitch and if the graphics do happen to be this good then good for all of us.sorry to all the mods and others bout the language but this guy just went overboard.
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OK, why don't we just all calm down and stop this silly argument? :)

Back on topic- I find it weird that Codemasters have announced that the game will be released on PS2 and not PS3. Since it is being released in March '07, I see no reason why it isn't going to be released on Sony's next-gen console. Surely a mistake by Codemasters; they can't leave out PS3!
The Blazer said:
OK, why don't we just all calm down and stop this silly argument? :)

Back on topic- I find it weird that Codemasters have announced that the game will be released on PS2 and not PS3. Since it is being released in March '07, I see no reason why it isn't going to be released on Sony's next-gen console. Surely a mistake by Codemasters; they can't leave out PS3!

because they dont kno how the ps3 will sell , particularly in the uk and australia .already the ps3 is being fired for its steep price , but if the ps3 does have a good start in uk the blic2007 version on the ps3 wouldnt be far away
tho' id love to see a psp version,imagine taking the game with you
:happy :happy :happy

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