The Book Thread

Relativity by Albert Einstein, a book he wrote in 1916 to help those not familiar with the more intricate aspects of mathematics and theoretical physics to understand the basic premise of his theory. thoroughly entertaining and mind-stimulating. Brilliant if you like this kind of thing...and I do!
I read the one written by Bertrand Russell last year - 'ABC of Relativity'. It was brilliant, but of course, I've forgotten a lot of it by now, especially the detailed instances and analogies. But the basics stay.
Just visited probably the biggest book store in Bangalore. Blossom Book house. From outside it doesnt look that big but inside its huge. 3 floors of awesomeness. Whats great is the placement of books. All the comics and Graphic novels are set along the staircase. So as you go up the floors you can see your fav classic comics and if you like it then you can just pick any comic up and start reading right there. You can sit on the stairs if you want. Loved it.

I was looking for 3rd novel in "Sword Of Truth" series. Couldn't find it though.

@Sedition, I've read both V for Vedanta and Watchmen. Both of them are great and worth it. Next I'm gonna get either Maus or Darkness.
Who wants to read an initial draft of one of my final pieces of work. It's a creative writing piece. You don't? Well don't read it then :p It has since got a lot longer, gained a longer introduction etc... This was the first rushed out copy though that only weighs in at a very brief 1,500 words. I one day hope to turn it into something potentially publishable.

A Fairy's Tail.

For the first time in my forty years of life I sit here, pen in hand, ready to transcribe the one event I have never spoken of and never forgotten. I could struggle to tell you what I ate for breakfast last week, or even what the weather was like yesterday such is my absent mindedness at times. Yet today, my memories of the tragedy that began to unfold this very Monday of spring, twenty-five years ago, are still as vivid and clear as today's spectacular sunrise, that right now is audibly gaining approval from the natural residents of the awakening forest. I do not presume to understand why I write this today. I merely accept that it must be told and I am the only person who can tell it. So, before you read my tale, I'd like to make it very clear that I am not writing from a position of power. I was no judge or lord, I was merely a fairy's apprentice who is now recounting what he saw, as accurately and fairly as he can.

... Download the text document if you want the rest :p


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"The walls and floor were plastered with pages ripped from hundreds of different books, hand drawn maps, and remnants of recently used fairy cake mixture."

Where Are the Customers' Yachts? by Fred Schwed. A funny take on how people on Wall Street look after themselves first and foremost. Written in 1940 but has aged very well. It's like Michael Lewis from an another era but the song remains the same.

A Simple Act of Violence by R.J Ellory. Thriller with shades of James Ellroy and David Peace in how it's set up. Pretty good. How a string of murders in modern-day USA are linked to the CIA's dirty deeds in Latin America in Cold War times.
The full version kind of parodies the incomplete nature of the current education system.

For example, the apprentice will be further into their education (might even have them having finished) yet still within the debt of someone else. Still unable to make the decisions needed, to have used their initiative. The language will hint at the idea of debt and service throughout.

I guess I should ask if you think it's a metaphor Barmy, what for? As literature is a notoriously tricky thing to decipher, even if you wrote it :p

There is also the obvious surface issues of not judging a book by the cover in regards to the fairy who sacrifices herself and the basic and simple power corrupts.

In the longer version, she has obviously discovered that in harvesting other fairies tails she in turn grows stronger, but what isn't really explained is why she cracks? Is she driven by a desire to gain power, or by the desire to be able to be the person people have always told her she must be. What corrupts her?

Anyway, I read the version I uploaded again, and it's full of a few errors that jar the reading a bit, so sorry about that!

Mainly it's a modern day fairy tale. I liked the idea of punning the Fairy Tail moniker into a Fairy's Tail, and though initially aimed at children (a fairy who loses her tail and with the help of friends regains it) it became a darker subject area whilst trying to maintain a vaguely comical aspect.

I have to accompany it with a 7,000 word research companion, so any input from what someone else sees within it is helpful. Genre it is obviously fantasy, and for me creating the fantasy world I've taken the approach of blending their world and ours.

Also, you'll notice my fairies have removed the religious aspects that fairies gained in the 17-18th centuries where they started gaining wings in regards to being considered as incomplete angels.
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Great Expectations. Genuinely loved it, one of the best books I've read.

Going to start on A Tale of Two Cities now.
Finished The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy a day before yesterday. Enjoyed it thoroughly - Douglas Adams was a very good nonsense verse writer, although much of the book wasn't nonsense. Loved the characters, especially Marvin. And the Guide's entries..... :p

Also turns out that the book comes in a trilogy of five books, and I ordered just the first one, so I guess I got to wait a little before reading the others.

There were a plethora of moments when I laughed out loud, and to mention a non-spoiler, the Babel Fish entry was awesomeness.
"Ponniyin Selvan" - Liked every chapter of it. A good book. But I was frustrated to read the parts building up the protagonists(princes).

Aazhvar Kadiyaan and Vanthiyadevan saved the book. :thumbs

I've started on 'The Immortals Of Meluha' by Amish Tripathi. Not really into mythology but something has been holding me into it. I really like the way Shiva has been portrayed as a tribal leader and not a God. Anybody else who has read it?

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