Timing In Batting




Played the game and really liked it....

I have got the hang of the bowling dept. It's the batting that is casuing headaches for me. Have tired the nets too but with not very much effect. Wanted to know if there is a speicific way to play the shots like when the bowler is about to release the ball or when it touches the pitch etc. This much i know that the batsman shot placement (arrow keys) are to be deceided as soon as the bowling marker is set but the timing of the alphabets do not make up when the ball is realesed.

Again as before wil appreciate the feedback / advice.....
i hit the arrow keys and the shot keys at the same time, the general rule is right before the ball pitches, but it can vary. just bat more and you will get the hang of it
Thanks for the reply....

Wanted to know if the numpad in the keyboard can help in your batting technique since the manual says there are 8 shots that can be played whereas the normal arrow keys in my view can only perform four playing shots....?
if you want to play say a cover drive, you have to hold the down arrow and the left arrow for a right handed batsman at the same time. for all the shots requiring 2 directional buttons, you hold them down together while playing the shot
Thanks a lot F0bstyle for your advice.... Will defintely give it a shot.

This time around, will try the numpad keys for the shots.

Thanks again....
If you are having trouble timing the offside shots play across the line for the first few overs, once your confidence level is up it becomes easier to time the ball.
I had a prob with timing, now I find it too easy.

Hold down shot direction as bowler completes run-up, then press shot key (button 1 ?) just as the bowler releases the ball, 4's nearly evertime.
:up Point the direction arrow just as the bowler reaches the height of his delivery,
if the ball spot is well away from you(i.e. bouncer) have the back foot stroke ready or conversely front foot for yorker type. the secret now is to watch carefully and just as the ball hits the blue spot, press the trigger. :rolleyes:

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