WWE Revamped [EWR]


ICC Chairman
Mar 23, 2006
London, England
Profile Flag



Name - James Edmonds
Disposition - Face
Sex - Male
Age - 32
Nationality - British

Main Eventers:
John Cena
Randy Orton

Upper Midcarders:
Bobby Lashley
Ric Flair

Brian Kendrick
Chavo Geurrero
Dave Taylor
Gregory Helms
Jeff Hardy
Jimmy Wang Yang
Joey Mercury
Johnny Nitro
Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy
Paul London
Shelton Benjamin
Sylvester Terkay

Lower Midcarders:
Ashley Massaro
Big Guido
Charlie Haas
Hardcore Holly
Idol Stevens
KC James
Kevin Thorn
Riot Guard #2
Rory McAllister
Super Crazy
The Boogeyman
Trevor Murdoch
Val Venis

Henry Godwinn
The Miz


Afa Jr.
Angel Williams
Brett Majors
Brooke Adams
Chet The Jet
Christopher W. Anderson
Cody Runnels
David Steele
Danny Basham
Dice Domino
Jacob Duncan
Jessy Gymini
Jon Bollen
Maryse Oullet
Mike Venom
Monty Brown
Oleg Prudius
Seth Skyfire
Shantelle Taylor
Shawn Spears
Steve Lewington
Tommy Suede
Tonny Santorelli

Dusty Rhodes
Eric Bishoff
Matt Capotelli
Mick Foley
Mike Rotundo
Theodore Long

Armando Alejandro Estrada
Candice Michelle
Kelly Kelly
Kristal Marshall
Little *******
Paul Heyman
Queen Sharmell
Torrie Wilson


Name - Jack Teague
Disposition - Heel
Sex - Male
Age - 32
Nationality - British

Main Eventers:
Big Show
Rob Van Dam
Shawn Michaels
The Undertaker
Triple H

Upper Midcarders:
Chris Benoit
King Booker
Mark Henry
Rey Mysterio

Chris Masters
CM Punk
Jim Duggan
Mickie James
Montel Vontavious Porter
Rob Conway
Shannon Moore
The Great Khali
The Sandman
Tommy Dreamer
William Regal

Lower Midcarders:
Balls Mahoney
Beth Pheonix
Danny Doring
Flash Funk
Jamie Noble
Lance Cade
Little Guido Maritato
Mike Knox
Rene Dupree
Robbie McAllister
Rodney Mack
Scotty 2 Hotty
Stevie Richards
Tony Mamaluke

Don Rodimer
Matt Striker
Riot Guard #3

Brad Armstrong

Bradley Jay
Brian Majors
Cherry Pie
Chris Rombola
Chuck Pulumbo
Claudio Castoganoli
Deuce Shade
Drew Hankinson
Eric Perez
Harry Smith
Jack Bull
Jake Gymini
Joel Gertner
Katie Lea
Krissy Vaine
Mason Raige
Mike Kruel
Mike Taylor
Paul Birchill
Robert Anthony
Ryan Reeves
Shawn Osborne
Sonny Siaki
Terry Ray Gordy
TJ Wilson
Tracy Taylor

Al Snow
Hulk Hogan
Jerry Lawler
Jonathon Coachman
Roddy Piper
Shane MaCmahon
Simon Dean
Steve Austin

Amy Zidan
Elijah Burke
Jillian Hall
Layla El
Michelle McCool
Rebecca DiPetro
Vickie Guerrero
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Nice rosters. I would have to say that Smackdown! look all round stronger than Raw. But, Raw have some very good superstars too.
I think smackdown are so much stronger than Raw, but both brands have great stables. Raw has DX and i have MNM+Charlie Haas and shelton benjamin:)
Interesting, for me Raw have the far superior men at the top of the card, but Smackdown!'s midcard is fairly strong. It will be interesting to see which comes out on top
exactly my views should be close between the two of you
I am not that keen on your upper midcarders, but you have got a great midcard. I would be looking to try and make those talented midcarders into Main Eventers rather than just play round with MEs and UMs
Sharmell not happy


Queen Sharmell has vanished from smackdown! and was seen going into Jack Teagues office at RAW. The only words were " Just sign here" Does this mean that She has gone to Raw to be with her beloved husband or to have a passianate affair. Only time will tell if we see her monday night or friday night

Sharmell's profile:

Real Name: Sharmell Sullivan-Huffman
Past Gimmicks: Paisley, Nitro Girl Storm, Sharmell Sullivan, Sharmell
Nickname: Sharmell
Affiliation: WWE SMACKDOWN!
Current Title Holding: None
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Date of birth: November 2, 1974
From: Gary, Ohio
Pro debut: 1998
Trained by: WCW Power Plant, OVW
Finishing move: Scoop Slam

JL: Welcome to tonights show and boy do we have a good un'

JC: Yes Jerry this look's like it could ba a fantastic show to start off the new year

JL: Well here is our first match between Beth Pheonix and Victoria.

JC: WOW, Victoria's looking fine as always! I shall be watching this one closely as usual...

Beth Pheonix vs Victoria - Singles
The Match: Victoria hits a punch, but takes one right back. Again! A slugfest erupts in the ring! Victoria flips out of a Beth Phoenix bodyslam attempt. Phoenix takes a chop from Victoria. Phoenix reverses an irish whip...and Victoria runs into the referee! Slingshot clothesline by Victoria, who almost messed it up by slipping on the ropes. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Beth Phoenix once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Victoria takes a right hand to the temple from Phoenix. Powerslam from Beth Phoenix on Victoria. Hooks the leg for a two count. Beth Phoenix turns Victoria inside-out with a clothesline. Reminds me of Willow's 'Bored Now' skin ripping finisher. Inside joke, don't worry about it. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Victoria counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Back heel kick from Victoria on Phoenix but it misses by miles. Pin, but Phoenix is out just before the three count.
Finish: Phoenix ducks a wild right hand. Victoria is in trouble. Here it comes - Down In Flames. 1....2...3, it's finished.
Winner - Beth Pheonix
Aftermath: Victoria slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. Evidently she's had enough for one night.

JL: Not a very interesting match there but still two fine young ladies fighting it out

JC: What was the result again Jerry? I was just looking at Victoria the whole time

Segment rating 58%

JL: Well here comes Vince McMahon, lets see what he ahs to say...

Vince McMahon: As you may know I have recentley fired the two GM's of RAW and Smackdown. Well tonight arrives a new Genral Manager. Jack Teague from England! He will be running this show now and damn right he is one of the best.

*Teague comes out and shakes McMahon's hand*

JL: He look's like he meens buisness with those shades on.

JC: To be honest he looks like an idiot. But hey he may give us an interesting years wrestling.

Segment Rating 75%

JL: Well lets take a look backstage where King Booker and newly appointed RAW mangaer Queen Sharmell are talking plans.

King Booker: So what we ask him for a match and then you come out and make me win?

Queen Sharmell: Yes Booker. I shall do anything for you love. Lets win this thing.

*They both start laughing and Queen Sharmell kisses King Booker*

JL: Well looks like whatever they are up to it doesn't look good for the man involved with it.

JC: Sharmell looks so good. What she doing with a man like him?

Segment Rating 82%

JL: Now we have a match between Stevie Richards and Sylvan.

JC: Borrrrrring!! But I do hope Richards wins.

Stevie Richards vs Sylvan - Singles
The Match:
Richards slams Sylvan. Sylvan avoids a Stevie Richards avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Sylvan hits a right hand. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. High Angle DDT by Sylvan just SPIKES Stevie Richards down! Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Richards pushes out of a Sylvan hold. Flying shoulder tackle by Richards sends Sylvan CRASHING to the mat. Spinebuster by Stevie Richards. Covers for a quick two count. Powerbomb on Sylvan. Pin, but Sylvan is out just before the three count. Richards walks into a drop toe hold. Massive backbreaker on Richards and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Pin, but Richards is out just before the three count.
Finish: Richards counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Sylvan can barely stand. Stevie T! 1....2....3.
Winner - Stevie Richards
Aftermath: Stevie Richards is still in the ring celebrating. Sylvan pushes the referee away. Sylvan spins Richards around. Sylvan hits the 3 Seconds Of Fame!

JL: Well like you said Jonathon borrrring! This new GM is looking like a complete idiot at the moment with these matches.

JC: What did I tell you Jerry. He's a loser.

Segment Rating 64%

JL: Well now we have a match between CM Punk and William Reagal.

JC: God I hate Regal and his cheating ways. Hope he loses this one!

CM Punk vs William Regal - Singles
The Match:
Back suplex on Regal. William Regal just WALKS into a stiff lariat clothesline from Punk. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Implant DDT by CM Punk! I will always and forever mark out for that move. William Regal pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. William Regal snap suplexes Punk HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Regal is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Vicious back suplex! CM Punk got nailed big time! Covers for a quick two count. Regal drops an elbow...but CM Punk moves out of the way. Lightning kick by Punk on Regal. Covers for a quick two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, Regal goes down. Pin, but Regal is out just before the three count. CM Punk gets taken down out of nowhere! Punk gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Regal! William Regal gets taken down out of nowhere! Flying elbow from CM Punk connects. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down.
Finish: William Regal knocks Punk to the outside. While calling for the Power Of The Punch, CM Punk slides back in, carrying the ring bell! He swings, but William Regal avoids it and hits a kick to the gut. Regal grabs the bell and smacks CM Punk over the head with it! The referee wakes up to see Regal making the pinfall: 1....2....3!
Aftermath: Forget about it. Another referee comes running down the aisle, and points out to the first official that William Regal used the ring bell as a weapon. The referee reverses the decision! William Regal has been disqualified! William Regal goes nuts, attacking the referee! DDT! The referee is out!
Winner - CM Punk - By Disqualification

JL: What a cheat! He deserved to lose that.

JC: Look what I said before Jerry. He's a cheat and deserves to lose very match. And he is a sore loser attacking the referee that came down to rule him disqualified. Discrace!

Segment Rating 78%

JL: Here comes King Booker with Queen Sharmell. He's challenging Rey Mysterio to a fight next match. Out comes Rey Mysterio. He has accepted. WHat a match this should be!

Segment Rating 86%

JL: Here's the match then with both wrestlers in the ring but where's the referee?

JC: Here she comes it's Queen Sharmell! Oh no this is what they were planning and Mysterio could be on the end of a nasty blow here!

King Booker vs Rey Mysterio - Special Referee - Queen Sharmell
The Match:
Spin kick by Rey Mysterio to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. VICIOUS lightning kick by Mysterio on Booker. Covers for a quick two count. Booker counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. King Booker connects with rights and lefts and Rey Mysterio is down! BIG clothesline on Mysterio. There's a two count on the pin. Spear! Mysterio is down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Rey Mysterio charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Booker goes for a splash but Mysterio puts the knees up. Flying cross body off the top rope! Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Rey Mysterio. Nicely done. Pin, but Booker is out just before the three count. Hard back suplex on Booker. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64.
Finish: Rey Mysterio strikes Booker. King Booker reverses a hip toss. Booker slams Rey Mysterio down and motions to the crowd. Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. King Booker scores with a quick roll up. 1.2.3! Queen Sharmell made a lightning fast three count, Rey Mysterio had no chance to kick out.
Winner - King Booker
Aftermath: Queen Sharmell nails an unsuspecting Mysterio with a forearm to the face. Rey Mysterio is in trouble. DDT!!! That shook the ring. Queen Sharmell leaves Mysterio down on the canvas, hurt.

JL: Well King Booker and Queen Sharmell really did hammer Rey Mysterio there and these two look very deadly.

JC: Cheats never prosper! I hope Rey Mysterio smashes them both in the face with a sledgehammer!

JL: Alright Jonathon, calm down.

Segment Rating 79%

JL: Here comes the new GM Jack Teague. He says that he ahs arranged a Tag Team match between DX and Dremer & Sandman. If DX lose they are suspended!

JC: WHAT! Why the hell is he doing that. The crowd can't believe it and neither can I.

Segment Rating 65%

JL: Well here is the tag match and it should be a great one. The pressures on DX to win otherwise they are suspended.

DX vs Dreamer and Sandman - Tag Match - If DX lose they are suspended
The Match:
HHH slams Tommy Dreamer. Tommy Dreamer charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Spear! Dreamer is down! Dreamer tags out to The Sandman. HHH is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. HHH kicks The Sandman in the gut to reverse the momentum. Sandman takes a headbutt from Triple H. Tag to Shawn Michaels. DX whip Sandman into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Nice piledriver on Sandman. Front legsweep slam aka The Stroke by Shawn Michaels.
Finish: HBK tags out to Triple H. Triple H ducks a Sandman clothesline and does a quick roll up. HHH has a handful of tights! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!!
Winners - DX
Aftermath: DX remain in the ring, celebrating their victory.

JL: Well DX will not be suspended and have shown the new GM that they meen buisness in the ring!

Segment Rating 80%

JL: Well here comes the GM after that match. Out from the back comes Tommy Dreamer, who hits the ring and attacks. Tommy Dreamer moves in for the kill. Spicolli Driver! After playing to the crowd for a while, Dreamer heads toward the back. Jack Teague gets up slowly, and takes the microphone. He tells Dreamer that he is suspended. Tommy Dreamer runs back into the ring and beats up Jack some more, before leaving through the crowd. Teague certainly got some beating there!

Segment rating 69%

JL: Well that's it Jonathon. What did you think of tonights show?

JC: One word, CRAP! Goodnight.

Overall Show Rating - 72%
TV Rating - 6.34
Attendence - 9040 people.
Ticket Sales - $361,600
Nice show there, trev. Try to use people with more charisma in angles and interviews, so as to get more ratings.
the cm punk/regal match was good i liked that, quite a good show trev

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