Review Review for IC 2010 in comparison to AC09

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Why threaten people with the mods with legal action if they didn't un ban you? then From your rash judgment, because I happen to know the name of something and a bit of background knowledge it means I came up with it, or have suffered from it!

I don't think 'threaten' is an appropriate term. Whilst defamatory statements on talkboards may escape the definition given the use of pseudonyms, those who administer (or own) talkboards are aware that actually banning someone on a false (and unprovable) premise may be an official slur on someone's character.

There's no need to get so defensive about the disorder, I was pulling your leg, but I am sorry if that hurt. Remember, if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
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The kitchen is the place for women, I would never be in there in the first place.

1) So why are all the best chefs men ?

2) You obviously spend your time alone in the bedroom.

3) Do you not think that many women might find that a little offensive ?
1) So why are all the best chefs men ?

2) You obviously spend your time alone in the bedroom.

3) Do you not think that many women might find that a little offensive ?

1) Cos men know how to do everything best.

2) Apart from my upper class french girlfriend, yes me and palmla handerson to happen to meet quite frequently.

3) In the words of the finest, 'am i bovverredd?'
1) Cos men know how to do everything best.

2) Apart from my upper class french girlfriend, yes me and palmla handerson to happen to meet quite frequently.

3) In the words of the finest, 'am i bovverredd?'

Trying to be Ali G a decade after his heyday doesn't quite cut it.
Trying to be Ali G a decade after his heyday doesn't quite cut it.

I'm fairly sure Catherine Tate is much more this decade. Surprised you and your high class snobby self even know who Ali G is. Or, did you happen to attend university with him?
Bubbly Jubbs, I disagree with you on what you are saying about this game being a bad patch of AC09.
i do not have the game yet, but I do know for a fact that IC10 has plenty of features that makes this a game and not a patch.
- New custom tournaments
- New squads for all teams
- Much much inproved AI
- Action cam (I know you say this feature is horrendous, but most people that have this game says it's a great feature)
- Power stick
- New kitbag items
- Improved edges
- Improved bounce on the pitches
- Improved field settings
- New Online system that eliminates quitters.

That's all I can think off right now, but this is enough new features to make a game and not a patch.
+ You are also saying that they had a year to make this game. Well, I think they only had half a year to make this game because Transmission games went bank coruppt and became Trickstar games about half a year after the release of AC09.

I can't say anything about how enjoyable the game is though as I have not played it, but one thing is for sure.
This game has so many new features from the previous release that it is worthy to be called a game.

Kaushal added 4 Minutes and 52 Seconds later...

BTW Bubbly Jubbs, what university did you go to? Just curious.

Of course you disagree with me, pet, it really counts when you haven't even got the game. If they only had half a year, why did they even release a game now, just as half-baked as the effort the previous year ? As I understand it, they were going to release a patch last year, so no, they had a whole year and a number of those at Transmission were at Trickstar.

They new features, in general, suck.

Bubblyjubbly added 0 Minutes and 54 Seconds later...

I'm fairly sure Catherine Tate is much more this decade. Surprised you and your high class snobby self even know who Ali G is. Or, did you happen to attend university with him?

I did as a matter of fact, he was two years above me and at a different college.
Ahh so you're a self proclaimed oxfordite? Very nice young esquire.
I'm not comparing the genres, I was concerned with sales potential. Many on here seem to be preoccupied with the fact that a cricket game must be third-rate because realtively few people are interested in the sport - my contention is that the sport already has a fan base, before release, that other games do not.
Well, you were comparing it to several different RPG/FPS so I assumed you expected a cricket game to be on the same level of quality. I haven't seen anyone mention that people aren't interested in the sport--quite the opposite. Most people have suggested that the markets that are most interested in the sport are quite unfortunately also the smallest ones for the game to be successful in. The only reason for that is price--both of the game and of the console. This will change as the middle class emerges, but things will definitely take precedence over purchase a video game console. Things like better houses, better food, better clothes--in short things that are actually pertinent to everyday life.

My point with regards to the comparison with other genres was that a genre such as RPG games or FPS games are not marketed on a per-game basis but a per genre basis. There have obviously been a few series' that have built up popularity (such as Call of Duty or GTA) but by and far we see single games with interesting storylines and quality graphic-work. It may be useful to think of it as analogous to comparing a sports magazine with a novel. A sports magazine comes out regularly and the content and writing style are quite hampered. Yet, people may subscribe to keep in touch with the latest news. Comparatively, novels are one time affairs with no precedent set.

What I'm basically saying is that you can't hold an RPG's popularity despite having a preset fanbase as a reason for cricket games to be really, really good because a fanbase already exists. Cricket games can be compared to other sports games, however, and in that regard they have been below the curve for a while, which is why I stopped buying them (especially when they required me to buy a console for which I have no need).

You may, or may not, be correct about the spending power of Indians. The issue I was making is that they have no truck in buying the latest mobile phones for example; another gadget, albeit of the luxury kind would be well within the price range of many.
Again, I think you're not looking at the correct market-space. Those who buy high-end phones are not necessarily in the middle class. Furthermore, those who buy high-end phones are probably adults, and the culture of gaming as an adult in India is just taking off now. Furthermore, most high-end phones in India are purchased via the black-market which is why the prices adjust based on supply and demand. Finally, there is the whole aspect of India not being a consumerist economy (although this is changing). Many purchases are carefully evaluated based on need, and a high-end cell phone would go a long way in increasing work productivity, compared with an Xbox360/PS3 which is purely for entertainment.

If any high-quality cricket game is to be produced, releasing it on PC is a must, although piracy is a concern.
Piracy is the concern that has driven games off the PC in the first place. Quite simply, the only way they will be able to succeed in the Indian markets is by slashing prices, stamping out piracy or waiting a few more years until the middle class has ready access to and demand for high-end technological devices. It appears that most companies have chosen the last of these three options since the second is impossible and the first would interfere with their bottom line.

As I stated, even if the proportion of those considered middle class is low, there will be a hell of a lot of them. Having been to that part of the world, I can say that is truly the case.
I've lived in India for a little less than 50% of my life, in North America 25% and elsewhere in Asia for the other 25%. Without a seed of doubt, there's no arguing that the North American middle class has the most consumerist society of the 4 countries I've lived in (I don't intend to suggest that this is a bad thing). The reason for this is straightforward--the measure of middle class is relative to the purchasing power parity of a given country. Essentially, it's comparing how far a rupee will take you in India to how far a dollar will take you to the US (this is of course a simplification). The problem here is that the Xbox360/PS3 and their associated games are all imported goods. In essence, we are now trying to measure how far a rupee will take you in the US or in Japan, which is quite a bit less than how far it would take you in India.

I agree about the difference between a good programmer and a cheap one. The difference in India is that a good one will, in relative terms, be cheap and that is an advantage. Whether or not this Trine game is real remains to be seen, but would be a step in the right direction if that was the case.
It is an advantage if you assume that all the good programmers will stay behind in India to work for less money. Demand for a better job and a better salary must be played into this equation as well. There's also the related idea of whether the educational system in India really prepares potential computer scientists to creatively attempt to start a game studio. There are no large Indian game studios to my knowledge, which means that we are looking at mainly start-ups. While start-ups can have obscenely low operating costs, you'll be sacrificing quite a lot in return.

I think many North American Asians expats are somewhat confused, not assimilated and, in my experience, do love cricket in many cases, not so much the Indians, but that Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans.
When I moved to the US for college, I'd say the overwhelmingly large percentage of cricket fans were people in my shoes--first-generation visitors. Of the second generation friends of Indian subcontinent-origin I had, only a handful were even interested in watching cricket, let alone play it. This is of course something that will differ from nuclear family to family, but in my experience, the vast majority of second-generation immigrants of Indian-origin were far more interested in American sports than in cricket (my conclusion is based on a spectrum of nationalities as well--Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan and even a lone Bangladeshi).
For someone who is pretending to avoid personal insults you're not doing a very good job. Every time you toss one out it makes it look like you think you're back in the playground. Grow up.

Already addressed.

Haven't played extensively but haven't noticed this.

That's cosmetic and hardly counts as getting worse.

Don't agree. Rather than make me prove a negative perhaps you could provide two gameplay videos of both games for comparison.

It's an optional extra - don't use it. Agree that it makes it hard to judge the line but assumed that would become easier as I got used to it.

I don't get all this stuff about unresponsiveness. You mean delayed reactions or what? Not noticed it myself.

If you mean setting yourself and moving at the crease they haven't. Not sure what you mean otherwise.

Too many of the bowlers are the same pace but that can be fixed with changing their style to MF or M. I've actually found slower balls to be less effective than in AC09.

Haven't tried upper-cutting for 6 - will give it a go. I've not experienced any perfectly timed ground strokes being caught yet, unlike AC09, but I tend to aim for the larger gaps.

Agree about the pitched-up balls/yorkers. Too easy to bowl and too powerful. Still some strange hoiks across the line in there too. Have found timing in general to be fine though.

I've not enjoyed online so far. Dodgy fields, yorker merchants and loads of last minute reticule movement. On the other hand AC09 was weighted too far towards the bowlers. Not sure how you avoid that online tbh. Can't see how any cricket game can implement it successfully.

I'm guilty of getting involved in this too but this thread does not make pleasant reading - as kenpat said a few pages ago. Please address only the game issues and not the personal issues.

Hey Princess, it's not as if you're whiter than white when it comes to innuendo and sarcasm, insults are something else as you should know. But given that you have taken the moral highground, why don't you grow up or, as I rather suspect, grow.

1) Done
2) You haven't played the game extensively. I notices this in five minutes - had a trip to Specsavers recently ?
3) It does matter, graphics are a very important part of current generation games and their rating by almost all critics. I didn't say EVERY aspect was worse btw - but feel free to invent a straw man when it suits.
4) Like I said, Specsavers.
5) I don't use it, but it makes yorker length deliveries incredibly easy to hit. The online version seems rather easy in this mode. If this is just a cosmetic optional extra, why have it and why not concentrate on the game's core areas instead ?
6) The controls do not allow you to move anywhere near quick enough to make this a worthwhile addition.
7) They have, you are now using the analogue sticks only.
8) That's because you aren't very good at using them. What's the point of changing the bowling style, that should be part of the game.
9) ActionCam makes spanking yorkers quite easy.
10 Agree, online is pretty poor, but that is largely down to the changes in the game.

Yes, address the game, not the personal issues and take your own advice - practice what you preach and preach to the others if you want to be seen as neutral.

Bubblyjubbly added 0 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

Ahh I see.. okay. Mark the 'blues clues' gave it away.

I don't think 'threaten' is an appropriate term. Whilst defamatory statements on talkboards may escape the definition given the use of pseudonyms, those who administer (or own) talkboards are aware that actually banning someone on a false (and unprovable) premise may be an official slur on someone's character.
Glancing at the U.S. code and related case law, I think you'd be hard-pressed to prove that your character had been defamed and that you suffered damages as a result of it. Furthermore, the terms and conditions you agreed to when registering on this forum, while not a legal contract, serves to protect us from legal action.

I, of course, am not a lawyer so you may well have a case if you really have the time, money and desire.
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