7/11 Mumbai shocked with serial train bomb-blasts

Brett_Lee said:
Poor people in india i send my sympathy to you. RIP MUMBAI :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Now as manee said

Now im not saying that australia will be bombed but the melbourne cup is on the 7th of November (aka 7/11) so do you think there might be one there guys?

Also videos of the incident are {likewise for videos - Ritwik}
Australia is relatively quiet in terms of world politics. Its the States, UK (EU), India that are active, especially in terms of counter-terrorism, economical and (even nuclear) relationships with each other. Most of them are democracies as well, so they can be targetted, quite easily actually.

It is indeed very sad. But personally I hate the term "Muslim Extremists/Terrorists".Terror is never related to any religion.They are some sick mind who mix the two for their own good.The teachings of all religions point towards love to human race but these have been mangled by these people.The people who died were simple, hardworking people, they were civillians.Terrorism is a war against common people.
well said!
All religions are equal, but the problem is they can interpreted from our own point of view. That is the problem, with all the superstitions and acts such as terrorism.

This is an attempt to slow India`s economic progress.
India has just been included in the world`s 15 most wealthiest nations in 2005 .
not by any means. Mumbai indeed is the financial capital, but vast amount of Indian economy is from other parts, cities. Mumbai is just the headquarters for few important offices of interest.

There should be many reasons for the bombing.
Disrupting daily life isn't a normal thing, there's a lot of problems involved. This can easily turn into a communal riots.

The main idea is to put fear in people's hearts, try to dominate the minds and attacking points of value/interest is the obvious option for terrorists.

A united nation will be stronger, but when terror and other attacks strike, people go helter-skelter, there isn't that strongness anymore.

But their main idea is not to slow Indian progress, rather to STOP the progress.
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It is a horrible method that the terrorists use to gain attention. We must honor the dead, yet if we do, they get the attention they dont deserve.

If we ignore the terrorists, they will not have won in gaining attention. But many dead will go unhonored and lessons will not be learnt.

The first is obviously the one the world chooses. Yet it is still a horrible way to go.

terrorists are not just looking for attention, thats more like a by-product. They want to cripple the nation(s) that don't believe in their theories, and they'll go any far to accomplish their "tasks".
This is an attempt to slow India`s economic progress.
India has just been included in the world`s 15 most wealthiest nations in 2005 .

It's classed as the 11th poorest country in the world according to the World Bank in my World Factbook correct as of 2006.
Sureshot said:
It's classed as the 11th poorest country in the world according to the World Bank in my World Factbook correct as of 2006.
you've got it wrong.

India is the fourth largest economy in the world (about $3.6 or more trillium dollars) interms of PPP (purchasing power parity). US, Japan, China, India and Germany are the top 5.

Its per-capita is not very high.

You can check the list of heavily indebted countries here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavily_Indebted_Poor_Countries

If you are talking about per-captia income, then check the list here...its updated as of April 2006


India has a per-capita of $3,344, which is low but having a look at the population, it makes sense. China, with a higher pop. has a per-capita income of $7,200~. Its slightly higher because of their tremendous improvements in their economy over the last two decades. India has opened its markets only in the last decade or so, and considering that, its a big improvement.

A look at the nominal GDP will show you India at 12th place, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28nominal%29.

Both China and India are the top two fastest growing one's, one with a 10% and more growth rate for China, and a 8% for India.

China will be dominating the proceedings for the next few decades, and will overtake US by 2050. This is interms of regular GDP, not PPP.


You might want to check your book again. :cool:

So affecting the economy is part of their plans. A weakened economy will be a weakened country, by all means.

But one attack cant' do too much damage, looking at the over all picture.
Sureshot said:
It's classed as the 11th poorest country in the world according to the World Bank in my World Factbook correct as of 2006.
India 12th wealthiest nation in 2005, says World Bank

India 12th wealthiest nation in 2005, says World Bank

Saturday, July 08, 2006 21:42 IST

: India has emerged as the 12th wealthiest nation in the world with its GDP touching 785.47 billion dollars or Rs 35,34,615 crore in 2005, calculated by the World Bank.

US was the wealthiet nation with GDP of 12.46 trillion dollars, according to a list of 15 wealthiest countries prepared by the World Bank in terms of their gross domestic product.

The GDP figures have been adjusted to reflect purchasing power.

While India was way down compared to China, positioned fourth with 2.23 trillion dollars of GDP, it was wealthier than Mexico, Russia and Australia.

The first nine countries had GDP of more than a trillion dollars.

The United States was followed by Japan with 4.51 trillion dollars and Germany 2.78 trillion dollars.

Britain, France and Italy occupied fifth, sixth and seventh ranks with GDP of 2.19 trillion dollars, 2.11 trillion dollars and 1.72 trillion dollars, respectively.

Next came Spain, Canada, Brazil and South Korea with their GDP estimated at 1.124 trillion dollars, 1.115 trillion dollars, 794.10 billion dollars and 787.62 billion dollars, respectively.

There was no African country among the 15 richest nations, while India was the only south Asian country in the list.
Source : DNA India

Just shows why India is now a huge target for terrorists.
Also, the growing relationships with the U.S is not helping in any way (as th terrorists feel that any nation who has ties with the U.S are against their religion)
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yep, thats what i meant..in terms of GDP (nominal). I'm not expert but i do understand that an increase in 7.5% should increase the GDP past 800 billion mark.

India has named the terror suspects and also detained about 400 people.

Hey, why not change the title of this thread to Terrorism or something else, so we can discuss all aspects of it.
cricket_lover said:
Hey, why not change the title of this thread to Terrorism or something else, so we can discuss all aspects of it.
Since any discussion about terrorism would be incomplete without religious discussions.

Just shows why India is now a huge target for terrorists.
Also, the growing relationships with the U.S is not helping in any way (as th terrorists feel that any nation who has ties with the U.S are against their religion)
Let me reiterate that India has been a target of religious terrorists for a much longer time than the US. So friendship with the US may be the reason for Britain and Spain being bombed, but certainly not for India. The kashmir issue is the reason for frequent terrorist attacks against India.

cricket_lover said:
But their main idea is not to slow Indian progress, rather to STOP the progress.
Although your argument has its merits, it seems that the latest terrorist strikes in Mumbai and Srinagar were carried out to deflect the world's attention from the farcical "elections" held in the Pakistani part of Kashmir on the same day. Parties and candidates for an independent Kashmir were not allowed to contest, no non-muslims were allowed to contest and voter turnout was 5%.

Democracy, military-junta style for you!
Ritwik said:
Although your arugment has its merits, it seems that the latest terrorist strikes in Mumbai and Srinagar were carried out to deflect the world's attention from the farcical "elections" held in the Pakistani part of Kashmir on the same day. Parties and candidates for an independent Kashmir were not allowed to contest, no non-muslims were allowed to contest and voter turnout was 5%.

Democracy, military-junta style for you!
true, and also the new "Qaeda militant group in J/K" has been formed, just two days after the attack.

But your point would make sense with the POV of Srinagar attack. Mumbai attack is a different issue. Its raising mass hysteria, or fear among the population, making it easier for the "jihadi militants" to carry out their tasks. Whats a better place than the Western Railway in Mumbai?
The reason they chose Mumbai was because they guessed (correctly) that an attack in Mumbai will receive far greater coverage in the world than grenade attacks in Srinagar. Remember, the idea was to deflect the world's attention, most notably the media in the United States.
Yeh sorry about that lads mis-read the book.

The passage I mis-read actually reads.

"While it ranked 11th in total gross national product in 2004, it's per capita GNP of US$440 placed it among the world's poorer countries."

Apologies, completely mis-read that! Rather mebarrasing.
Sureshot said:
Yeh sorry about that lads mis-read the book.

The passage I mis-read actually reads.

"While it ranked 11th in total gross national product in 2004, it's per capita GNP of US$440 placed it among the world's poorer countries."

Apologies, completely mis-read that! Rather mebarrasing.
Also, that's GNP, which means there's a fair bit of money there that won't even be seeing India.
I hope gamerkid you dont mind posting this news in your thread.

Karachi On High Alert After Suicide Bomb Attack :(

KARACHI: Central MMA leader Allama Hussan Turabi, his nephew Ali and the suicide bomber were killed and three others were wounded in suicide bomb attack at Abul Hassan Isphahani Road at Gulshan-e-Iqbal Town on Friday.

Injured Allama Turabi was critically injured and succumbed to injuries at Patel hospital.

from geo.tv
well, lets see, 9/11 in USA, 3 Blasts in new delhi just before Diwali, and again in delhi on releasing of a movie, now the mumbai train blasts. This is sick.
I hope everyone at pc is safe
Kshitiz_Indian said:
well, lets see, 9/11 in USA, 3 Blasts in new delhi just before Diwali, and again in delhi on releasing of a movie, now the mumbai train blasts. This is sick.
I hope everyone at pc is safe

Lets also include the Parliament attack in December 2001 in New Delhi, the Madrid bombings, hostage-crisis in Russia, blasts in chechnya and 7/7 blasts in London last year. Plus countless acts of terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.

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