A more a positive DBC 17 review

the person

School Cricketer
Jun 30, 2014
Online Cricket Games Owned
So I'm not gonna lie I'm not one of those guys who bought this game first day I waited two weeks for it to be playable and then got it and I have to say I am atleast somewhat impressed.The game has crashed twice in two days which isn't bad compared to what others have experienced ,as for the game it self I have to say the graphics have been improved a decent bit ,I saw someone say it's like early PS3 graphics which is actually insane,I guess slot of people who got the game at launch saw the Players Big Ant made themselves but if you put effort into it ,players look a lot better.Even in game the players don't look too bad -3/5

The game plays fine and smooth ,batting needs to be ironed out quite a bit however,there's only a few places you can put the ball but I can see Big Ant fixing that soon,the main problem with gameplay is that the opponents fielding isn't at all consistent they fumble chances alot like ALOT,way too much unless youre playing against Pakistan,but they'll also take amazing diving catches,it needs to be fixed .Bowling is much more fun than batting just like in the last game but the bowling has had a MASSIVE overhaul and is even more fun than last time.Im sorry but I tweaking love the bowling ,Big Ant if you're reading this Hats off to you for the bowling.Overall gameplay wise I'd give it a decent 4/5 The batting isn't too great but it's still fun ,AI fielding sucks and needs to be considerably imorived but they get bonus points for how tweaking amazing the bowling.

Presentation wise I love this game it's a major major improvement from DBC 14 ,I really hated the way DBC 14 felt and looked,it was so do bland ,but I love the way this game looks and feels-weather is way more dynamic and makes it look much better.There are way too many for me to dissect but I'll give it a great 5/5

Now comes the big one -Game modes,theyve been hugely improved this time. Career looks and plays alot better ,but you can't do much more either than look around,you can however now play through literally every countries leagues(seriously I played like 5 seasons rejecting every team with an 11 team Zimbabwean first class league with 11 different Zimbabwean stadiums.).You can now also play World cups in career ,Competitions and tours are more or less the same except harder to customise.Solid 4/5 here

I should add that it's some getting used to for someone who likes to play about 2 hours a day,this game isn't for you but for someone who wants to put hours and hours into it this game works decently.
In total I give it an 8/10 it's a worthy successor to DBC 14 but not much else
Well 8/10 seems a tad OTT after everyone's reviews and issues. But since I haven't played the game myself I can really agree or disagree with anybody's review. The review is a welcome change and glad somebody is enjoying the game.
I think that this game eventually will be an 8 out 10, but right now ill have to disagree.
Well done on the Review - unfortunate with all the spelling mistakes and short hand we spent more time working out what you were saying than we would playing a test match on DBC17.

I completely agree with you that this game is a 8/10 - I have had minimal issues since downloading it from PSN Store and everything seems to be working pretty well taking everything into consideration. And truthfully if people looked through these forums before jumping on the bandwagon of 'this game doesn't work', 'I want my money back', 'waa waa waa' they would find the answers and be able to fix them pretty quickly.

For me I have Patch #2 and proper kits / logos and have played every game mode available with no crashes. The only time I had any crash was when I was manually trying to edit downloaded team logos.

Are there improvements that can be made? Sure. But for now do believe that 8/10 is a very fair score.
I would say that this game is a 3 out of 10 if you want to be super supportive.....and probably 0 out of 10 if you want to be really critical.

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