Will FIFA 10 be the best football game going around?

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Trailer looked awesome, made me go play FIFA 09 and for some reason I had probably the best and most enjoyable game I've ever played. Will probably get this pretty soon after it comes out, especially if the reviews on the gameplay are good.
Face mapping with the Xbox vision camera. FINALLY.

Will get PES and FIFA as usual just like I do every year. For the first time in a long time i've been genuinely impressed by a FIFA trailer and I can't wait for this one.
I was playing PES5 the other day. :laugh

I'd imagine EA would implement the camera as well as the EA Sports World thing too. They did it with FNR4 and Tiger Woods 10 so it'd be odd if they didn't put it in FIFA.

Loved seeing a bit of Everton and our new home strip in that trailer. Apparently one of the future TV adverts for FIFA 10 involves Tim Cahill and Theo Walcott which I find odd, given that Tiny Tim isn't a cover face. Unless he's on thr Australian version.

evertonfan added 3 Minutes and 54 Seconds later...

Oh yeah and in 50 seconds into that video did anybody else notice that Rooney had one of this skin tight long sleeve shirts underneath his Utd shirt? Call me pedantic, but it's the little differences like this that I appreciate in football games. It's not much, but it just adds to the whole realism of the title.
Hope they have a few more stadiums as well in the EPL and also one or two from the A-League
Am seriously drooling at the prospect of myself in the game. They best put better hairstyles in. Cos if the hair don't do my face justice, I'm sending it back for a full refund :D
Am seriously drooling at the prospect of myself in the game. They best put better hairstyles in. Cos if the hair don't do my face justice, I'm sending it back for a full refund :D
Agreed, FIFA have never been able to capture truly good hair, it's their biggest flaw :D
So I'm pretty sure they'll be releasing a few DLC's after the release for extra stadiums, kits etc. Hope it's free:)
Yeah that's what I think. They're releasing Real Madrid's stadium for free so maybe this could sucker people in?
I think FIFA 09 was pretty mucht he best game of console football there's ever been so there isn't really too much more we need. But I do want is a more in depth player editor (I want the virtual me to be as beautiful as the real me) with more boots and stuff to play with. Yes I know that is a superficial thing to want but as I said, there isn't really that much too improve. Besides, with alpl the licensing FIFA has you'd think it wouldn't be too hard to throw in a load more official merchandise.

Oh yeah and I want a licensed face for Jack Rodwell. He's awesome.

Well there will be Photo Game Face so we can all witness the *Beautiful* Virtual You

CCCakumbra added 5 Minutes and 43 Seconds later...

I think it will be a good game, but on the poll I voted "Will have to wait for release" because PES5 still owns every other football game ever made by a long long way (in terms of 1v1 and against the AI) and i'm still not sure FIFA 10 will be up there with it.
I would have rated PES6 higher than PES5!?
EA are letting people buy "boosts" for their Virtual Pro, to increase stats for 1-20 games... That's a joke and gives people a very unfair advantage in Clubs. It's not a game killer but I really hope this isn't the start of a trend where all sorts of cheats become available officially for purchase from EA.

Assisted controls are cheating enough, without having boosted stats as well!
A lot of people rate PES6 as the best one, but for me PES5 was just a brilliant all round game - it had the balance between defence and attack just right, I think PES6 favoured attacking too much (especially quick/skilled players). There's loads of other reasons why i'd rate PES5 above 6 but I won't go over them all

It's very close between PES 5/6, but one of them is the best game of the series, that's for sure. Went downhill after that, especially in PES 09.

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