For Firefox lovers!

IloveGilly said:
Finally decided to try and get a new firewall but damn, I've never loved Mozilla so much!

I've got:
- Sidebar tool

Seriously this pwns.

Where did you get that 'sidebar'? Plz post the link to that extension!
Syl i just download this, the theme is quite good but what is annoying me is that now when i press Alt + S to Post Reply it opens the History tab which it before didnt :mad:!
It takes the feed from cricinfo, you can also set how often it updates, so it should be as fast as cricinfo.
Thats probably about as fast as cricinfo then ;) If you want it faster than every minute you should probably be watching a live feed thus making it redundant.

I've now got so many extensions installed in my status bar, If I expand them they dont fit onscreen!

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