You know the RE paper? Well for the question about women ministers I went down the sexist route and just put;

"Because men are, and always have been, the dominant species"
A* or F depending on what sex examiner you get. He who dares wins eh, good risk ;)
You know the RE paper? Well for the question about women ministers I went down the sexist route and just put;

"Because men are, and always have been, the dominant species"

HAHAHAH so true EF... i agree A*

R.E one was easy.. i dragged on about my views keeping in mind the oppositions views and that...

Man just done Sci paper 2 and i was worried it might be harder than 1st one but Oh man was it easy... rinsed it totally.. i am expecting A* for sci hopefully...

yeah Science 2 was way easier than the 1st one...finished like 15-20 minutes before full time...oh and i am FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE...no studies for 3 months...woooooooooooo...
History tomorrow then one more set of Science modules then Im free also :D.
Business Studies and History tomorrow. Physics, French Reading and writing on Friday and then I'm done.
History paper 2 tomorrow and then I can get back on the underage Bacardi and Coke's and start going to gigs again. ;)

I had a Science Applied Modular on Wednesday, that went OK, quite a short paper, only 10 pages. I'm more worried about my Science Core Modular on Monday, revision over the weekend me thinks.:(
I'M FREE!!!!!!!!

That History paper was easy. I answered the question about America's racial quota issues and Hyperinflation and the Weimar Republic in Germany.

I am a very relieved man right now. 29th June is my enrollment meeting for my college, that's just to check that I haven't died since I signed up though.
Oh man, you guys are gunna die at enrollment, its the most boring thing you've ever been to, and ive been to about 4 differnt college with mates to enroll and they've all been the same!

But college is god awesome!
i wanna choose my subjects after my results but oh well

I did USSR 1914 - 1941 and USA talking about the depression. I finished 15 minutes early and then i fell asleep. i was sooo tired throughout the exam. i started dreaming and the woke up

Business was easy. I finished 45 mins early as it was very short and checked for 10 minutes and fell asleep again!
Really, my GCSE results don't matter much so there is a tendency to not care about it, which I tried to avoid. I've already got a guaranteed place for college. The unis will look at the 5 A levels I'll do and not really the GCSEs, though they may be useful if and when I apply for top unis.
Really, my GCSE results don't matter much so there is a tendency to not care about it, which I tried to avoid. I've already got a guaranteed place for college. The unis will look at the 5 A levels I'll do and not really the GCSEs, though they may be useful if and when I apply for top unis.

The main aim of GCSE's is so that everyone can leave school with some kind of qualification. In the case of those wishing to go onto Sixth Form , GCSE's are the qualification, if you like, that you require to get into Sxith Form, usually 5 A*- C grades or more.

However, when it comes round to apply for Universities, because of the superior educational nature of A-Levels Universities are bound to look at those rather than your GCSE's. Essentially your GCSE's mean nothing once your into Sixth Form, just like your SATS in year 6 mean nothing once your in High School, and your SATS in year 9 mean nothing once you have taken your options and been placed in your according sets.
I got an F on my Geography coursework. How much do you have to do? I worked for flaming hours on that!! Argh!! Now I have to do at least 80% on the exam or I don't get the "C" I want.

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