General Questions Thread


Chairman of Selectors
Apr 25, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned
Do you have no idea how to run your team? Is your knowledge of Battrick as good as a piece of cheese? Or are you just looking for some general help?

If the answer is 'yes' to any of these questions than you have come to the right place.

I myself am a noob and was wondering if some of the more experienced members could come in this thread and answers any questions on who to play or what to do in your financial situation?

So, ask away! (And hopefully someone will actually answer some of them :D)
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Well I'm going to be dropped to Div 5 so should I reconfig my stadium or should I be leaving it next season?
Got 500 club members more than likely going to drop below that by the end of the season.
are you filling out now?

its best to upgrade when you start filling it, you should win a lot in V so you will probably need to upgrade during next season
You should upgrade when you are getting full houses, and preferrably before a home game and as soon as possible in a season.
No point upgrading it if you're likely to lose games for the rest of the season. Wait until next year, wait until you've filled it twice in a row (probably indicates you've strung some wins together), then upgrade it.
Okay. I have a problem on what pitch to pick. My opening bowlers always get smashed and sometimes my other bowlers contain the batsmen. My batsmen hardly make or post good scores so the question is - what pitch type should I use? Something that gives my bowlers a chance but my batsmen can make good scores on it. What would you recommend?
I have the exact same problem. I've just gone for a spinners pitch dusty in my case. I brought 3 component spinners not the greatest consistency but gives me an advantage over teams that don't have good spinners. Hasn't worked out too well though but I can't see any other way out of this.
Depends on your bowling attack.

If it is based mostly around M bowlers, Green
Spinners, Dusty
FM/F, Hard and Fast
Bowling with high consistency, Cracked/Uneven
Good overall bowling, Slow
Flat or Hard and Fast for a good batting side.

I use a green to support Rudi and Crouch, and FMs like Folkes do okay too. My spinners are great, hence they can perform well on a green. Otherwise I would play a slow or cracked/uneven pitch.
So is that means green pitch have no much effect for Fast and fast medium bowlers like they have for medium bowlers?
They do. They are better on Greens than spinners. But if you have mainly FMs and Fs, Hard and Fast (With poor batting) or Cracked/Uneven (With good batting) would be better in my opinion...
So I should go with hard and fast if my batting is poor and my bowling is getting beaten around the park?

@ Aus I have proficient spinner :p
I would try a spinners pitch then as that spinner should be able to cause problems. Get another 2 good spinners and 3 spin their attack out!
It is ironic cause today I played on a Cracked (I think) pitch and my spinner picked up 3 wickets. He is extremely economcial but he hardly takes wickets wich is annyoing.
Cracked might be better for you, if you want to carry only one spinner.
It is hard to say which pitch you should use, I need to now exactly how good your batters are and how good your bowlers are. It took me quite a while to settle on Green for my pitch, once all my player buying and developing was done. I used to use Slow, but found Green would be a better choice.

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